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Everything posted by feeblemedic

  1. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    I was told that having "NO KOS" in the server title was a violation of the rule that says you can't have a "Player Versus Environment Only" rule for servers. My understanding is that the two terms are different and exclusive of one another. I understand "NO KOS" to still allow the killing of other players and requesting a moment of reflection at best, before pulling the trigger....more of a suggestion really, since you could never kick for a violation of this rule since you will never know if the shooter "spent a moment reflecting on his choice to shoot or not". AND "PVE ONLY" means that you may not kill another player under any circumstances and taking such obvious action would/my result in a kick from the server. Therefore, I don't see a "NO KOS" tag in the title of the server being a violation of the no "PVE only" rule as they cover distinct actions from one another. Am I viewing these tags incorrectly? I'm just looking for some community feedback on whether there is a distinction between these terms, because it seems that those interpreting these rules see "NO KOS" = "PVE only" and I simply disagree....but i've been wrong before. Any meaningful feedback is appreciated.
  2. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

  3. feeblemedic

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Shoot, I can assure you they report servers even when they don't actually get kicked.....
  4. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    No one said there is a NO KOS rule, it is in the server title. It has been made very clear, this is only in the server name and there has never been an instance of this being enforced....because like you said, even if it were a rule, it would be un-enforcable on multiple levels.
  5. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    I was referring to this line of text: "I do believe, in the mind of the server owners, that No KoS equates to PVE Only; how can one differentiate between a 'kill-on-sight' kill and a 'non-kill-on-sight' kill?" I don't see that you even addressed the real question i posted, concerning the definition of the two terms. Instead, I only see your comments about kicking, when that was never an issue. So I apologize for mis-stating the mods opinion, because I see even the mod who wrote the statement above eventually said the two terms were not the same. And based on your response, I will assume that you are in the same catagory, believing NO KOS is not the same as PVE ONLY (please correct me if i'm wrong on this). Therefore, I get back to the real question. Under the rules as they exist at this time, could a reasonable person know that having "NO KOS" in their server title was against the rules before being notified of a violation? I guess that's my real complaint, I did my best to comply with all the rules as they are written, but I don't believe the current rules gave me reasonable advanced noticed that having "NO KOS" in the server title was a violation, (especially covered under the no pve only rule). I have never had a problem following any rules of which I am made aware in advance, and there is no one who has ever complained about my server taking any action against them, which is fairly popular (if i treated players unfairly I would get a lot of complaints and this is the first). I'm not even upset that i can't have "NO KOS" in the title, I just wish I was aware of the policy against that term in a server name before I am considered in violation of the rules. Thanks to everyone who has added to this conversation, I appreciate the time it takes to set down and respond to an issue that doesn't directly effect you.
  6. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    Here is the response I got. Hello, I'm afraid NO KOS cannot be a part of the server's name, I can confirm this. However, you can include this message as a part of your server's description, not a name. -- Best regards, Jan Libich Customer Support Team Bohemia Interactive However, I find it pretty offensive that I can be held to rules and considered in violation of rules that are so vague and broadly interpreted. There is no way I had advanced notice that putting "NO KOS" in my server name was a violation of the rules as they are currently published. The only people I've found that consider PVE ONLY and NO KOS to be the same term are forum mods here (and they even say the terms are different, unless they are applied against server admins!!!). I am gonna have to think real hard before I continue to pay for a server when the rules could be "re-interpreted" at any time, and all monies I paid for the server will be lost because I had no way of knowing what the actual rules are in advance. In fact, in my country this type of business practice is illegal, you can't hold someone to contract terms that are not clear to both parties ahead of time. If reasonable people can disagree on the meaning of a broad term, for example "just cause" then the benefit of doubt is generally given to the potential offender until the rules can be modified to be more clear; which is what I think should be done here. I don't have a problem with rules, I just like to know what they are in advance. Please have someone make the rules clear, so mis-understandings like this don't cost people who pay these outrageous fees for servers money. So to comply with the current rules, the server name has been changed to : "24/7 Day-Noob Friendly KOS discouraged (2h Restarts) jrks.org"......I hope everyone can sleep at night now :)
  7. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    Can you explain this a little? I have went into great detail about how it is impossible to differntiate between kos and non kos, thus there can't be enforcement....since there is no enforcement there is no reason to differentiate. However, we are talking about the meaning of tags in server title only, not enforcement of any rule. I just can't wrap my head around NO KOS and PVE ONLY having the same meaning. To me, if one server has NO KOS and one says PVE only, i do not expect the rules to be the same. I mean, if i wanted no kill, i would have it "NO KILL" there is no reason for the addition of "on sight" if you plan on kicking people for killing (period). If you could explain your reasoning a little more I would appreciate it.
  8. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    Thanks!! As far as enforcement....I'll rely on the good citizens of Chernarus to self police ;) I mean it's not like we really have a choice from where I stand, and is regularly pointed out, admins have very little control. Even if i wanted to kick for specifc outlined reasons such as "cheating, exploiting bugs" which everyone agrees on; how am I supposed to know what player it is unless they tell me in chat? We have ran into actual cheaters in the game before, the kind that teleport around and wipe characters as fast as they can spawn. But we have no recourse outside of restarting the server, because there are currently no logs of which I'm aware that would tell me who any given player is at any time. Maybe i just don't get it, but how does an admin perform a legitimate kick of a cheater if they don't identify themselves in game chat? We do appear to have logged some BattleEye bans, so i'm thankful for those. ***** this guy feels my pain. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/181889-what-to-do-with-cheaters/
  9. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    I appreciate your position, sir; but i believe that is a clear violation of the rule, reasonable or not. However, I would like to keep this discussion free from the term kicking a player for anything, as that is not what my question or alleged violation was about. The question is simply about what is permissible in a game name and whether or not the terms "NO KOS" & "PVE only" have similar meanings and should be grouped together. ****on second thought, I believe the scenario described by Trigger Hippy may fall under the implied "just cause" kick, in the following section of the rules, depending on what you mean by "griefing". (These rules, as written, can be a bit confusing) You may not perform the following actions on your server : Kick players without just cause
  10. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    That simply wasn't the question as they stated above, I've never kicked for anything. I simply use NO KOS in server title to express the desire for players to not kill everyone immediately without giving it a bit of thought. It was just shorter to place in the title than "Please don't just kill on sight without giving it some thought, but if you do, you won't be kicked or banned or anything....we just frown upon it...enjoy your game." My understanding was that "NO KOS" meant the above and not PVE only. If there was a short phrase to get the above sentiments across in the server title I'd be happey with that....maybe "KOS frowned upon"?
  11. feeblemedic

    NO KOS same as PVE Only?

    Just to be clear, the alleged violation was not for kicking a player, it was for simply having "NO KOS" in the server title. And I was specifically told by the GSP that having "NO KOS" in the server title was a violation of the specific rule of no "PVE only" in the title. I have never kicked anyone from my server for KOS (or any other rule violation cause there aren't any), I want players in my server, why would I kick someone? I've read the rules multiple times and believe I understand what they say and the reasoning behind them, and i've never violated any rule intentionally. Obviously, if the rules included something specific to no having "NO KOS" in the title right near the "NO PVE ONLY" rule, there would be no confusion on my part, it is the grouping of the two terms together that confused me, as I see them as having distinct meanings. If you read my original post you would see that I don't/couldn't kick for it. How could I kick somone for killing before thinking if I have no way of knowing what he was thinking.
  12. feeblemedic

    Server crashing more frequently.

    I host a server from a gsp and as of the last update...specifically on 2/14. the server has began "crashing" much more frequently. For the first few weeks, it only rebooted at the GSP's designated times and I didn't have to worry about unscheduled disconnects/reboots. However, that has not been the case recently. I asked the gsp, and they just said it was the game code..alpha..get over it. Was I just lucky the first few weeks, or has server crashes actually increased lately?
  13. feeblemedic

    Server crashing more frequently.

    This evening is really bad also. Am I the only one that loses the server every 15 min?
  14. feeblemedic

    Spawning in after safe log out or reset with nothing?

    me and serveral of my friends have had this exact issue multiple times since last patch. A group will log out and when they log back in, half are at the beach as new players. Additionally, there has been a new bug where we join the server as it is restarting, but the connection is lost/times out as we are joining. When we reconnect, new player at the beach. One guy I play(ed) with had this happen 4 times back to back and just quit playing yesterday.
  15. that simply isn't what the rules state as they stand right now, kicking players for verbal abuse or exploiting is not an inclusive list, just examples. Otherwise, it would say you can only kick for those violations.
  16. If what you say is true, the rules need to be clarified. The current rule language does not contain "you are only allowed" as your statement does, and is therefore considered a non-inclusive example. As you can see from the rule set, every restricted action listed contains a big red "NOT" in the rule. Therefore, without clarification, the structure would indicate that the last statement is not a restriction and should be interpreted as a non-inclusive list. If the rule is intentioned as you describe it, the rule needs clarified due to ambiguity. In fact, if you could not kick a player to make room for an admin, the rule should precisely state that, it does not, and until clarified, I don't see how anyone could claim a GSP or Admin has violated the current rules for that action. Before action could legitimately be taken against a GSP or Admin for kicking to make room for an admin, the rules should be modified to that effect by having the following statement: You may NOT kick a player to make room for an admin. If the intent of the rules are what you claim, then they are written badly imo, and should be clarified.
  17. Is there currently a way to set up a timed message for the above effect?
  18. Hello, I'm a new admin when it comes to dayz. How can I announce something globally, like a server restart...even manually? ****I figured this out with a little help: for global chat as server admin: 1. login as server admin>>>>#login "serverpassword" 2. toggle to global chat via "." key. 3. hit "/" to open up the global chat box 4. type your global message and hit enter Providing the above to help anyone in the same position i was in.