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Everything posted by Facetentacles

  1. Facetentacles

    Where's the best place to find a backpack?

    Yep, exactly it. And yeah you probably want a decent sniper rifle, or just go in after someone cleared it. They usually can't take all the backpacks with them
  2. Facetentacles

    Where's the best place to find a backpack?

    If you're playing Epoch, you can buy one at any of the trader cities. However, as stated before those AI missions will usually net you a coyote, which can be a bit pricey when first starting out. Just wreck some AI... Careful though, they can be tougher than they look
  3. Bro that says OMOH not OMON... And if you think I'm serious when I say this you should leave the internet ;) OP: finally, hunting jackets to match all these random ass hunting pants I find and get stuck wearing with check shirts!
  4. Facetentacles

    Did anyone else notice this near the NEAF?

    Is it in there in the mod? I may fly my chopper up there and look if it is.
  5. Easiest way to get used to judging distance since the scope doesn't have mildots... Zombie target practice. Get used to how big they look through the scope when you're zeroed in at a distance. People are same size. If you know a zombie is about an inch high on your screen at say... 600 meters, a person is too.
  6. Facetentacles

    Sensitivity Broken for Anyone Else?

    I'm having the same issue... I can adjust mouse settings all day long, but as soon as the window is closed, if I open it back up everything is reset and I'm not noticing any sort of difference no matter what I do. It's not fun when barely moving the mouse makes it seem like an earthquake is happening.
  7. Facetentacles

    Strange alarm next to Svetlojarsk (Guba)

    I would play the shit out of that.
  8. Facetentacles

    Cars in epoch

    Ok, I tried searching and couldn't find any topics on the subject, so I'll just ask. I just started playing Epoch today having only very briefly played the original mod before switching to standalone. The server I'm on there's a crapload of cars spawned in but the majority of them are locked. Is there any way to unlock them? Also, is there any way to lock my car when I'm not near it/logged out? I found a bunch of bases with no one in sight and a lot of vehicles surrounding them but couldn't get in to them, like someone drove them there and locked them. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Facetentacles

    Cars in epoch

    Oh so only the cars I buy from a trader? Well that's unfortunate. Hopefully all my stuff and my car hasn't been found yet. Thanks for the info
  10. I just started seriously playing epoch today so that's good. Too bad I somehow destroyed my huge backpack when I picked up a smaller one by mistake, including the gun in it, and someone stole my ambulance while I was at the traders. Sigh...
  11. Facetentacles

    Call Out SheepDog402

    Eh, we had 3 sniper all fire simultaneously near a guy in a hangar at the NEAF the other day. After going into the corner where we couldn't see him and sitting there for a minute, he logged... Probably to go change his pants. Cant say I blame him. Bad thing is We weren't even going to kill him. Just let him know he wasn't alone.
  12. Facetentacles

    Military Tents Spawn To Much Loot?

    Lol thanks. I appreciate the offer (or attempt to bait me into a bad situation ;) ) but I took a break from sniping. My entire group ended up with mosins the other night except my fiancé who is admittedly still pretty new and was a bit drunk that night. We got wrecked in CQB.
  13. Facetentacles

    Military Tents Spawn To Much Loot?

    Balota really isn't that dangerous anymore since nobody spawns over that way, at lest on stable. I ran there once and only found 1 guy, that never even saw me hiding in a tree scoping the place out. He lucked out too. I was just about to kill him but the zombie he shot of course respawned almost right on top of me and I had to run away to kill it without him noticing me, and when I came back he had disappeared into the trees
  14. Facetentacles

    Military Tents Spawn To Much Loot?

    I don't think it's bad. I think it all spawns with the idea in mind that not just one person is going to be there gearing up, but a full server or at the very least a group of people. If you go in there an try to take everything, you won't fit it all so there's always things left for the next guy, and probably the guy after him. Now once proper loot respawning is in place, it may be just a tad too much, because that's where everyone will go if they need gear with a high chance of finding a weapon. And they will all be sniper bait. Offtopic, though... Seriously? 3 LRSs? Even when the loot was fixed initially, I ran to an untouched NWAF and still never found a single LRS anywhere. I still just end up killing people for them
  15. Facetentacles

    Bugged audio.

    Another bad one is footsteps. Sometimes you hear them loud and clear, sometimes you don't. I was playing last night sitting in a building trying to find who was shooting in Berezino, half expecting to hear footsteps of anyone inside the same building as me. Then I hear my fiancé "oh is that you in the same building as me?" "WTF!!!" As I turn around and she is suddenly standing 5 feet behind me. I even ran back through the building and stairs... Wasn't the carpeted floors, but wooden. I made plenty of noise as I walked through. Good way to get the shit scared out of you. At least it wasn't someone trying to kill me
  16. Facetentacles

    Strange alarm next to Svetlojarsk (Guba)

    Hey, I've got over 400 hours in the game and I've never encountered a hacker yet. Some potential, but I usually write it off as desync because desync is a far bigger issue than hacking lately. Still, if you paid any attention before all of the threads about hacking get yarded around here, hacking does appear to be an issue on exp because the hackers found out BE is disabled on exp so they don't get in any trouble for it. Did I whine and cry about fixing hacker problems, death of the game, worst alpha ever, can't believe I spent $30 on this garbage? No. I enjoy the game, so chill out. It was just a theory. Keep it in your pants next time
  17. Facetentacles

    Lag on full servers

    It has been really bad lately. It has got to the point where I just keep my gun out all the time near populated areas, because if I have to pull it out in a clutch moment, I have to sit there an watch myself put it away and pull it back out like 6 times before it finally stays out. And don't get me started on using a bandage then bleeding for another full minute before it takes effect.
  18. Facetentacles

    Strange alarm next to Svetlojarsk (Guba)

    Considering the amount of hackers on experimental, it could have just been a hacker doing it too, although that's a new one I've never heard of. Funny though
  19. Facetentacles

    Lone Wolf: How To Live A Few More DayZ

    Most of the snipers in Berezino are too far from that road to bother trying to shoot a fresh spawn. If you stick on the coastal road and don't go into town you can generally run straight through without stopping.Edit: my phone autocorrected it to Berezini? Wtf
  20. Facetentacles

    Best M4A1 Range Config?

    Not sure I even get what the compensator does in game. I know they're useful for semi-auto rifles and that, reducing recoil, but on a bolt action I'm not even sure it's necessary. I've shot with my mosin in game with and without a compensator and haven't really noticed much of a difference. Granted, I haven't spent a good amount of time doing extensive testing on it either.
  21. Facetentacles

    Riders jackets and friends lost

    I thought riders jackets were rare? Never see anyone with it on, and I never found any of them since they showed up on exp a while back. Then last night I got killed and ended up with that terrible spawn between Kamy and Sol. Knew everyone was in Berezino but running for 5 min just to kill myself seemed like a hassle, so I just booked it for Elektro. Met a fresh spawn on the way who asked me if I wanted to go "punch some mother f***ers to death" sure, why not. Get to Elektro and supposedly there's a guy with a mosin just lighting up fresh spawns in the middle of town. We find a hoe and a pitchfork on the way. I started playing Eye of the Tiger in direct as we run around Elektro but we don't see a single person. Just as I find a mosin (no ammo though) laying around in the middle of nowhere, I find my new friend again, then the server resets. Damn, maybe I can find him again if I reconnect. Join back in and nobody else even joins the server. Screw it, start looking around.. Found 2 pristine riders jackets and a damaged one in about 15 minutes. Still sad my new friend and I didn't get to gang up on a mosin-toting bandit. TLDR: want a riders jacket? Go to Elektro on a fresh server, apparently.
  22. Facetentacles

    Feeling Guilt

    I may have let him live since he actually spoke... But if he had his weapon out, I wouldn't have thought twice about shooting him, an if he started to pull out a weapon, I would have shot him. Honestly, just plain shooting him was probably your best option. No way someone was just sitting in there to make friends with all that gear.
  23. Facetentacles

    Where did the party go at kamyshovo/elektro?

    Nailed it. There were a bunch of fresh spawns with pitchforks and axes slaughtering eachother earlier there. I managed to get a mosin off some guy with no ammo but I only had a pipe wrench, so I fell to the wrath of a pitchfork as well
  24. Facetentacles

    2L8 crew that was on the NEAF this morning

    I killed a fresh spawn around 900 meters away that thought logging out along the coast next to the road was a good idea. Normally I wouldn't shoot a fresh spawn unless he was trying to punch me, but I mean... He really picked a bad place to log out, and probably respawned in Berezino where he died anyway. My e-peen is so huge right now
  25. Facetentacles

    Lol @ you

    I think I ran into the same guy Berezino the other day. I was with my friends looting the town and they hadn't seen anyone. They all had gear but I had just died. I was talking to them on TS and said "hey is that you in the middle of the main road?" "Yeah that's me" So I run to meet up with him. I got right up on the guy and he turned. "Shit! That's not you" and the guy aimed his sawed-off at me. Hit me in the arm. I kept running. Then he hit me in the legs and I went down. I started crawling, yelling for my friends to get over there. The guy came up to me with his shotgun again and I started rolling away from him. He somehow missed both shots. He must have seen my friends then because he started running away. Two of them chased him down and shot him in the middle of a field while another killed the 5 zombies that were on me and bandaged me and gave me morphine. Seriously how do you miss a guy with broken legs point blank with a shotgun...