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Everything posted by dracondarks

  1. well ill be brief and to the point i have setup a server for myself for fun and all is well except no vehicles are spawning at all i have looked all over using the search function and tried every little fix i could find and to no avail still no vehicles in my object_data , just wondering if someone else has had this issue and has fixed it thanks in advance.
  2. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    all fixed thanks again to kichilron for his patients and help.
  3. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    well that was the first thing i tried and no it didnt work.
  4. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    sent a pm with the details thanks again man
  5. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    what would you need for that see if you can help and it is appreciated.
  6. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    well i have tried everything i can't find anything that works does anyone or has anyone had this issue that has fixed it that could give me some insight please.
  7. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    well thanks for trying to help i guess ill have to try to figure it out.
  8. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    so to edit the definer how would i do that exactly sorry im a bit dumb when it comes to mysql
  9. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    this is the error i get from that CALL pMain(1337); [Err] 1449 - The user specified as a definer ('dayzhivemind'@'%') does not exist
  10. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    i used an sql query to run it , it was select "EXECUTE pMain;"
  11. dracondarks no vehicles spawning

    i have executed pMain(1337) on my sql-server and nothing seems to happen at all i have checked the instance id and it seems fine any other ideas would be helpful.