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Human Hunter

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About Human Hunter

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  1. Human Hunter

    2 years on and nothing has changed

    I don't really see how the sa is not a downgrade from the mod. For all of the improvements there are more things that are either broken or missing. Given that they postponed the sa for so long, this is what they gave us? Rocket leaving for Everest said everything about the development IMO. Half assed. I'm a big dayz fan so I'm going to give it 6 months for Bohemia to fix this rambling mess of a game and check in again then
  2. Human Hunter

    I would like to see the return of...

    dayz's music is what helped create the atmosphere to begin with tbh to a new player dayz is not much of a zombie thriller or very immersive. I dont see dayz being as interesting as it was to new players without it. im guessing most die hard fans have heard the mod's music. that was part of the reason i got hooked, kept my heart racing. So even if you turned it off at some point it helped form the atmosphere of the game. its a shame they took it out.
  3. Human Hunter

    My very inglorious death

    they need to fix item damage theres no way thats anything close to realistic
  4. Human Hunter

    Its not the Rain, there is a massive Memory Leak.

    there were people stuck being dead before this latest patch triage
  5. Human Hunter

    You are dead

    calling something an alpha is a great marketing tool lets you get away with a half assed product
  6. Human Hunter

    New Patch = Gift from God

    an exploit hahaha? thats like saying a guy who turns up his volume so he can hear you better is exploiting
  7. Human Hunter

    You are dead

    no kidding not to mention this "alpha" got pushed back an extra 7+ months or so and it ends up being worse than the mod. I still can't really wrap my head around it. given the popularity of dayz you would think they would put in a professional effort. ive lost two fully geared out characters so far to random bugs. and all i was doing at the time was getting them into a decent spot for when they patch in some of the stuff thats missing from the mod. right now there isnt really a reason to play at all.
  8. not cool to have a timeout after getting randomly kicked or dcing from the server theres gotta be a better way of stopping server hopping for loot
  9. Human Hunter

    Best background music for DayZ?

    The original dayz music from the mod
  10. Human Hunter

    Military Relief Drops

    its not unrealistic to have scattered clumps of armed forces. not to mention there is little info about the dayz universe. hell, could be that the airdrops are old and just sitting out in the fields, surrounded by zeds. they dont have to be fresh.
  11. Human Hunter

    Why Was Music Removed?

    man, you need to work on your ocd and your logic skills dayz is dayz so its an issue of money?
  12. Human Hunter

    Military Relief Drops

    cool idea kinda like helicopter crashes, just as realistic but more valuable
  13. Human Hunter

    In-game sound needs to be re-worked

    its random though, not like there was anyone around you i would say sound in the dayz standalone is the feature that could use the most improvement
  14. Human Hunter

    Why Was Music Removed?

    this doesnt seem to be something that is limited by development constraints its a design decision they made to remove the music (or atleast that is what i have been reading). they fiddled with something that wasn't broken and made a huge problem for the game. im a huge dayz fan and this irritates me to no end. if a player truly wanted more realism they could turn the music off in the settings. removing dayz's soundtrack only takes away from the game.
  15. Human Hunter

    What will make you play the alpha again?

    1. dayz mod music put back in 2. zombies fixed 3. hunting 4. vehicles 5. bases/fortification/loot storage