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Everything posted by skyline-gtr

  1. I enjoyed the OP! its the thought that counts, dont feel too bad.
  2. skyline-gtr

    I'm not trying to start a war

    There are points there is no peripheral vision
  3. skyline-gtr

    I'm not trying to start a war

    1pp is not realism 3pp is not realism together they aid realisim it is a compromise within the limits of a software program
  4. skyline-gtr

    I'm not trying to start a war

    It exists on its merits.
  5. skyline-gtr

    I'm not trying to start a war

    While the first-person perspective allows players to aim and shoot without their avatar blocking their view,[4] the third-person shooter shows the protagonist from an "over the shoulder shot" or "behind the back" perspective.[3][6] Thus, the third-person perspective allows the game designer to create a more strongly characterized avatar,[4] and directs the player's attention as if watching a film. In contrast, a first-person perspective provides the player with greater immersion into the game universe.[7] This difference in perspective also has an impact on gameplay. Third-person shooters allow players to see the area surrounding the avatar more clearly.[4] This viewpoint facilitates more interaction between the character and their surrounding environment, such as the use of tactical cover in Gears of War,[8] or navigating tight quarters.[9] As such, the third-person perspective is better for interacting with objects in the game world, such as jumping on platforms, engaging in close combat, or driving a vehicle. However, the third-person perspective can interfere with tasks that require fine aiming.[10] Hope this helps...
  6. skyline-gtr

    Server Hopping and why the current doesn't work

    The recent changes were to combat, Ghosting and Combat logging. Server hopping is still available.
  7. skyline-gtr

    My opinion about KOS and Friendly

    Right now DayZ leaves human nature to rule all. I think that anything that is implemented to alter this state could be detrimental.
  8. skyline-gtr

    My opinion about KOS and Friendly

    Oh you edited your post now my reply does not make as much sense as it did lol. Also, your ideas do not stop killing.
  9. skyline-gtr

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    perhaps you misunderstand....
  10. skyline-gtr

    My opinion about KOS and Friendly

    solodude23, thats nice but i was simply replying to a question. helcol, while that may have been your intentions, it was not clear. try KISS. :) KoS is not the main point of the game right now for many people. Maybe for some but yeah as you said, respect other peoples play style. I think your issue is that one playstyle seems to dominate others. That is to suggest that a playstyle of KoS, completely ends any other playstyle, if they fall victim of it.
  11. skyline-gtr

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    en anglais sil vous plait
  12. skyline-gtr

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    I agree there is no right or wrong way to play. My point has been aimed at these suggestion threads, all of them that I have responded to suggest a method that rewards a player for certain actions. The point being that some people will go out of their way to perform those actions before joining the rest of the community in the game.
  13. skyline-gtr

    My opinion about KOS and Friendly

    well what sort of content would stop people killing ? GTA5 is sandbox with more content then you could imagine. it is full of KoS.
  14. skyline-gtr

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    hmm food is component of survival, while skills from magic books or increasing your stamina over a matter of hours is not.
  15. skyline-gtr

    Gps player location indicator

    hmmm not sure how you came to that conclusion. I might suggest that because you are "for" this idea, and my posts may suggest that a system is not realistic that you lash out with lies and insults. My first 4 potsts and an explanation: How would GPS satalites be maintained in a post apocalyptic world ? Asked to gain an understanding of the concept. as far as im aware, GPS satalites need constant positional data uploaded to them to maintain their orbit. If this maintenance was stopped then it would only be a matter of days or weeks before they became useless for the purposes of global positioning. Information about a realistic system of GPS related to the topic. Well it seems we may have conflicting data. Would you care to provide a source of your info ? Asked to gain an understanding of the concept. I did click the link and read the article but it does not seem to address the issue of maintenance. Pointing out that your reading comprehension maybe failed you on this occasion.
  16. skyline-gtr

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Who is this aimed at ?
  17. skyline-gtr

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    FOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXY, forcing people into one of two roles is very narrow minded.
  18. skyline-gtr

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Dude your post is not making sense to me. Attributes you increase by performing the relevant actions. Some people will find a good place, level up all skills before "playing" the game. Finding skills in books. Are these magic books that disapear ? If yes, not realistic. If no, simply trade books. Also encourages people to find all the books they want/need before "playing" the game.
  19. skyline-gtr

    My opinion about KOS and Friendly

    You do realise this is a sandbox game ?
  20. skyline-gtr

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    "In other words, in general, server stability wasn't the issue. So now you're saying that "one aspect" of server stability has been fixed? I don't see how server stability itself was the error then is something more specific was the cause." NO. Im sorry if I used the wrong phrasing. Ill try explain again. Servers are unstable, causing numerous issues. 1 issue has been resolved. Servers still unstable. Servers being unstable is not very specific, I agree, but it is a high level explanation of the cause. To go into more detail would be foolish as only a small number of people would actually understand. On top of that, any suggestion about the specific cause would simply be speculation. The devs would not release information at this level for security reasons.
  21. skyline-gtr

    Gps player location indicator

    RC_Robio, you suggest that a personal GPs device can adjust the clock on a satalite. Can you see no flaw in this ?Also while there may be plenty of satalites up there, the GPS system utilises only 24 specially designed sattalites for GPS.
  22. skyline-gtr

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Not really hard to determine that server stability is the cause of both issues. That is to suggest you understand the meaning of stability. Also, 1 known issue that is logging in at a different location then you logged out, does not mean the servers are now stable. It simply means one aspect has been fixed. The Yardpro issue, I believe is a server issue simply because of the amount of reports and my own personal experience. Many people claim no issue on their end, yet experience lag and disconnects. This differenet location issue, was confirmed to be a systems error. If you dont know the systems are servers.
  23. skyline-gtr

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    I never said they were the same issue. repeat again for i think 5th time: The cause is the same.