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Everything posted by Crazy_Spider

  1. Crazy_Spider

    New peices to the puzzle?

    Bah, I really need to work on getting people to notice that I'm joking!!! I'm not a grammar Nazi, I just think it's hilarious when people call you a grammar Nazi and spell "grammar" wrong..
  2. Crazy_Spider

    New peices to the puzzle?

    You forgot a capitol F, good sir. P.S I typed that quite late at night on my laptop, I know I probably messed up. I was just kidding around, anyway ^^
  3. Crazy_Spider

    Unknown Bandit

    Your tactics are horrible. You stand in an open window shooting the loudest gun in the game, in the biggest city in the game. One person hears you and it's very bad news for you, though I'd imagine you log out right away.
  4. Crazy_Spider

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    Haha, I'm the smartest gamer alive!!! I still learn new things in every game I play no matter how many hours I have. I have 400 hours on Tf2, yet I don't understand half of the game ._.
  5. Crazy_Spider

    Unknown Bandit

    Wow, you can kill stationary targets??? Want a cookie??
  6. Crazy_Spider

    What GIF Describes Your DayZ Experience?

    Bump? Nobody is taking on to this thread? I'm assuming that people don't know how to post gifs ^^
  7. Crazy_Spider

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    Wow, I didn't know that. I always thought that O changed fire mode *Facepalm*. I learned that T fired both barrels just recently, but didn't know it affected fire modes ^^
  8. Bah. I dare you to give a cod player a go at counter strike and he'll fail and completely mess up his team. Give a counter strike player a go at cod, and he won't do much damage at all to his team even if he goes 1:3 ratiowise. Anyway, I say cod sucks because it is an individual game. CS is a very team based game, much like team fortress 2. It also has "Death for the whole round" systems, unlike COD's "Respawn in 2 seconds" system.
  9. Crazy_Spider

    New hobby: working for others

    Haha, okay. Can we do it tomorrow though? It's getting late here and I'm about to go to sleep ^^. I'll pm you anyway, but thanks man, I appreciate it!
  10. Crazy_Spider

    New hobby: working for others

    Hello, mugur. I feel extremely bashful about asking you for stuff, but I really need an LRS on regular. I tried to just keep looking and not asking you for help, but I seriously looked through Balota, Stary, military base near NWAF, and NWAF on 3 different servers... It'd be great if you could help me out, I can also give you plenty of gear and food in return. Thanks man. (Don't know if this is required, but my steam name is "Crazy_Spider" Just like my forum name, and I'm at NWAF Currently, though I could move to a safer location to do you a favor. Cheers.
  11. Crazy_Spider

    Bolt action operation....

    I agree with you 100%. I've actually wished it was like this for quite a long time! I've done so much sniping on Battlefield that I really need it to be very similar. I always used the bipod on Bf3, and I don't snipe on Bf4 really.. Anyway, I agree with you mate. +1 Suggestion.
  12. Crazy_Spider

    buying DAYZ

    Not a long post by the way, it's just perfect. Honestly, just as everyone has said already, the mod will most likely be more enjoyable, and you will probably have more fun with it. There is the problem of people that have played the mod for years and years and have tons of gear, experience, and knowledge that you won't have. In Standalone, everyone knowledge base right now is very similar. Even Mod veterans have similar amounts to players who have played for 60-70 hours. Honestly, I haven't gotten bored of the Standalone after 124 hours. I almost bought the mod instead of standalone, but I decided that standalone would be better, as it is the future of DayZ. Arma 2 is getting old, and in a year or two many people will be playing standalone, and less and less will play Arma 2. Take in all the information we've shared with you, and do some research of your own, then make an informed purchase. Cheers mate.
  13. Haha, I'd imagine you're talking about me since I said the recoil feels awkward. I'd just like to say that #CodSucks. DayZ and Counter Strike are my games right now. Also, COD Kids just leave DayZ right as they get it because they're all like "WHY D1DNT 1 SPAWN WITH A GUNNNNN?????". You know it too.
  14. Yeah man, I had the MP buttstock, handguard, and pristine ACOG. Again, I probably just suck with the M4. I prefer the mosin, I can hit shots at 200 meters with iron sights on that badboy. With a PU I can hit around 400, and LRS at least 700-800.
  15. Crazy_Spider

    What GIF Describes Your DayZ Experience?

    People are mean :(
  16. I add all pristine parts to the M4, yet it still has too much in-accuracy. I feel that at 20 meters burst firing, I should be able to hit anyone I want. It's possible that I just suck with the M4, but side to side recoil is horribly hard to control, even with pristine parts.
  17. Crazy_Spider

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    The dude with the M4 didn't do much, I'm guessing he was on TS with his friend, and his friend probably said "Go loot, I'll be able to take this noob on" or something like that. Then I ended up knocking his buddy unconcious and the M4 dude came back only to get shot in the chest 3 times :p
  18. Crazy_Spider

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    Same here, I tried talking to him asking him if he was alive, but I think he just rage quit or something and left? ;/ I could've revived him if he was unconcious, too.
  19. Crazy_Spider

    If you're gonna shoot first...Make sure you don't miss

    I disagree with your signature. I'm very comfortable when I play DayZ. I use pillows.
  20. Crazy_Spider

    In-Game Books: What are you reading?

    You better have some bodyguards. You need to have some hardcore guards, you could become the world's most badass underground book market.
  21. Crazy_Spider

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    I've actually ran into many friendly players so far in my 120 hours. Honestly, I'd rather talk to some guys and have a little fun, rather than shooting them and being lonely forever (At least when I'm not playing w/ friends). I'd rather just get held up and fed bananas than KoS.
  22. Crazy_Spider

    DayZ should have an inventory similiar to CoP

    What's CoP? :p
  23. Crazy_Spider

    Tell us why we died

    I'll tell you. If you die right away, you got shot. If you go unconcious after your screen slowly loses color, you're dying of thirst or hunger. If you are stupid enough to get about 50 shock notifications, you got killed by a zed. If you scream, then die, you fell to your death. If you randomly die ---> #Alpha
  24. Crazy_Spider

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    I know, they seemed really nice when I first met them, then after a few minutes it was obvious their intentions were to cuff me and then mess with me...
  25. Crazy_Spider

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    Agreed, I've only really kept an M4 in comparison to a mosin in 1 life, and that was when I had every possible attachment on the M4 with all pristine parts, only to be killed by an exploiter...