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About Shatter_Dreamz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Shatter_Dreamz

    Pending Update: Build

    Logging in Unconscious for 5 minutes glitch going to be fixed?
  2. Shatter_Dreamz

    Bandits: Law and Order.

    There is no law & order in this game. Period...There is no Ordinances, Writ-in Law,Parliament, Circuit Judge, Jury, Lawyer, Police...You Cant enforce law in a lawless land.
  3. Shatter_Dreamz

    Nothing Is Forever...

    I have had a blast playing this mod, I have actually dreamed of a game like this, Open world, zombies, survival. Simply fantastic, Great Job Rocket & support staff. Because there is no ending, "I" must chose when it ends. I'm not calling for an ending, Im just saying the player must come to the conclusion at some juncture when to "walk away". It's no offence to anyone... Just like the top athletes, actors, etc. etc. I'm going to go out on a high note. I'm not gonna go out with losing everything I'v worked so hard to obtain. No one will ever get my 0.27% loot dropped equipment... In a simple discussion with my friend, We kinda figured that the "then what?" factor is starting to rear its ugly head in this game. I got my gear, plenty of food, safety in the woods...'then what?' Should I build a fort in the middle of the woods, safe, with beans & water behind the sandbag walls? Well, if that sounds boring to you... that's because it is, but by default that's the absolute goal...survival. Are we worried about the days of survival count? Or Gear?? People are more worried about gear than any survival day count. By this games own account, All I really need as a decent rifle, food and water, place of safety. Which I have done, and then some. Unfortunately, vast amounts of this community don't care about survival days and more about gear... So just like in the ending of the Mad Max series, " And the road warrior, that's the last we ever saw of him..."
  4. Shatter_Dreamz

    art of eXecution looking for more bandits.

    Hey Rim, Ill join up with ya, Ill PM you with character info, Also I have a 10 slot TS server...
  5. Shatter_Dreamz

    Stuck in debug forest with good gear

    This bug really needs attention, I agree with you guys, And I truly sympathize with ya, the past 2 nights in a row I have been spawned in the debug hill/grass lands...Very disruptive to any kind of testing, I don't want to hear another smart ass remark about "re-spawn/start over" I have no problem re-spawning and heading back to testing, but when it's constantly happening the contiguity of the testing process becomes futile. Its very frustrating, But its all within the boundrys of a beta & testing. Please, Fix the reported pitfall bug.
  6. Shatter_Dreamz

    Wilderness Spawn

    I just had a wilderness spawn 2 days in a row, miles of endless rolling hills.....Its defeating the purpose of logging in a trying to gather equipment if this is gonna continue to happen.