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Everything posted by henamshox

  1. Hey, so I load up with DayZ Commander and try to join just a regular, vanilla server. I join and it loads normally, shows me all the players on, and then shortly after it reverts me back to the main menu? I've tried several servers all the same thing. It's saying I'm missing something that's dependant. Something like "map_eu"? Things I've tried: Opened up ARMA 2/OA manually Tried other servers, same problem persists. Updated DayZ mod/ARMA 2 in DayZ Commander I'm currently trying to reinstall DayZ Mod through DayZ Commander and will update the post with other solutions I try. Thanks
  2. henamshox

    DayZ loads then reverts back to main menu

    What do you suggest instead of DayZ Commander? Plus I've used DayZCommander in the past. About a month ago it was working?
  3. Nothing but a black screen and the sounds of wind and the ocean. How do I fix this? I'm thinking it's due to my resolution set by the game by default. How do I change this outside of game?
  4. Hi guys, I couldn't find any posts about this, so sorry if there is one. I've had this suggestion in the back of my mind whenever I'm running through forests. I was thinking there could be abandoned camps randomly around the forest regions, possibly the same spawn rate as a crashed helicopter. It would add more things to look for, and it would be scary to go by, and make many people run. Some things it would feature: a dim, but lit fire small arms weapons, small chance of military weapons/equipment, CZ 550 is low spawn Varies between 2-4 tents, each has random items (within reason) Always has food, drinks. Can also contain water bottles and cooked meat small chance of assorted clothing (i.e. civilian clothing, ghillie suit, camouflage clothing Basic medical supplies (Credit to Kyzahh). Small chance of antibiotics dead bodies of civilians in normal civilian clothing, and zombie bodies. These can also contain items (normal stuff you'd find on a zombie body, and small chance of ammunition for the guns found in the camp (Credit to Riem) Any other suggestions are welcome, and will be added to the list (you will be credited). Thoughts? Complaints? Please comment on what you think could be to overpowered.
  5. henamshox

    [Standalone Suggestion] Abandoned Camps

    Will add all the suggestions in the morning. Very good suggestions so far guys.
  6. henamshox

    [Standalone Suggestion] Abandoned Camps

    Darn, I forgot to add that! Thanks for picking that up.
  7. I once lured a guy into a line of bear traps. He stepped on one of them, he broke his legs, I just looked at him, and started shooting my enfield. I bet you can tell what happens next.
  8. I've never had any problems with hackers on Public Hive servers, so I don't know what you're talking about.
  9. henamshox

    i want to cut myself

    This is your 3rd suggestion thread (that I've seen, 2 of which have been "Suicide posts"). Put all your suggestions into one thread, not into a bunch of small threads to boost your posts.
  10. henamshox


    You're using that meme wrong.
  11. You should really look at some of the posts before you post the same thing. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92390-rockets-plea-help-free-arma-3-devs-from-greece-and-bring-them-home/
  12. henamshox

    My Hand Shakes

    If it's just happening during stressful video games, it's normal. Only go to a doctor if you are experiencing pain.
  13. henamshox

    My Hand Shakes

    How long have you been playing DayZ? I remember the first week I started playing, even when I saw a new spawn my hands started getting sweaty and shaky, because I was so nervous he had a concealed gun.
  14. I read the first sentence, and I didn't even want to read the rest/watch the video. Fix the spelling and grammar. People want tutorials to be written clearly, so people can understand them and get what they need fixed easier.
  15. henamshox

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    I like these ideas, and they would make DayZ a lot better in the standalone. Perhaps these will be added in the standalone. I'd love to see more zombies in cities. Anywhere which had more zombies would be a lot better. Like, the main city. You think there would be a lot more than just 100 zombies spawned inside it.
  16. henamshox

    Took gear from ammobox, how to get rid of it?

    Yep, you're perfectly safe unless you spawn them in, don't worry. Tons of people use hacked weapons because they don't enjoy legit survival elements.
  17. henamshox

    Took gear from ammobox, how to get rid of it?

    Why laugh at him? He said he's a newbie at DayZ, so he doesn't know much about the global bans and DayZ overall.
  18. henamshox

    ADMIN Ban US 3105!!!

    Well, you would think the admin has only banned a few people today, and just narrowed it down to the person who had the highest ping.
  19. henamshox

    ADMIN Ban US 3105!!!

    Anyone can see your ping rate in game.
  20. This has been posted at least 100+ times.
  21. henamshox

    Advanced melee system for standalone

    Well I would think the zombies would have terrible aim, and probably on military zombies would spawn with guns at a low rate. I think punching would be cool. Just seeing two fresh spawns in Elektro, fighting infront of the church, just watching through a sniper scope? That would be hilarious. And instead of it killing you, it would knock you out unconscious for a little bit (i.e. 1 minute). After being knocked out like 3 times by fighting, you die.
  22. henamshox

    Energy drinks.

    Energy Drinks don't give you a speed boost in real life, nor do they do any of the things you listed in the game.
  23. henamshox

    American Weapons and Russian Weapons

    A tank made out of beer for only $18.97!?!
  24. You can try posting on 9gag... oh wait, it needs to be a stolen picture!
  25. henamshox

    DayZ Photoshoot

    These look very good. I looked at them all, I liked them all. Very good job, keep on making these. You should try to do a firefight picture, I'd love that one.