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Everything posted by Gontner

  1. Gontner

    KILL ME I'M STUCK! also: free gear!

    and you got out? I was there too, had a friend of mine kill me! got back my loot though. I'd help ya but I'm at NWAF :( best of luck, maybe someone can kill ya. waiting to starve can take forever
  2. Aside from all the rubber banding, session lost and severe FPS drops since 0.42. the respawn at its current state makes is pretty unplayable once you enter a town. Once you kill them they shouldn't just respawn 50m away, already aggro'ed... I mean I killed 8 Z's with a god damn garden hoe and they kept on spawning right next to me... At least give 'em a couple of minutes. On the other hand, I like the fact it got a lot more difficult to outrun them, and also that they seem to cause a lot more damage. However, the respawn mechanic combined with all the other issues kinda ruined the game for me. I guess I'm gonna have to wait for another patch/hotfix...
  3. Gontner

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I wish I could say the same about stable FPS. Unfortunately I keep getting pretty severe drops down to ~15, especially in towns. (I had stable fps of ~40 before 0.42/43 even in towns) I also noticed severe rubberbanding which almost got me killed twice because of the new zombie mechanics... On top of that, the rubberbanding seems to increase until the session is lost ^^ Altogether it has gotten pretty much unplayable for me... guess I'm gonna have to wait for another patch/hotfix.
  4. Gontner

    Please invest more time into bugfixing

    enough said ^^ but seriously I don't mind if they add a farming hoe or some hats in the game, as I don't think it has that much of an impact on whether the game breaks or runs stable. However, I agree that there should be a bit more effort on fixing bugs and essential infrastructure. Especially known issues that have been around since release (e.g. Z's clipping through walls).
  5. Gontner

    Dayz - Zombie headshots

    IMHO headshots should be the only way to kill a zombie. maybe also shoot em in the legs so they start crawling. However, none of that should be implemented until the wall clipping and bugging has been fixed.
  6. Gontner


    why remove it ? it's a fun thing to do ^^ 8/10 would click again.
  7. Gontner

    12 Yellow Boxes

    lol it is sure gonna be a pain in the ass to loot your dead body...
  8. Gontner

    Umbrella's and other curios

    Umbrellas sound like fun, you could also use them as melee weapon. I also like the idea of ponchos or maybe even ABC suits. Some sort of tarp or makeshift tents would also make sense I guess, you wouldn't be able to move but not get wet either. Unfortunately there seems to be no difference yet whether you wear a hoodie or a raincoat, you get wet just as fast either way.
  9. Gontner


    I'm not sure, if it's worth the resources, and yeah I guess they should be extremely rare or maybe not usable by a single person. However I like the idea of crafting mortar rounds into some sort of IED.
  10. Gontner

    Items you have still yet to see in the game.

    seen a press vest once in the jail building at NEAF. it was badly damaged though... as for the leather jacket, I don't think it actually spawns (yet)
  11. Gontner

    Items you have still yet to see in the game.

    Best place to find ACOG, Pistol RDS or silencer are the hangars. My gear: