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Everything posted by DrFeelzgud

  1. Well hacking just flat sucks! I hope they can find a way to minimize it's effect in this game. While I agree with the need for a combat log timer. My problem stems from the way it was apparently implemented; initiate log out and see black screen and "appear" as if you logged out but really some unseen count down is happening. It would be much better if once you initiated the log out you would still be in game with a timer counting down, and still be aware of your surroundings and be able to act if necessary, Granted you would have to stay still during the timer period and not interact with anything or it would cancel. My .02 cents
  2. DrFeelzgud

    Food & Drink?

    Well after playing for an hour and a half and working my way through a couple of towns, I found 1 can of tuna, no drink or other other food at all. This is after searching through a bizillion houses & buildings. Found hats, pants, shoes etc, all over the place, but finally ended dying of starvation after being unable to find any food or drink anywhere! Is this normal, or did I just have unusually bad luck? Can't really do much if I can't find food and water reliably. Also if I start bleeding, I just eventually bleed out. Have not been able to find any items to stop the bleeding. Items seem to be extremely rare, it was just mostly an empty wasteland.