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About bodycount02

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    On the Coast
  1. bodycount02

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    what were you trying to post zaph? @Thane, stop being so bitter man, obviously I made a dumb mistake. So dramatic....... :o @Gandalf how is that a " legitimate survival tactic" ? Im not asking to be a sarcastic prick, I just want to know how you would define it.
  2. bodycount02

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    personally, POS is a shit tactic for cretins. Yeah KOS is bad, but what the fuck do you think would happen if DayZ went real life? Some will kill for fun yes, but thats what makes this a SURVIVAL GAME. I don't consider myself a Bandit, but the fact of the matter is , i didnt KOS fresh pawns ( usually) without reason,unitl i met more brown nugget stains like Dcknipe. I dont think it will ruin the game, but the whole fucking point is to go out and SURVIVE, not act like a cracked out detroit hobo. Dcknipe, im glad you admit it, yes you are a scumbag, but more than that your lazy in a fucking VIDEO GAME. That sort of speaks volumes about you on and off DayZ. Its fucking bullshit that i spent hours gearing up, looting, trying to figure out where those damn woods end, to get punched out by some shitbrained child who is too lazy or stupid to actually explore and enjoy the game. You wanna punch people in the fucking face all day? Go play tekken or something. Better yet get off your fucking worthless ass, join a gym and start boxing if you love it that much. An actual firefight with other geared players is a million times more enjoyable then what virtual methaddicts like to do. Banditry is fun also, but Karma is a huge bitch and you'll get got eventually. Ive made some pretty good friends by deciding against shooting a fresh spawn and that has made this game a hundred times better. So in conclusion, Dcknipe or whatever the fuck you call yourself now, you ( and players like you) are pathetic, sad and as annoying as a tick lodged in my taint. Yeah you have your few minutes of bloodsucking, but eventually when i have nothing better to do than pick my own ass, I will find you and I will kill you. Shithead... @Firstbornchicken Eat shit you ignorant, fingerpointing duche bag. I wasn't even born in america, but I fucking LOVE this country. I have the distinct honor and privilage of serving in her armed forces, and when I see stupid little comments like yours based off of ignorance, cowardice and just plain "cuz you a bitch" mentality, i want to find you in real life, put an IBA on your pussy ass and drop you in the middle Helmand province you fucking pussy. Don't ever talk shit about my country again you hatefilled, ignorant troll. *apologize for using the term m*******d, I was pissed and a little heated. Thought it meant something else entirely. I apologize for my ignorance. @thane, why are you watching morons impersonate black people on youtube??? lol, seems like a waste of time.