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About Macovzki

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    On the Coast
  1. Okay man, yeah you're totally right, sorry for asking a fcking question there mate :D. Next time I'll just don't go on the fcking forums cause you know, instant flaming seems to be kind of regular on noob players who are new to the game :D. Sorry I bothered you with my question/complaint/thread ;D.
  2. Alright, so as of now I have been playing the game for a rough 18 hours and I like it a lot. Usually I'm not really into these games because I think I don't have the patience for what you have to do (all the scavenging and walking) and since it is an alpha (got stuck inside a building just yesterday, only to fall to my death shortly after by my own mistake, oh the adventures I have lol) I really like to play it and I think that the developers are doing a great job at what they do and what the game is becoming. The massive world you can explore and stuff you can gather are already reason enough for me to play it. Fighting off the zombies is just a secondary thing (what am I saying, of course it's not a secondary thing, maybe I've gone infectious lol. Better gtfo of my house then). Anyway, after having played the game for about 18 hours I really do wonder about something and that is whether or not friendly players actually exist. Before I started playing the game I had already seen a few video's from frankie about his adventures in DayZ which gave me the impression that it is pretty hardcore on new players who don't know the game all that well (like me), so I decided to only play in non-pvp or 'friendly' servers to learn more about the game and just play without having to worry about bandits who shoot me for nothing. Though as I kind of already expected those servers are seemingly filled with assholes who somehow don't seem to understand that they are absolutely ruining the entire experience by simply killing noob players in non-pvp servers. Hell, I was even playing in a server where you would get banned if you'd kill someone and still I ran into some dude in the hospital with his axe out and as soon as he seen me he chopped the living shit out of me. It's a great game and I hope to play it much more than those few 18 hours, but as usual there's this group of players, this very special little group of retards who ruin it for everybody else as long as they can do what they want. So yeah, my question, do nice players exist? And if so where do they live? Because they certainly don't seem to live on Chernarus -_-'. Ok that last line was just fueled by my memories about all the shit encounters. Nice players exist, of course. Too bad I have only ran into the shitty asshole ones. Buuuuuut so yeah, guess I still have to ask a question or otherwise this thread doesn't really serve a purpose and I'll have to edit this thread AGAIN which I don't want cause I'm tired lol. Alright I got one: Are there any good or noob friendly clans that are recruiting? I know I can go and take a look at the Recruiting part of the forum myself but maybe people can recommend me clans or share their experience or opinion regarding a clan? You know, which to avoid and which to like, not avoid? :P Alright, I hope this thread isn't entirely useless or shitty to read as it is kinda fueled by a recent rage quit in DayZ and more of a rant than anything else I think (I know, it's stupid xD). Good night or day or whatever it is to whoever read this.