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Everything posted by Oxygenthief

  1. Oxygenthief

    Help Gpu drop to 0% and lag ever couple seconds

    fps bug fixed on experimental fix will be on other servers on wednesday
  2. Oxygenthief

    Unplayable since last update.

    fps bug fixed on experimental fix will be on other servers on wednesday
  3. Oxygenthief

    Bug in the new update.

    fps bug fixed on experimental fix will be on other servers on wednesday
  4. Oxygenthief

    FPS Drops after 30 seconds then Game Freezes

    fixed on experimental fix will be on other servers on wednesday
  5. As we all know there have been problems with most peoples games grinding to a halt after a while playing. The experimental servers were up so I joined to see if the fix they have pushed worked. So far everything seemed to work fine, my fps didn't slowly degrade into a crash as it has done since the last patch. Something that has me a little confused however I decided to play around with the settings in the video settings menu and they had 0 effect on my fps disabled clouds, no change in fps lowered all settings from where I normally run, no change in fps increased all settings to high, no change in fps that baffled me a lot. However the good news is it looks like the fps going down like the titanic problem is now fixed
  6. well im not a big brain myself, I work in construction but im guessing it's like if you MUST have red socks in your drawer and you check to see if you have any, you have some, but for some reason you cant see them. You put in some more red socks and then more red socks etc etc till your drawer is full :) so im guessing he fixed the games eyes so it can see the red socks and doesn't put any more in the drawer
  7. [–]rocket2gunsRocket 26 points 2 hours ago The problem was identified today, a hotfix is being prepared but a longterm fix for the underlying issue will take a great deal more time. Tech explanation follows: The problem was with an optimization regarding strings. We have been removing the way ArmA traditionally handles strings to have it deal with a string-bank instead. This means instead of comparing a string (which is really just an array of numbers), it only needs to compare a number (very easy for a computer). There is a string type in engine which should hold a string-bank of unique strings, thus it can compare two strings just by comparing pointers to buffer. That's what the optimization we made relied on. Unfortunately there is a bug with it, and it is possible that two exactly the same strings can exist at the same time and the compare just fails. That's why sometimes are the same textures reloaded all over and over again for some things in the world causing absolute chaos to rain on the GPU.
  8. i would also vote for an increase it is a good start but not an adequate deterrent
  9. Oxygenthief

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Thieves and killers don't wear badges, the uncertainty when encountering players is one of the beautiful things with dayz The gaming market which I have stayed away from for 2 years is flooded with shooters with clearly defined opposing sides I play dayz because its different
  10. Oxygenthief

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    Im an average joe player i played for 4 hours or so last night I experienced 0 issues with the log out timer I was aware it was there so I took steps to ensure it was safe for me to log out without beong killed. I did join a server by mistake and switched I incurred a slight time penalty which I accepted after kicking myself for not paying more attention to what server I clicked. At no time during my evening of gaming did either of the timers bother me in any way.
  11. Oxygenthief

    Turn on post processing

    Up until I saw this post I have been playing with post processing on, This morning I was wandering around Elektro looking for goodies when I rounded a corner in a building and met someone who immediately began swining their fire axe at me. They got in a couple of good hits and my blood was spraying liberally in all directions, I legged it and they gave chase. My screen was blurring and greying out and I knew I needed immediate first aid, impossible with this mad axeman chasing me. I ran around a corner, stopped took my own fire axe in my hands and buried it in his head as his blurry arse came round the corner, he went down like a ton of bricks and I popped on a bandage and legged it out of the city knowing it would take hours before I had recuperated to a point where I could see straight again. Fun story and all, but now I am asking myself is it wise to be gimping myself like that