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Everything posted by Beastmanss

  1. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    As "Val" is a russian/soviet rifle. Its a silenced sniper rifle. If anybody played Battlefield 3/4, you should be familiar with it. I think it would be great against infected and players. Check the pictures below. Also, don't forget to leave comment. Camouflage on it would look great. It actually was used by Russian special forces! Check this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiPBGp3D4AY Picture below is VSS soviet/russian sniper rifle, which was used in Afghanistan by russian troops.
  2. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    More votes?
  3. Beastmanss


    I would like to grow my beard overtime!
  4. Beastmanss

    Destructible buildings

    Well i think in arma 2 you could destroy buildings! Dayz SA should have it too! Hopefully :P Obviously this is not battlefield, but destruction's would be nice!
  5. Beastmanss

    Heroes still exist!

    I love to see heroes helping ppl
  6. Beastmanss

    Nuclear area

    Its not stalker! This is completely different game! Unless they just add nuclear power plant in the game with high loot and radiation in it, but i doubt that would happen.
  7. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

  8. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    Very beautiful gun, love it so much!
  9. Beastmanss


    sure why not! :rolleyes: Personally, I would love to see this :
  10. Beastmanss

    Zombie Balancing

    Military zombies wear helmet, and armor, so they definitely should be slow.
  11. Beastmanss

    [VIDEO] We're Suicide buddies, don't do this to me!

    you got shot wow
  12. Beastmanss

    Elmo Vs DayZ

    nice video mate
  13. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    Great. Thank you.
  14. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

  15. Why Dean leaving?He started Dayz.
  16. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    It is a sniper rifle proof link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VSS_Vintorez http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B0%D0%BB_(%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82)
  17. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    Vss was used in Afghanistan by soviet troops. As val was mostly used by KGB and special forces. They are both the same sniper rifles.
  18. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    yup, rare spawn would be nice!
  19. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    Yup, I hope they would add this ingame.
  20. Beastmanss

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    I have added a poll!
  21. Beastmanss

    god mod?!

  22. Beastmanss

    Hardcore by default?

    I like the idea of hardcore , because your in first person. Some people hate regular cause it gives advantage to other player, but i still like to see how my character looks and they way it bleeds and te way it takes damage. I don't like how regular and hardcore run on two different hives :(
  23. My suggestion is that larger numbers of infected would create more team play rather than kill on sight.
  24. Beastmanss

    Horrible starts after update.

    Melee weapons are crap. They should make some weapons more powerful. So basically the only weapon you can easily survive with is splitting axe and fire fighter axe. Zombies are to fast now, they can even outrun you. Still I would say there are little amount of zombies, but I would prefer slower zombies but larger amount of infected!