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Everything posted by atoav

  1. atoav

    Flintlock musket

    Exactly. The point with all extra weapons should be: they should be rare. I even think the Mosin and the M4 spawn way to often. There should be more handguns and double barrels etc. Inpractical weapons that are not very versatile and make you think twice about engaging the other player. A flintlock (my uncle has two of them on the wall), would be fun, but it should not be a common weapon. A higher diversity in weapons and how they behave (you have to know something to actually use them), would make the game more interesting. Edit: My point is: a lot of people actually suggest really mighty weapons like a M24 Sniper, etc. I also agree with them. They should be there. But there should only be a 1:6 chance for even only one to spawn in the whole map. If those strong weapons are to easy to get, to use and to get ammo for it kills what makes DayZ so interesting: the uncertainty
  2. atoav

    Flintlock musket

    Yeah but 10000 wooden huts with pictures of the war time. In the small villages in the mountains why wouldn't someone have a flintlock mounted to the wall as deco? If you ask me it could be there but it should be a pain to use (like it was).
  3. atoav

    What do we really want as far as zombies?

    You totally got my beans. I am a long time lurker (I watch DayZ since the start of the mod) and finally decided to buy it myself a week ago. I really love gaming, but often I just don't have the time to spare to run around headless. I died by Zeds (glitching though walls, my last rags finished an hour ago), I starved (wouldn't find anything to open a can after 2 hours) and now I finally found a server were not all loot is gone and I am good to go. But here is what I like: I like to wander around. Alone. I like to set myself targets and they don't necessarily have to do with shooting people or get the good gear. I want to explore the damn map and do it without dying. Maybe I am really a exploration-type player and the (little) survival aspects of the game really add to that feeling of exploration. Heck if farming would be implemented I would be the first to plant some seeds. As much as I think the socials aspects of the game make it interesting: I am a lonewolf and I like this game to be interesting even without other players action. And I don't want this game to be a classical Multiplayer FPS with hard to get items and a bit of survival here and there. That is why I agree with you: there needs to be more than gear. You need your Character to have values you can't just steal or find. I would even say let your chars "talents" be different when you spawn (in a certain margin). Make them visually different. Make everything you can so a player don't wants to loose his bare life. As hard as it will be: there is a need to keep this game enigmatic in some places. This is easy for beginners, but it is hard for players that play the game everyday. Techniques that could add a bit to that would be an implementation of randomness (like generative modelling of houses, places, zombies or even items). So things are not as fixed as they are right now and even seasoned players have the constant urge to adapt to situations. Generative Gamedesign can be hard to design well (so things don't look too boring or too crazy/unrealistic), but I think it could be a way to keep players watching more for the world they are in and valuing the moments they got with their character.
  4. atoav

    What do we really want as far as zombies?

    My answer on that question is deeply tied to the way the AI is implemented. I agree with the idea, that bigger cities have more zombies, but there should also be villages that have been evacuated. So the equation bigger city = more zombies should not always be true. I'd also like zombies to roam around. Most important is, that you can stealth your way around them. I really doubt the whole concept of "clever" zeds: they have a disease, just look at their spastic movments: they ARE limited. Also there are limits to the possibilites of AI-Design. If they heare you, the should just know your general direction and as long as they don't see you, they should not find you. If they see you, and you hide, they should go to the location where they last saw you and search on. It would be also great if you could just throw a stone or something to lure them away.
  5. atoav

    Which vehicles would you want to see in DayZ?

    Count me in for that one. To much military vehicles destroy the mood IMHO.
  6. atoav

    Body Tepmerature, wet clothes, rainfalls

    I agree with that. Weather should take a part in the Gameplay. I understand the point, that people find it harsh already, because sometimes you check 100 houses and you will find only rotten fruits or can food and you have nothing to open it and then you starve. So if you add a weather system you should also make the eating-system easier (spawn more food or decrease the rate of decay — hunting will also make it easier I guess). Every weather should also have its benifits: When it is raining you can collect waterFog hides you from other players or zombiesWhen there is snow on the floor you may cook the snow to get some water. Also: animal tracks? (I am not sure if it really needs snow)
  7. atoav

    Zombies Spotting You From A Distance.

    That shocked me also more than once, when you crouch through a house and sudenly that sound and between your legs... : O But the dumbest thing I did in DayZ was the assumption, that a fence would stop the zombies..
  8. atoav

    Introduce yourselves

    I am atoav (somtimes also forelle). I like to chill around, help people, wander around and try not to die. At the moment I am just glad infections aren't yet implemented ; ) I am a long time lurker to DayZ since the first days of the mod, but didn't had the time for games. Decided to get the Standalone however, because I like where this game is going.