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About mythal

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  1. I'm just bumping this and adding that I will not play this game in first-person. I'd like to, but its unplayable due to a total F-UP amateur nonsense of game programming which BI is apparently (in)famous for. Not being able to make simple, precise, mouse control is a joke. It is also intentional. BI did MORE WORK (and did it badly) to make the mouse control behave this badly, than if they simply did X for Y precision camera view control. They think its cool. Us players are going to get seizures and sue their asses.
  2. Correction: I am reporting issues. What I say is 100% accurate and is the truth, these are facts. I'm not complaining. I bought an alpha early access, and I know what that is. I'm reporting my experiences and issues so they can fix them and things can be discussed that need discussing - so they can also be fixed. Anybody that isnt doing that, isnt helping. My internet is not bad, and my connection to server is flawless 20-50ms. The servers have been having issues lately, its either an issue with server code or their datacenter but all of the Singapore servers from MPGS.co definitely were having lots of problems the last 2 days --- but this actually happened just now, and in the last 4 hours or so - no lag, as its quite late at night (happened around 4am my time). See what you are doing here is jumping in threads to troll people and blame their computers, their internet, their AV, or ....well, them. Cant be because BI doesnt know how to code multiplayer code and has a program that they jokingly call a multiplayer game. No no, cant be that. Lets blame the players. If you had 2 brain cells you would understand that players are NEVER to blame. EVER. If the game company cannot make a functioning game, playable by all/majority of its players, then it is ABSOLUTELY AND ENTIRELY the game company's fault. I was a game developer too. I would never release a game in alpha to the public but since they decided to, they have to deal with it. Every single thing that goes wrong is their fault. PERIOD. This is a fact. Not an opinion. They chose to accept $35m+ and counting by releasing an alpha. (that was literally just a repackaged version of the mod with new multiplayer code that doesnt work at all) Now they have to provide something worth that. Or they are going to lose 5x that in lawsuits.
  3. This is the 2nd time its happened so have to report it. The first time was a few days ago - I was 1 of 2 players on the server so I thought I might have been killed. Despite being inside a room with no windows/doors, and having pre-scouted the area before I went in. It was an airfield so thought it might be possible that someone snuck up on me. But now it happened again, and I was the only person on the server. So its not possible that someone else killed me. Ironically, in the same "TEC" building. I was on the 2nd floor, trying to open the door to the little office room. It wouldnt open. I tried spamming "F" key to open it and ran forward up against the door. It never opened, so I checked my ping to see if it was lag/desync. No lag (~50 ping) no desync (zero), so I close ping window and BOOM! "You area dead" followed quickly by a "BattleEye: You have been kicked from server, no client response" (cant remember exact message but was something like that). This, after spending the last 5+ hours gearing up finally and......nope, DayZ just wont let me play. This is basically my gametime in DayZ so far since I started playing a week ago: 1) Survive = 15mins 2) Run around gather some clothes/food, and get a weapon = 1 hour 3) Make my way to an airfield/military base, kit up and avoid getting killed = 2-4 hours. So far I have only made it past #3 two times without a bug killing me, or another player killing me (which has happened only twice actually). Both of those times I made it past point #3, a bug ended up killing me anyway. So in my, about, 20 play throughs so far. I have died to bugs almost every single time, usually after 4-5 hour mark and finally getting some good gear. Yes, hide behind "alpha" for now - but fix this because right now this is not a game, its just torture. Falling through floors, through the steps on stairs, randomly dying while opening doors or desyncing.... I also am very very careful around stairs/ladders now, but doesnt seem to help. Always there is a bug to come kill me some way. This is really rediculous. I actually would be much happier if getting killed by a player.
  4. yes i did. the problem is i am talking to friends on steam at the same time trying to find them in the servers they say they are in. 1) they do not show up as "friends" on the server (yes I was able to check them, multiple times - with them already logged in) 2) i know their ingame names - I happen to have ALLOT of people on my "friends" list who are not on my steam friends list at all. sometimes i see 10+ "friends" in different servers, and on steam friends list i might only have 2-3 people online in dayz total.
  5. mythal

    FPS Lag with ,,good" computer

    Actually - that statement would be true in any other game but due to the inherent lack of ability of bohemia at doing anything shy of amateur, internet lag actually does slow down your FPS in DayZ:SA due to how theyve coded it. Yes thats right, your actual frames will not render until server has responded. Its that retarded. And with battle-eye problems and server code going crazy right now.....yes its causing all sorts of problems, not only lag, but FPS stutter and entire game client freeze ups while it 'waits for server code'......... These guys have no clue how to build multiplayer code....quite obviously.
  6. mythal

    FPS Lag with ,,good" computer

    The fact that they used the arma engine for this - not even to mention the arma 2 engine - to create a standalone, tell us one thing and one thing only: DayZ:SA IS A HUGE SCAM! What else can you call it when a mod-maker, takes the mod, then "remakes" it again, in the same engine that he made the mod for? Not to mention that arma engines SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN BUILT FOR A GAME, EVER! These were built as military simulators. They are utter rubbish and absolute garbage compared to ANY half-decent engine in the gaming industry. They were not meant for games. Any game built on such an engine is AN ABSOLUTE FAIL. That is what Arma games are, ABSOLUTE FAIL. DayZ is the only reason Arma2 sold at all. It should have been built on another engine. That is, ladies and gentlemen, what a scam is. They are repackaging the exact same thing, with a bit different server side architecture to force all the data on server side rather than client (to stop hacking/cheating, obviously) and then selling it. I am going to laugh when all the lawsuits come piling down on Bohemia and they lose 5x more than what they think they earned. This might very well bankrupt their company with this big of a sham. Get your act together guys. Yes we know its an alpha but every single tech decision youve made so far is lining you up to get sued out your **** and that is exactly what will happen. You are scamming us. We're even nice enough to give you a chance to correct your mistakes. So do it.
  7. Simple issue here: I have LOTS of "friends" ingame, who, I actually dont know. They show up on my friends list in DayZ:SA (rather - they show up as friends logged into servers, on the "friends" tab) - and I have no clue who they are. Secondly - friends that ARE on my friends list in steam, DONT show up in DayZ. (Some of them do - MOST of them dont). So, who are all these ingame DayZ:SA friends that I have? And where do I managed my DayZ:SA friends list if it is apparently separate from my steam friends list? Because it is NOT synching at all and this is really bothering. Its VERY hard to find servers to join together as not all servers show up in the lists, there is no way to see what server youre connected to once connected, and now I cant find any of my real friends connected to any server. So - yea - lots of issues not just 1....
  8. Bohemia - one thing to say to you. It is not OUR job to do YOUR job. If we are willing to take the time to give you feedback and tell you how you have totally screwed up at doing your job (ie: bugs and issues going wrong) - MAKE IT EASY FOR US! Your bug/feedback tracker tool refuses to let me register for 3 times in a row, then I finally get that. Now it wont send me a confirmation email, so it wont let me login. I cannot even begin to say how amateur this is implemented. 1) Dont require authentication, especially if your mailservers are slow. 2) create AS FEW STEPS AS POSSIBLE to let players give you feedback. again - if we are taking our time to help you DO YOUR JOB because you have FAILED AT IT, then at least be kind to us and help us, help you. With that said I am going to post 2 bug reports here because I CANT POST THEM in the bug tracker tool. I've waited 30+ minutes after registering and tried having email sent multiple times. Hope to see this amatuerishness come to an end guys, I really do.
  9. I just bought the game and have to say - first impression is pretty bad when you cant control your character at all. And I mean - at all. DayZ erratic mouse behaviour is an understatement. It is simply NOT POSSIBLE to navigate around with this mouse problem. I have a high quality gaming mouse from a major brand, works flawlessly in all games, have tried turning off all settings in its own driver software and playing with DayZ in-game mouse controls but no luck whatsoever. The result is I am completely unable to do something simple like, well, turn myself. And its completely random, which is what really gets frustrating. I got a headache after playing 15 minutes and cant believe I even lasted that long. Also like the OP said - changing the values ingame seems to do little to nothing. It does help with the sensitivity, but not very much (I have them both turned all the way off to 0) - but mouse acceleration seems to be stuck ON no matter what. Impossible to turn off. Completely randomly the mouse X and Y axis will either be incredibly fast, or incredibly slow. Example: I am running across a field, i try to turn, and dont turn at all, then the next second I turn 900 degrees around spinning wildly. This game should come with a seizure warning. Navigating into a house is a nightmare. Moving back and forth doesnt work since ragdoll physics is completely broken so even the most simple movement of a character in a gameworld engine doesnt work either - but despite that (lets focus on mouse issue now) - simply turning around to face a door, or target an item, literally takes a full minute of frustration. Am glad that this is not a problem for many of you and you can enjoy the game. In which case you do not need to comment here (like the above loser trolls who did). Is there anything I can change, known mouse brands, etc that cause problems with this?