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About hobbock

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    On the Coast
  1. hobbock

    Live Hacker pretty Nice =)

    His channel was just removed on twitch.
  2. Server: US5 Time: 23:30 thurs 28/6 and 00:50 fri 29/6 GMT+2 Video of suspected hacks: http://www.twitch.tv/hobbock/b/323010337 first @2:01:50 second @3:26:00 The first event (the actual shooting isn't visible in the video only the server message): My friend runs up to NW airfield to meet up with us, we get shot and I respawn, after a while our friend sees a guy running on the airfield and shoots him at 2:01:50 and the server message is: [YTGC]Side508 was killed by BLACK Nahogen (Friendly Fire) About 2 minutes later at 2:04:25 my friend shoots the same guy running over the airfield again resulting in the exact same server message as above. Second event: Video time 3:26:00. We're newly respawned running around in Cherno and we decide to climb the clock tower in the middle of town. On top there's a guy in a ghille suit and unbelievable gear (assuming he hacked cause you simply don't go into Cherno with that kind of gear). We kill him which results in another friendly fire message from the server: -Stalkerus- was killed by Piririn (Friendly Fire) After we finish looting him we get shot from an elevated position (hotel?) by a sniper. I'm suspecting the friendly fire messages indicate some kind of hack. The guy on the clock tower in Cherno could very well have been legit, but stupid, otherwise. We also confirmed that none of the 3 kills gave a murder or bandit kill. tl;dr: A friend kills the same guy twice at NW airfield and both times the server message says: [YTGC]Side508 was killed by BLACK Nahogen (Friendly Fire) Times: 2:01:50 and 2:04:25 respectively We kill a guy on top of the clock tower in Cherno with incredible gear who also gives the same server message as above when he gets killed: -Stalkerus- was killed by Piririn (Friendly Fire) Time: 03:26
  3. hobbock

    US5 22:50 GMT+2

    Thank you! :)
  4. Server: US5 Time: Monday (25th) 22:50 GMT+2 Video evidence: http://www.twitch.tv/nahogen/b/322672607 - jump to 27:30 for definitive proof of someone hacking. A rundown of the video: (not everything is visible in the recording) Our group of 3 (west side of the road through polana) and our friend (the one recording, on the east side) were meeting up in polana when we spotted a crashed heli. We hear engine noises and spot an ATV followed by a truck so we lay in wait for a bit and then start shooting. We kill 3 or 4 of them in total. One of the guys we were shooting (in camo clothes) disconnects in the middle of the field where they dumped the ATV after killing one of us. The truck drives off to the south, possibly carrying one other passanger. A bit later after we "secure" the area two more appear behind us, on the hill to our north, and kill us (most likely server hopping but could be legit or a 3rd unrelated group). Soon after a bus appears in front of the guy recording and the person inside jumps out and kills him. tl;dr: 27:35 a bus pops out of nowhere with a driver. Lots of whining in swedish ensues. And stream crashes. Same server right after recording guys stream crashes: http://www.twitch.tv/nahogen/b/322672766 <- Bombs falling on electro.