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Everything posted by electriq

  1. electriq

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Dean Hall is one of my fav developers, simply his communication with people is amazing, and more developers need to take notes about that, hopefully whoever replaces him will follow in his steps and keep the game good as Dean imagined Dean Hall will always be the main developer who made DayZ so epic for me :)
  2. I was really sad when I read that he's leaving, thx for making an epic game, hopefully you'll leave DayZ in good hands :)
  3. electriq

    Anti server hop needs a nerf

    Good point, I like the no moving rule added to it, even 1 min would be enough also, as long as it's not 5 min penalty for just a mistake :) I also agree with other people that responded, it would be abusable, I wasn't thinking too much about it coz I don't have that mindset I guess :D
  4. electriq

    Anti server hop needs a nerf

    Like people above said, always check "Time" in server browser, that's the time of the game on that server And I think system needs a nerf only in one way, and that is if you join a server, and leave in max 5 minutes, you don't get penalty, coz it happens often that you missclicked or something or need to join a friend on different server, so, you join, and leave instantly (up to 5 mins for example) = no penalty :)
  5. electriq


    MOCKBA fully translated is Moskva (that's how we and Russians call that city), and translated directly to English like someone said, it's Moscow :)
  6. electriq

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    SA is awesome game currently, imagine how awesome it will be when it's 100% finished, and I disagree that it's shit atm, it's rly fun, people have different opinions When it comes to consoles, I totally agree with OP and I hope they'll never release for it, but we need PC gamers to support them enough so they could avoid consoles first, I would understand Rocket if he decides to release console version atm, but if we show big support then I am sure he wont even think about it
  7. electriq

    scenario servers

    All good besides tattoos, instead of that I would suggest steam achievement or something similar, nothing that will make you stand off in a game :)
  8. electriq

    Im at my breaking point

    My experience: I was not scared when I encounter a zombie or unarmed player, but when someone starts to shot, it just used to make me jump, let's just say that you get used to it :) When it comes to my first "life" in DayZ, I basically starved to death, was hilarious :D And when I encounter people now I rarely panic, coz I know if you panic you die (or get lucky and survive)
  9. electriq

    Players in the distance are almost invisible

    With Very high Objects and scenecomplexity 1000000 I managed to see a black dot running on Balota airstrip from North Cherno apartments and that's like ~600-700 meters (?) Closer to that I can see full figure :) Hope that helps
  10. electriq

    Did characters get wiped?

    Another place to check is Reddit, I didn't saw people complain about it so I guess it must be some bug on your end, I didn't lost anything too btw @Caboose187: There was an update today to fix the massive fps drops :)
  11. electriq

    Gas masks, payday masks, crash helmets

    When they add Anonymous mask (Guy Fawkes) I hope that wont mean that person is bandit coz I'll wear it 24/7 and I am not a bandit :D
  12. electriq

    Bye Bye Bayonet

    The part "branch moving in the wind behind the wall." made me laugh :D But yea, I noticed the same thing when I first saw bayonet, had to remove it instantly xD
  13. electriq

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Thank you for constant fixes and epic updates *salutes*
  14. electriq

    Weather conditions / rain / storm + Night

    I saw the rain in SA, current experimental servers got rain When it comes to night, look at the "Time" next to servers, that is the time in game and that's how you locate desired server time :D
  15. I would like to see some serious horror aspect, maybe some underground Subways or something, or huge caves with zombies /bandits inside Anything horror related basically Also: Zombie fix
  16. electriq

    Darkest darkness

    Agreed with sQubanny, it's simply too dark and it's easy to lose track, looking for loot is hell and makes my eyes rly tired and head hurt xD If they would add night vision goggles I might consider joining PS: I bet that 95% of DayZ players evade night servers and it'll probably stay that way until some change to it (that picture is perfect btw, would enjoy if nights would look that way)
  17. electriq

    Extension Packs

    Haha omg, Khad you're a genious, that's exactly what OP is suggesting :P @MaxBeans: You good sir should go and play CoD or Battlefield, that sounds like the perfect game(s) for you, so you can throw your money at EA and Activision everytime you start it :D
  18. electriq

    Extension Packs

    I am really glad that OP is not the manager or owner of DayZ, he would ruin the game, totally reminds me of EA