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Everything posted by henamshox

  1. Can I see the link of the picture and comments? The DayZ subreddit is very strict about posts that repeat itself. Such as hackers destroying a bus. It's been posted tons before. Secondly, I've never seen someone post "LOL U MAD", unless they got downvoted below the threshold.
  2. henamshox

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: Drekkz Player ID (Not SteamID): Is this necessary? If so, I'll give it to you, but I really don't think it's necessary Why do you wish to join the Militia: I'd like to join the Militia because I like helping people who need help, and the Militia seems like a really fun/good clan to be in. What can you offer the Militia: I can offer humor, and loyalty. Are you a team player: Yes I am. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes I am. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: I have with my buddies, who are originally a BF3 clan, but they barely play DayZ anymore, and I barely play with them. I only play with them on Lingor now. Extra Information: Thanks for looking over my application, have a good day!
  3. henamshox

    Give Me a Reason To Kill Zeds

  4. henamshox

    Give Me a Reason To Kill Zeds

    That's deep...
  5. henamshox

    Lingor Island is Just a PVP / Glitch Fest

    I honestly didn't really enjoy Lingor. The bug and bird sounds are so unexpected, and scares the crap out of me randomly. It is a nice map, and I've YET to see someone in it, and I've been playing a high pop server for Lingor, and I've play about a week now. Overall, fun map, however, not for me.
  6. You just scared me for using DayZ Commander. Anyway, this looks extremely fun. Can someone post a map like dayzdb, but for this map?
  7. There's a website that shows all spawn points, and loot spawn points, it's a good site to use to find vehicle spawns in-game, and to meet up with someone. http://www.dayzdb.com/map
  8. Hi guys. I opened up Six Launcher, and I looked for my home server. (I have it favourited). I couldn't find it favourited, so I searched for it on the search bar. I couldn't find it there. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  9. When I'm not playing DayZ, I play other games. If I'm not playing DayZ, is the RAM not being used, or is it still being used?
  10. Hey guys. I loaded up DayZ, and I started walking around my camp, and I noticed I started walking sideways, and I couldn't go backwards or anything. I tried to crawl, but it was going sideways as well. Does anyone know the button to fix this?
  11. I just got DayZ, and I joined one of the American servers, and I waited there and it said "Character being created" or something like that. I thought "Oh, ok." so I waited for like 2 minutes. Waited 5 minutes. Waited 10 minutes. Waited 20 minutes, until I release it wasn't going to work. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  12. henamshox

    B@st@rd got what he deserved!

    As long as your group shot him, and roasted his body on a campfire.
  13. Hey guys, I have a question about a video card. I was wondering, which video card is better, NVIDIA GeForce 7025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a OR http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/asus-asus-radeon-hd-6450-1gb-gddr3-pci-e-video-card-eah6450-silent-di/10206082.aspx?path=205369840dd537a3bb9b7b8e0ba28209en02 Can someone tell me which one is better?
  14. Hey guys, I was just wondering what I should get upgraded on my PC to make it run better with ARMA 2 DayZ mod. Here are my Specs so far: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition V.2002 Service Pack 3 AMD Sempron 140 Processor 2.71 GHz 1.75 GB of RAM So can someone tell me what I should get upgraded? :) Thanks! EDIT: I said what I should upgrade, not to blow it up, or get a new computer. Unfortunately I don't have that option.
  15. Alright, these tips are all good. My birthday just passed, and my dad said he'd chip in some extra cash for the computer. :) This has helped me a lot guys, thanks.
  16. henamshox

    What ARMA 2 do I need?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering what ARMA 2 game I need to get to play DayZ? Is it just the regular one on Steam, or what?
  17. Obviously all of you guys are all blind except Chimera. Like I said, I don't have the option to buy a new computer. I don't have a job, ok? Read my whole post please, then reply.
  18. I really prefer desktops over Laptops, but I'll surely look at them. I found a desktop, but I can't find the price? Can you help me find it? http://ca.asus.com/en/Desktop/Gaming/Essentio_CG1330/#overview