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Everything posted by B.a.r.r.e.t

  1. You need to go there: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170999-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BF/
  2. Hi RocKet! it's like climbing Everest: D
  3. How do you show a sense of humor here..?
  4. Who told you that video games are for kids!? DayZ the game is not for children.
  5. We have a proverb in Russia quote; don't Wake famously until it quietly
  6. The appearance of the tents will lead to hackers
  7. Оружие: Баллистические параметры всех снарядов оптимальной для большего реализма (отдельное спасибо Gews для своей великой анализа на характеристики оружия) После выстрела из Мосина , характер автоматически перезаряжается это не увидеть , где пуля попала , прицел и сразуудаляет не видите пуля попала в цель . Вы можете исправить , что я сам взимается начислить картридж , когда мне это нужно ?? Now you do not see the bullet hit the target or not! Now you do not see the bullet hit the target or not!
  8. Крафт: может отремонтировать одежду, оружие и предметы, используя специализированные предметы (например, швейный набор)Коробка передач: Настроен швейный набор и его рецепты http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=225143625
  9. Оружие: Баллистические параметры всех снарядов оптимальной для большего реализма (отдельное спасибо Gews для своей великой анализа на характеристики оружия)After a shot of the Mosin, the character automatically recharges it does not see where the bullet hit, the sight and immediately removes not see the bullet hit the target. You can fix that I myself charged overcharging cartridge when I need it??? Take a few shots from Mosin 700-800 meters and you will understand what I said.
  10. Hello! Thank Roket team and fraternally from the heart! Will test. I already took the hat, now go check balistiku Mosin and the following additions) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=225089938
  11. Need to reduce the destruction of objects from an ax, machete, M14, Mosin, SKS, and all weapons.
  12. Is that you, a colleague told ochem?))) Hostage-taking?))
  13. for example to make 100% of subjects 20% receive step "Ruined" This is an example
  14. 1)Very bad: - Actions: Cannot use an item (e.g. drink/eat) if it is "Ruined" Very bad! I followed the survivors when he plundered the city and then I made one shot and he died, I came to pick up his food, water, ammunition, gun, everything was spoiled .1 beans remained surviving bank, everything else is "Ruined"Why I can kill dangerous man with a rifle in his hands? But I can not use his belongings after his murder? One bullet shot from the Mosin, and all things "Ruined" This is bad (( It blew up C-4??)))))
  15. For me this game DayZ like another world in which I live as it is impossible to live in the real world, and I would like that the game was all right. What would nebilo hackers)
  16. Very bad when, after one hit of Mosin a corpse in a backpack in his jacket pockets in all spoiled ((One shot all that bore the character should be discarded? He blew up an С-4 or can hit from exposure Mosin = m-67 ???
  17. If developers will do everything at once, we did not get that except bugs and lag .... Need to do everything in order and on another, this game comes to a standstill and then it will be difficult to fix something. Rocket and the team have not set up a character and we cry, (Give trucks, bicycle!) So we will not have to go together to get a positive result.
  18. Why can not paint ZSh3 Pilot Helmet ???
  19. Rabbits are designed to ensure that the forest was not empty))
  20. Please add wild boar to cook meat because hunger = D
  21. You do not understand that the character is not ready to ride in cars? Character still not able to eat as needed, and you say let's car. Appeared to cars need to optimize the game and prepare for the cars. And your money is not taken away, you gave them yourself)))))) bobotype3334 You are wrong!