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About metisou

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    United States
  1. metisou

    [USG] is recruiting!

    Bump! Bumpsies! Bump!! Goose--- Bump!
  2. metisou

    [USG] is recruiting!

    ᕦ(ò_óˇ) Bump!
  3. metisou

    Afraid to go on

    That's some good advice, I do occasionally take breaks from the game. I mean, when I stopped playing last time it was for 3-4 months. Once tents become a thing I'm going to be looting everything though. :)
  4. metisou

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    Blurry vision, a quick fade to black, a nice graphic of "You are dead" rather than the simple text, and statistics of your journey. This is especially useful for people that live for a very long time and want a quick overview of their achievement and how well they did to survive DayZ.
  5. metisou

    How long do you wait if pinned down?

    HC just forces everyone on a level playing field. 3PP can give a player the ability to automatically know what's on the other side of the wall just by being close to it. I guess if you were trying to figure out the best possible way to take out 5 guys this could potentially give you a tactical advantage. Metal Gear Solid is a great example of that. HC is First-Person Tactical while regular servers are often Third-Person Tactical. I don't think he was complaining about 3PP, just pointing out the advantages it has over playing on HC.
  6. metisou

    Afraid to go on

    Yeah, it's so hard to believe that a person just likes to go looting. I'm really good at looting, I'm just happen to stay until all the loot is gone through. Sometimes it's smart just to leave after you have gotten what you can from the place, but I need to learn moderation. It'll make me survive longer. When servers get to the point where they are stable and have re-spawning loot to last 6 hours I might think about that. Yes, I enjoy finding my loot too, but some people are happy just to meet someone that's not going to pop them in the face. We say good luck to each other and off we go on our separate ways. This also gives me a chance for friendly encounters. It would suck if I went to Northwest or Balota, or one of the other military camps in the west then traveled all the way to Berezino and drop the gear for someone to find only to have the server restart a moment later. Once I give away my gear, I could care less about dying because I'll be better off than I was when I dropped it all. At least then I would have pants and a shirt. :)
  7. metisou

    Afraid to go on

    Currently I do not know a way for that status to disappear, but it does so over time as long as you stay indoors out of the rain and out of water. Building a campfire requires sticks ( which you can cut logs into thirds for or find kindling in the woodlands by looking at the ground. ), rags, matches, and firewood which can be chopped from trees with axes. It's primary usefulness is for cooking meat anywhere and it does not (as of right now) clear up soaked and damped statuses, but having soaked or damped status plays no part on your health. Eventually we will get an update that changes that. You can drop a flare by removing it from your inventory and into the vicinity column, there is also a way to throw the flare as well. By pressing the "G" key.
  8. metisou

    Afraid to go on

    I'm highly appreciative for the offer and I'll check out your Team Speak. I don't claim to be great at this game and I may be incompatible with your team and their play style, but it is definitely worth giving it a shot. Hit me up with a PM and I'll check it out tomorrow.
  9. metisou

    Afraid to go on

    My eyesight is not that great so I wear glasses, but it's worse when playing at lower settings. This is how I would normally like to play the game. Sit on the outskirts of towns and airfields and monitor the area for an hour or two before making my move towards it. I've sat on a hill for 6 hours once just watching Northeast Airfield on a mildly populated server before I ever went in and then a thought occurred to me, "What if someone is doing the same?", but I highly doubt they had the patience to sit as long as I had as I not only scanned the airfield but the town, the tree lines, and everything inbetween. So, I went in, looted some stuff and retreated, making sure not to give away where I was heading back to only to keep spying on the airfield from afar.
  10. metisou

    Afraid to go on

    That's really awesome. I hear people have survived for long periods of time, but more often than not it's usually on low pop servers, or they play very little of that character and play on another game type to avoid losing it. Not to say that you do all of this, but that is usually the case. So, congratulations on surviving as long as you have. I hope that you can continue to live. If for whatever reason you should die, you should post your obituary on the forums. :) It was only a guess, as that usually tends to be the case with most players. I have a lot respect for this kind of play style and so I'm really glad I was off. Thank you for informing me, apologies for the assuming you were like most lone-wolf types. Deception is one of the easiest forms of entertainment for these people. "Hey, I'm friendly." and seconds later when you turn your back, "You are dead." Killing on sight because you're scared is one thing, deceiving me is a whole other can of beans that I can't even begin to stomach and it happens so much. I'm a trusting person, so I guess that's what I get even though I should know better. As time has gone on though I've become more weary of other players and play it smarter, but I'm still a trusting person and it's in my nature.