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Everything posted by Rudette

  1. >.> I'm not sure what you're getting at, but I was getting at "Knives should be more killy."
  2. Rudette

    Bandits Beware!

    aaaaaaaaaahhhhh I am defeated, the retinas of my bandit eyes have been seared by gratuitous amounts of teal cyan.
  3. Rudette

    Themes !

    More improvised gear, for that mad max post-apoc scrap metal/tire rubber armor look! Also, tactical police gear and a black variant of a gas mask!
  4. Rudette

    Fix the loot.

    **shrugs** There are two types of gamers, duckling: 1. Gamers who gripe, whine, blame the game. Blame everyone and ANYTHING but themselves when they lose. This type of gamer loses valuable knowledge and experience for the sake of protecting his/her own ego from acknowledge that defeat came from a series of mistakes or even a singular flaw in how they played. This is the rage gamer. It is also a path of least resistance. Unlearning habits and learning new ones are hard, so it's easier to blame the numbers call "OP" than it is to grow and evolve. 2. Gamers who blame no one, but review that experience over and over to pinpoint what they did wrong so they can habitualize behavior that will not lead to the same scenario that lead to their defeat. This type of gamer chooses not to rage and absorbs that knowledge instead of throwing it away. Advice and experience has been granted to you in both your own actions and the advice we've extended to you. You are clearly type 1.
  5. First language or no, image is everything and your presentation is lacking. I thought you were surely American; You jump directly to insults and your opinion in it's entirety is laid out as if you are some self-entitled fatalist to the bitter end, that you are so important that the world has formed an Illuminati around you with the sole intent of antagonizing you and you alone. Apologies for my confusion. You would fit in perfectly here. The game isn't perfect, It is an Alpha product. It has to be patched all the time because it is, by nature, incomplete. We don't even have all the core features in place yet! Expect things to get fixed, broken, added, subtracted all the way into beta and beyond. Even the idea that they could go to console is just that. An insubstantial idea that may or may not ever grow to fruition. And if it does? That's something we can discuss if and when. We don't even know how they would handle it. We only have a few months worth of track record with DayZ to speculate on.
  6. The definition of ignorance is essentially that you don't know what you're talking about. I'm not calling YOU personally ignorant. Your opinion, however, is uniformed. Thus, my choice of words. Let's not kid ourselves, duckling. The use of my lexicon speaks for itself, just as your lack of punctuation or some semblance of grammar speaks for you. For instance, did you know that patching on a console can cost upwards of 40,000$? This factored in with game originating on PC means we'll be getting more frequent patches. Because if somethings broken? It is cheaper to fix it here first...And if something goes wrong, they can catch it before their 40,000$ console patch goes live. So prattling on with trite little insults about my maturity level is a big sign of how mature you are right?... You should seek a career in politics. They divert attention from the real topic with slander all the time.
  7. I am 26 years of age, duckling. If anything, another perpetuation of your habitual uninformed assumption habit. You are both uniformed and ignorant in the field of game development. That's not an insult, that's simply the way it is. I'm sorry if you're ego was damaged and thrust you into personally insulting me. But, really, that's on you. A reflection of your own insecurities. Just like the presentation of your fears in the topic. If anything, console ports usually get the shaft. Bohemia isn't known for their ports. Anything derived from the original has to be condensed into console limitations. And..."Fanboy"...-eyeroll-....Don't be simple.
  8. Rudette

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    The only Finnish I know is "Valmet" ---All be it, fondly.
  9. Eh, you're just being politically correct babies about it. It's a horrible harsh environment. Where horrible harsh things happen. Deal with it. Leave out your out learned morals and taboos. My only real concern with cannibalism is the impact it would have on fresh spawns. It NEEDS to be in the game.. But it needs some sort of negative impact associated with it. If they can't cook up an appropriate impact, however, I'd have no qualms with cannibilism never coming to fruition.
  10. As someone who loves axe murdering people, I would love for more avenues of murder to be opened up. Not a fan of guns. Guns are too quick. I would like the sharp stabby weapons to be more..meaningful.. I mean.. Why use one for anything but opening cans when it takes 2 dozen strikes for someone to feel it?
  11. Rudette

    Got a gun and food 2 choices

    Whatever you would have fun doing.
  12. Rudette

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    I'll bite, because boredom. I'd like rarity with a sense of progression/If it adds to that sense of progression. You know that feeling you get when you melee someone down who has a gun? Like you're a tiny little caveman who has somehow taken out a mammoth? If we start having tiered little craftables that help emulate that sense of progression elsewhere then that would be lovely. I mean.. Who doesn't want to go into battle in Mad Max scrap metal/tire rubber ramshod armor armed with a wrist mounted crossbow, facing people with high tier military loot? I rest my case.
  13. I think it's a stupid term, personally. But it's ok, because once cannibalism comes into play I'm just going to call them veal. You are all just pigs in human skin. Pigs that I will season to taste.
  14. Rudette

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    There is an art to that! The best part about murdering husbands, in particular, is the sewing of mixed messages. The confusion. Like the time I held a guy at gunpoint and made him eat beans and then squeal like a piggy for me. He didn't know what to think. When he asked "Does this mean I can go?" I replied with "No. It means DIE PIGGY!" -blat blat-
  15. Rudette


    The devblog, if I recall, states that the the biggest thing holding back dogs is the process of assigning ownership to the player.
  16. Rudette

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    All these silly labels people throw at each other are self-righteous egotistical justifications for how they play. Frankly, more people should learn to leave their bravado at the door. My goal is to survive: Sometimes that means hiding. Sometimes that means playing nice. More often than not, it means cold blooded murder.
  17. When I find a fireaxe is my favorite part. My other favorite part, is the tension of sneaking around in high population areas, scurrying around for loot while hearing gunshots in the streets.
  18. As Grandmaster Dragon of my local PC master race chapter, this topic does not concern me. Seriously though, this generation of consoles.. I'm ducking out on. I'll go play exclusive titles at a friends place if necessary.
  19. Rudette

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Precisely. It's like having a release valve.
  20. Experimental right now. I like playing with new toys, and for the most part, it feels more stable than stable right now.
  21. Rudette

    Remove guns from the game.

    *golf clap* Yes, let's call people on the opposing side of your argument dumb. That will surely lead to progression. /sarcasm Guns are not the problem. The problem is that the environment not out to devour us yet. There is no common enemy. No incentives to team up. Game is still in development. When there is more to do shooting each other out of boredom will change. It will always be around, and it should be. Expect social dynamics to get better later on in development. Or, find a group of like minded people to play with. And your suggestion to take guns away is laughable. Quickest way to get geared is to stalk and axe down someone else who is.
  22. Rudette

    Fix the loot.

    That's on you. Go north. Plenty of food. Also. It's being worked on. Obligatory: Alpha