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Everything posted by SnoochyPoochys

  1. SnoochyPoochys

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    This is out of control. The speed hacking, teleporting issue needs to be #1. We don't need new clothing, or even weapons at this point. The game is nearly unplayable. Honestly, I used to suggest to my friends that they buy this game and give it a try, I cannot legitimately suggest to anymore that they buy this game. Its pointless to play right now because, inevitably, you are gonna be killed by a hacker. If the hacking can't be fixed right away then a good step is to introduce the old activity log (Arma 2 style), "who killed who". At least that way we can report people for hacking, cause clearly Batteyee is useless/pointless. I know there was some resistance to the activity log but given the rampant situation this is at least a first step. Yes, there will be false posts but at least its something.
  2. SnoochyPoochys

    hive problems

    anyone just start having trouble on servers not being able to connect to the hive, resulting in a fresh toon spawing in? just started happening 5 minutes ago, coincided with brutal roll backs of probably 30s-1m??
  3. SnoochyPoochys

    You are Dead/Unconscious TOPIC.

    Getting the unconscious/you are dead loop, please fix the major issues negating people playing the game at all before you work on making another different type of hat.......
  4. SnoochyPoochys

    can't prone/crouch when hands out?

    Anyone else notice you can't go prone or crouch when your hands are out? Is this a thing now?
  5. SnoochyPoochys

    Can't respawn, stuck in the "You are dead" screen

    .....the first 2 pages are completely filled with the exact same problem and you "searched in the forums"? really? really?
  6. As the title says: sometimes when i am refreshing the server list i get knocked offline for several minutes. A yellow exclamation mark appears over my internet access icon in the taskbar, indicating i am having trouble accessing the internet. Anyone else have this issue with DayZ Standalone and perhaps a fix?? DrXtal
  7. SnoochyPoochys

    Best Character Contest.
