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About Deize

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Deize

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    So they gave a new name for their work. Big news big news.. And now they only announce this for PR and giving another excuse why everything has been so slow. I love how rocket just talks and talks so all mighty about what they can do and what they will do. In the end they will get nothing done but I guess talking about things is nice. Fanboys bring it on.
  2. Deize

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    What server provider do you use? It's known that servers from MultiplayGameservers have fixed loot spawns but haven't seen that on any other servers.
  3. Wow, 800+ posts and you have no clue what your talking about. Dumbness in people is amazing nowadays.
  4. Deize

    Anyone Know what's up with the servers?

    Weekly maintenance.
  5. Yeah I just made a post about this too. Lost almost full geared char :( oh well, gearing up time when this is fixed <3
  6. Not sure if right place to post but right now 4.2.2014 11:27AM I just lost my character after joining a server. Tested around 10 different servers and a new char every server. Any1 else have this problem right now?