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Everything posted by JTuesday

  1. This. It works for Red Orchestra 2 / Rising storm. Actually "feels" a lot better as well as you can pop up, take a shot, crouch again, and pull the bolt.
  2. JTuesday

    What should be my end game ?

  3. JTuesday

    dead on spawn need help

    Someone just reported this on Reddit: "Fixed by changing my in-game name." Another reported this working: "it seems that joining a "dayz 114926" server, dying there and then switching server can fix the issue. at least for my friend worked." Hope one of these works for you
  4. JTuesday

    dead on spawn need help

    I heard logging into the server you were killed on (if you can find it) may fix the issue
  5. JTuesday

    Skip those buildings

    Like 90% of the systems in place. I am sure they are placeholder