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Everything posted by firstrock1503

  1. firstrock1503

    your first interaction with another player

    My first encounter went like this. I hadn't been playing long when it happened. I was looting some unknown inland town on a daylight server when I see another survivor run down the street towards me. He didn't appear to have a weapon and he was yelling for help. As he got closer I could see that he was being chased by a zombie! Seeing as I had a fireman's Axe, I decided to save him. I told the survivor to get behind me as he approached, and I sank my axe into the zombie's skull! The man thanked me and asked if I had any bandages and food. As I was going through my inventory to assist my new friend, I saw the man put his fists up and begin punching me wildly! I was overwhelmed by emotions and adreneline instantly and reacted by whipping out my axe again and chasing down this traitor, slashing and hacking as I went. Just before the death blow, I asked the man why he had betrayed me after I saved his life, his response was very DayZ; "It's kill or be killed!". From then on I have been a paranoid SOB when it comes to interaction with others. I can trust no one, and everyone is a threat to me no matter your dress, actions or words. I am the Sasquatch of the NW!
  2. firstrock1503

    Another death...

    So I was playing with my son's character to help him get geared up. I had just logged in outside the power plant on the north side of Elecktro. I was there maybe 1 minute and then was shot in the back by an unknown survivor. I was on the bottom floor looting the metal shelves when this occurred. I assume this was someone that logged in after me in the same room that I was looting, although it could have been someone coming in the metal door and seeing me. I didn't hear a thing until the M4 burst and this is why I suspect the log and not an in game survivor. I know this has been said before, but I would like to see a change in the game where you can't log in/out while inside a building. This would prevent these log created exchanges between survivors. /minirant!
  3. I had a zombie attack me from behind last night, he hit me once and it ruined everything in my backpack! My shotgun, 45 and magnum were all ruined! I tried the cleaning kit on them but you cannot do this on ruined weapons. This is frustrating but it is Alpha after all, so no biggie.
  4. I had a zombie attack me from behind last night, he hit me once and it ruined everything in my backpack! My shotgun, 45 and magnum were all ruined! I tried the cleaning kit on them but you cannot do this on ruined weapons. This is frustrating but it is Alpha after all, so no biggie.