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Everything posted by Zakis

  1. This sounds quite interesting and might be a good change of pace from rolling with my clan members on our server, especially since its separate saves. I might check this out.
  2. Hey folks, newish player here(been around about 3 weeks). I had a couple of questions concerning weapons and issues. I have become one of the designated Mosin operators for my group of buddies but the problem is this damn gun seems to be incredibly unpredictable. We also currently have our clan server stationed out of Seattle which means 80-90 ping for me on the East Coast. Firstly... From what I have gleaned from the forums, damaged/badly damaged bi-pod and scope severely affect accuracy? Will a damaged compensator do the same? I also have another situation concerning an incident that went down last night and I was hoping some people could shed some light on it. Before I go on I will state that computer specs arent an issue. I know this is an Alpha which means bugs/glitches and I have no problem getting killed fairly. Dying just frustrates me if I don't know how it happened or if there is something I should have improved upon. On to the story. My group was raiding the NEAF and I was outside watching the buildings as they held up inside due to us hearing Mosin fire. I was geared with a pristine Mosin, Scope, bi-pod, and a worn compensator and I was crouching in a pine tree. I see what we assumed was the sniper's partner coming towards the jail and stop no more then 100 yards from me or so. I take aim and fire, center mass...and see a puff of dust behind his body as the bullet hits the fence behind him. I have had this happen before in other locations on longer shots so I figured my aim was off. Ok shot somehow went through him, I fire off a second round as he starts to dash to the trees near me and I see blood. Fantastic! I lose him in the trees as I pull out my magnum(pristine with a pristine speed loader attached) and I assume he bandaged at this time. He wasn't paying attention to me though and I ended up behind him in a pine tree. Now, this is important as I have no idea what the fuck happened and I have shot through trees before. I had him in my sight, with part of the pine tree leaves/needles in my field of vision. I pulled off 3 quick shots that all shot up dirt directly on my screen as if I went full retard and just stuck my barrel in the ground and fired. Seriously wtf? I quickly stand up and move out of the tree and land the last 3 shots in my gun. He takes all these and starts bleeding as I start running to axe him. He managed to pull out his M4 and unload his clip into me and I die. So am I doing something wrong with the Mosin? What the fuck happened with the magnum and has anyone had any clipping issues like this? Also how the heck did he take so much damage? Was it lag on his part or mine being that its a Seattle server? Thanks for the help ahead of time.
  3. Zakis

    Couple of Questions

    Thanks for the replies people, definitely going to practice with the Mosin on an empty server. I was pretty sure I had the range zeroed to the minimum when I engaged but can't be sure. Also we aren't bandits. We tend to be a neutral force. Went to the airfield to get one of our guys regeared and ended up taking fire. Our general rule of operation is KoS on an airfield or youll end up taking a magazine to the face. I actually enjoy helping fresh spawns, especially when you make an new Day Z buddy from it.
  4. Zakis

    Couple of Questions

    I was actually crouching when I shot off the magnum, maybe it was just a bugged tree? Regardless good to know about the prone bug, thanks!
  5. Zakis

    how did i randomly die?

    Its possible you stepped on a glitched area. My buddy literally stepped on part of a rock near Devil's Castle and died right on the spot.