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Everything posted by ilikeguns

  1. ilikeguns

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    No, I like it for what it is. I just want more possibilities. Actually it is pretty important to me that what we have now also stays. I hope it can. Maybe it is just an idealistic dream of mine.
  2. ilikeguns

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    This is for sure, all good stuff should be hard to get, otherwise there would be no point in having anything else. Like with ballistic helmets now, I maybe want to wear a cowboy hat but bam there is that helmet again and I am taking it despite the fact that I am sick of always wearing the helmet.
  3. ilikeguns

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    Why are they not appropriate? I am DayZ player just like you and I think that they are very appropriate. Other games are pointless, no reason to fight when enemies just respawn and ready for action again without looking for beans first. The way I see it they should be rare, so noone will waste them on fresh spawns. And even if someone does that occasionally, no big deal. This is where I agree with you except for the 'fortunately' part. Let's see how much of that will be left in you after playing DayZ for year or something. I've been playing pretty much since the beginning of the mod, not bragging, just saying so you would better understand my point, I know Chernarus like the back of my hand and I don't want to struggle even moving from point A to point B. I want to do things, perform operations, be a part of a mobile group etc, do things in military or PMC style. But, and this is an important part of my vision, I don't want it to be the only way to play, not saying that the game should change, but that it should expand, we should all be able to play DayZ the way we want. And when I die I go looking for beans like everyone else, not respawn on my base fully geared. There should be room for many playstyles.
  4. ilikeguns

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    I see your point, but today I am bombarding you and tomorrow maybe if you work hard enough you are bombarding me. See, it is fun for everyone.
  5. ilikeguns

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    I would LOVE to have mortars available. They should be of course hard to shoot, like in that ACE video so 95% wouldn't be able to use them properly. Those people who say this and that does not belong and we don't want that - to me it's like a mind of an alien, something completely impossible for me to understand, why would anyone be against having more firepower. If you are a lone survivor you wouldn't be using those anyway and nobody would use it on you because you are to small and insignificant to waste mortar shots on you. But why not let those who play as organized groups have some firepower to fight among themselves? Wouldn't it be fun even for you, tiny belly crawling bean gathering survivor to someday hear that sound of horror when mortar round approaches and then see that explosion out in the field and know that something is going on there, that this world is alive and there are people doing things and not just you alone and your beans. But realistically speaking, I don't think this is ever going to happen in this game.
  6. ilikeguns

    A super rare weapon spawn idea

    Only if they also add rape and torture so owners of this gun could get what they deserve.
  7. ilikeguns

    What to expect from the Ruger 10/22

    Well, it is probably going to be good for shooting zombies and upside being the amount of ammo that we can carry, but anyway who shoots zombies when there is an axe and even if there is no axe, there are not too many zombies so no need for a lot of ammo. So I must agree that there is not much purpose for it, although still better to have it then nothing at all.
  8. ilikeguns

    What to expect from the Ruger 10/22

    Bullet in the liver is probably going to take you down in seconds. Anywhere in the abdomen is going to hurt like hell with every movement, beating anyone would not be the first priority for most people in this situation, maybe you are different, I don't know.
  9. ilikeguns

    What to expect from the Ruger 10/22

    This is not how it works IRL. Human body is not a bag of blood, it is also filled with organs of varied importance, some of those if even nicked are going to be much more of a problem than mere blood loss.
  10. ilikeguns

    What to expect from the Ruger 10/22

    Here is a video of a guy talking about .22LR efficiency against zombies and shooting some plywood. http://youtu.be/Ugw4iYqm7o4 If you don't want to watch I'll tell you that it penetrated 5 sheets of 10mm plywood from (according to his words) 70 meters. And here is a video of the same guy shooting a variety of .22LR at some pine boards from exactly 50 meters. http://youtu.be/PbwQ0dMWJ18 This video is in Russian so I'll tell you that not all but some rounds penetrated 4 pine boards. That is certainly not an airgun. That guy also happens to be the author of my favorite books about zombie apocalypse, they are bestsellers in Russia.
  11. I'd like to see it at some point, especially if the scope comes off and there is a chance that it will spawn without one. I just fail to understand why people would say no to more stuff. Remington 700 would be great too, popular rifle and not overly expensive. I just hope they'd do it in multiple calibers and actually introduce proper ammo instead of making every rifle just shoot 7.62x51.
  12. ilikeguns

    Winchester Revival Thread

    I think Chernarus is based on Czech Republic only in the meaning that the terrain that was used is located in Czech Republic IRL. I've never been to Czech Republic but I live in Russia and when I look at Chernarus in game I see Russia. Most texts are in Russian language, the style in which things are made, like those road signs are exactly like road signs we have here, in front of every town and village. Then there are those concrete walls made of sections, like the one around NWAF, you can see walls exactly like that everywhere in Russia. And the name "Chernarus" means "Black Russia". There is a country IRL called Belarus which means "White Russia" and it is fairly similar to Russia in many aspects, so maybe it actually based on that country or some combination of both plus a flavor of Czech Republic.
  13. ilikeguns

    Please Bring Back The Stary Sober Military Tents

    Not saying that we need more military spawns but those tents in Stary Sobor were good for the game. The location was perfect, with sniper hill nearby, it was one of the most dangerous and thrilling places in game, now it is just dull.
  14. ilikeguns

    Winchester Revival Thread

    Yes, but please make it use proper ammo this time. Originally it was chambered in .44 Henry but there is no way in hell you'd find an original 1866 in Russia or anywhere near it so there can only be a modern replica in game, which are made in .38 Special if I am not mistaken, probably other calibers too. Maybe it could use .357 Magnum. EDIT: I actually checked Russian online gun stores so now I can tell that carbines of this type are certainly available in Russia and even not very expensive, they cost around $1000 which is not a lot here because weapons generally are expensive in Russia. There are many variations available but my personal favorite is ofcourse the one chambered in .454 Cassul.
  15. ilikeguns

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    I want this bad.
  16. ilikeguns

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    Not many. And those who do are usually made fun of. Like "look, there is a cowboy walking". But there are few public people in Russia that made it an integral part of their appearance.
  17. ilikeguns

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    I think there should be more helmets with equal or similar protection to the ballistic helmet, like different styles, colors, modern Russian helmets like Сфера (Sphere) just so everybody do not look the same. And then all those helmets should be much more rare. Now I usually find a ballistic helmet pretty early in my character's life and after that I don't wear anything else. I want to say they should be as rare as press vest, but I don't know how rare it is exactly because I have never found one, maybe that is a little too rare. But definitely much rarer than they are now. Otherwise there is just no reason to have all that headgear that is currently in game, except the helmet.
  18. ilikeguns

    Least Bandity Apparel?

    Maybe it is just me but people in orange raincoats bring thoughts into my head of bad things that are about to happen. Blue/green plaid shirt somehow makes me think not a bandit, especially green.
  19. ilikeguns

    New Boonie!`

    Excellent! And it is even available in flecktarn! I hope more items in that camo pattern will follow, and some tropentarn too.
  20. ilikeguns

    Remove the breathing fog

    Quake I had great blood trails, DayZ has got nothing on it.
  21. ilikeguns

    More AK Gun Talk And Wish List Of Future Weapons

    Actually that article says in the first paragraph: Calling it AK-47 is a very very very common mistake, especially in the west. AK-47 is just a folklore name and is incorrect. It should be called just AK. But I am not going to fight over it, just offering a little bit of education, take it or leave it.
  22. ilikeguns

    Thoughts on the SKS and B29

    Wasting ammo on zombies? Savagery.
  23. ilikeguns

    More AK Gun Talk And Wish List Of Future Weapons

    There is no such gun as AK-47, when people will learn that. There are AK, AKM, AK-74 and so on. No AK-47. What I really want is gunsmithing. Grab a basic gun and mod it extensively, change stocks, add pistol grip, some rails, removable mag for SKS etc.