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About Thundertom

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  1. Thundertom

    Do small protector cases get ruined?

    I've had both the case and the content ruined in a firefight, which sucked, because my bandages were in there, so I bled to death, lol.
  2. Thundertom

    Your first murder

    Vice versa story here. I'm on my 10th or so spawn, on a low pop server (10 or so people) and have been scavenging small towns, just admiring the game, slaying some Z with my fireaxe. Haven't encountered many people yet, just near the spawn point and they made no attempt at killing me, other than that it's pretty quiet. I come across this town, I guess it was Staroye and notice this street sign that says "Elektro, 4 kms that way". Now, I read these forums and know that Elektro is pretty much the place to be. Loads of stuff happening, and all my characters so far have only been to either small towns or the NW airport, so being so close I was very exited to go there. As I approach the city coming from the hills, I already spot 2 players running in and out of buildings. I sneak into the city through the power plant, and spot a lone wolf. I decide not to make contact. I am after all unarmed, apart from my axe. As i approach a school building and walk around the lower floor a bit, I suddenly hear footsteps. My heart is racing at this point, so I go into one of the rooms and hide behind a few boxes for a couple of minutes. Not moving at all, as I fear my footsteps would attract their attention. One guy passes the room I'm in, doesn't see me, and walks out the front door. But the footsteps are still there, so there must be more. My heart is making summersaults now. The guy comes back, goes upstairs and I hear a gunshot and a few seconds after it I hear a lot of loading and reloading of guns. I can only assume they killed someone and looted his corpse. Now another guy comes down, and the first guy is with him. The guy passes the room a few times, doesn't go in. I don't even dare to go prone at this point, because I'm not sure if that makes any noise or not. They stand in front of the room, and I think they must have spotted me through the window, because they walk back and forth through the hallway and keep looking with their guns drawn. I figured I'm busted, so I stand up, and attempt to raise my hands in the air. I don't have much to loose, my gear is shite and all I have regarding weaponry is an axe and a badly damaged Atlas Tripod. But, being the noob I am, I pressed taunt instead of I surrender, swiftly followed by the "You are dead" message.
  3. Thundertom

    Looting dead players

    I recently came across a dead player, not by my hands fyi, which clearly was carrying a Mosin, Fire axe and one of them large backpacks. When I tried to loot it, but all I got was his gloves and a couple of bullets. I could have really used those other items! I could not loot his backpack or any of the other things. Is this a bug or intentional? Or were those items perhaps ruined and therefore I couldn't loot them? They didn't show up in the vercinity box no matter how hard I tried. Cheers, Tom
  4. Thundertom

    More different zombie

    To be fair, that's mostly because the respawn thingy doesn't work yet.
  5. Thundertom

    More different zombie

    Shouldn't the real challenge be in human interaction? I agree that Z's should path better, and you should be able to hide in a building from them, but they shouldn't be too smart IMO. Right now they run towards you at moderate speed and lunge you when they have a shot. it's quite predicable and quite easy to dodge, but you cannot ignore it either, and especially in high populated zones (airports and such) you really should think if you're going to fight or run. If more zombies are added, which was already said would happen, the choice to fight or run already becomes more of an issue, if they become smarter too that would take away from the human interaction.
  6. Thundertom

    Let there be HOPE!

    Noob question; How do I do this? I've found handcuffs, but how can I apply them to other players? Same goes for IV's and bandages and stuff.
  7. Thundertom

    ethics of first kill

    I love this game, simply because of what it does to your decisions making. I think we all start out being the good Samaritan, and find out there is no right or wrong.
  8. This is much cooler to use indeed. I find the icons on the db site obstructing anyway. It should be common sense you can find loads of stuff in a major city, and military stuff at an airbase.
  9. Yeah I tried using the signs ingame first too. But they are too few and don't seem to be correct. Some access roads to towns seem to be missing town names as well. This would all be very helpfull and you wouldn't need to tab out to have a peek at the map.
  10. I'm a completely new play to both the mod and SA, I kinda like this map to give a general idea of what is a good place to go. I'll probably won't need it later on, but for now it's nice, as it's quite daunting to see the amount of ground you can cover.
  11. Thundertom

    Getting gear from 5 - 100 in a very short time

    Thanks for your answers. Maybe it was because there were very few people on the server I was on, and none of the gear had been collected yet? As I got this thread going, might as well ask; I'm kind of going solo, prefer sneaking around a bit. Should I keep stuff like blood bags and IV kits? You need other people for that don't you? When you go alone and run out of blood, you have to pretty much regen it slowly by staying healthy? So no real need for saline and IV kits, am I correct?
  12. Hey guys. This is my first post on these forums. I purchased the SA last week, and I'm really enjoying it. Been lurking these forums a little, mainly for advice and such, but I couldn't find anything usefull on this subject. So, at first I just randomly wandered around, picking up random items and putting them in my taloon (I think it's called that) backpack and melee zombies with my splitting axe, or fire axe. I found a lot of ammo types over time, but no guns to put them in. Then I finally managed to get my hands on a Mosin, but whaddayaknow; I had all but Mosin ammo. I scavenged enough food and drink and a canteen too to get hydrated and energized. This took my around 6 hours I'd say. I'm a new guy, bare with me ;-) I found a lot of posts on these forums with people showing off their fully loaded characters, and what I got from that was to get this stuff, you need to go to either an airport or one of the major cities. I turned to the DayZ Map and navigated to the small ariport near Grishino, and all of a sudden I had every single piece of gear you can get your hands on; I found a Magnum with bullets, M4 with loads of bullets, Mosin ammo and some other pistol I don't know the name of. On top of that I found one of them large backpacks, pristine combat clothes in a variety of colors and a weapon holster to put my Magnum in. This whole process took me around 15 minutes, but that was only because I had to move from one building to the next. Basicly every building had 3 or more items I had never seen before in them. Is this because this is still in early access? It seemed to go from having 0 gear and actually putting value into items you find to "Why can't I hold all these guns" in 15 minutes. I liked the slow pace of gearing up, but now I seem to have it all.