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Everything posted by ASDF991

  1. no just no, If I logout my char should be logged out, obviously the DayZ dev team feels differently, there are much better ways to combat combat loggers then this solution.
  2. ASDF991


    cool gun but if they are not going to let us attach a scope it doesn't fit my style of game play.
  3. ASDF991

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    There needs to be no identifier of any kind for Hero or KOS'er, every attempt to try to "identify" the 2 in the mod ended up being complete failure. Personally it would take away a great deal from the game if there were identifiers of any kind, part of the fun is not knowing.. I just KOS everyone anyways but that's besides the point.
  4. ASDF991

    No Surrender types

    Why would anyone surrender? it's a waste of time, I guess some players get a kick out of the RP situations but it's not for me, either I had the drop on you with my Mosin from 500-600M away or you somehow got behind me and shot me in the head....all is fair
  5. ASDF991

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    Not many when I first started, probably only around 5-10 in the first 20 hours of play, killing fresh spawns as a fresh spawn myself.... Then I learned how to use a Mosin correctly, kill count is now to high to count in 60 hours of play, easily 100 plus....something is so satisfying about it, eventually I'll get bored, but not yet, I hope DayZ devs keep adding more snipers, As50,DMR and M10 pls.