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Everything posted by DuffLumi

  1. DuffLumi


    The Chernarus+ is 230sq km, isn't it? Moscow is 2172km away. Even if it wasn't an easter egg, would you think it's possible?
  2. DuffLumi

    Stable Update 07.02.2014 | New Gear!

    Finaly good update-showing video. All I've seen before is complete "bla-blah-blah".
  3. DuffLumi

    What Type of Bases do You Want to See in DayZ

    I wanna dig up a tunnel :> That would be the best base for me.
  4. DuffLumi

    New gun : Ruger

    Didn't your mum teach you to click "Investigate" to capture a normal screenshot?
  5. DuffLumi

    DayZ Parkour

    Can you see, that most of the time they "climb over" after they fall? So its probably a bug.
  6. DuffLumi

    Dayz Standalone Update Info Video

    Whoaa? 4K? Amazing! How the hell did he reached this huuuuge amount of subscribers? Can you realise? Its 4 freaking thousands! That's sooo much... *Sacrasm mode on*
  7. DuffLumi

    Dayz Standalone Update Info Video

    I was always enraged by the video like this. It's a complete blah-blah-blah without showing anything. So why the hell should I have wasted 4 minutes of my life watching this if I can just read rocket's post and know anything I want from it? Video was invented for showing. Wanna make a video about patch? At least show some images/screenshots. Dislike.