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Everything posted by RagedDrew

  1. RagedDrew

    Nature mans ban hammer

    You say that yet don't use it yourself.
  2. RagedDrew

    Dayz Realisim

    Do they still even make Ladas? I've not seen 1 since the 90's when my local taxi company used to use them until doors started to swing open when going round corners and kids falling out the back (true story)
  3. RagedDrew

    So where's the actionnat these days....

    I was wondering that myself.
  4. RagedDrew

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    So here's what I discovered in the 15 minutes of playing. Was unable to drag items into my inventory such as food, drinks and ammo. For example, I found 2 cans of sardines, 2 pipsi, 1 bag of rice, 2 rasputin and a stack of 15 9mm rounds which none would go into my inventory, I did find a coke that I could pick up with no problems. As for the rest, the work-around I found was, open the canned fish which then was automatically moved to jeans, drank the drinks and ate the rice. For the ammo I simply "split" the rounds and re-stacked them once in my inventory.
  5. RagedDrew

    Does a damaged hunting scope shoot straight?

    As far as I know scopes don't shoot at all be it damaged or not.
  6. RagedDrew

    New weapons damage in action

    Now if only there was a place to post videos.
  7. RagedDrew

    Internet = Fps Boost?

    Not entirely true, damaged hardware could cause issues in speed. Such as a faulty line causing "noise" Or if is router is on it's way out, and giving off a poor signal (if he's wireless of course). But of course if none of that is a factor then he'll need to dip his pockets.
  8. RagedDrew

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Yeh got that update about 20 minutes, still says I'm on EXP lol
  9. RagedDrew

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Just seen EXP got an update about 20 minutes, what's new?
  10. RagedDrew

    super bug or what?

    The testing I've done with the weapon glitch has shown me that when someone new logs into your server will see everyone doing this "gun glitch" if you have a weapon in hand. As someone else has said, put your gun away every couple of minutes.
  11. RagedDrew

    About the next coming camera angle

    I gave up reading anymore after seeing the attitude you were giving out.
  12. RagedDrew

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Loot spawns broke again? Searched the entire city of Elektro and found nothing and when I say nothing I really mean nothing, not even the crap stuff. Not only that but just first person only servers. Love the new school building though, looks amazing.
  13. It doesn't matter what you say and do, people will complain, I'd bet my last pound that the ones who are complaining about the time it's taken would still be complaining about something if the DEVs released a fully working game tomorrow. Some people just need to complain, their lives would be empty otherwise.
  14. RagedDrew

    Add 'base layer', remove current minimal layer t-shirt

    Why a sports bra? Why not a wonder bra or just a normal bra? With that said, it just sounds a little perverted letting women run around in their undies. If only there was an "edit post" button.
  15. RagedDrew

    Working cellphones

    Technically you wouldn't be able to play snakes or listen to music as the batteries would die pretty quickly. I doubt that a 9v battery would cut it.
  16. RagedDrew

    suicide bombing

    The only problem I can see is with your logic. Now we need to get suicide feature removed, along with guns, fists and melee weapons as these don't allow survival.
  17. RagedDrew

    Official servers going dark.

    Still not half in a couple of weeks like the other guy said. Thanks for taking the time to get this info.
  18. RagedDrew

    Official servers going dark.

    Source? In theory indeed, however my clan tried this with their server due to butthurt ex members and people who just wanted to troll us as often as possible. So we changed the server to something that looked similar to an offical server from Vilayer (Our GSP at the time) they then contacted the person who had rented the server and told them to change it as we can do that. Now, this is just but one of the many GSP out there but I'm going to assume it'll be the same for them all.
  19. RagedDrew

    Dating a Zombie

    And girl.
  20. RagedDrew

    Why did you buy this game?

    Arma does the same with me, I have to roll back my drivers to ones from 2002 for it to work lol.
  21. RagedDrew

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Indeed it is interesting as you can see from this screenshot I just took, I'm online on steam.
  22. RagedDrew

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Did the EXP just go off line? I was playing then lost connection now no servers are shown up. Negative, steam is still up for me.
  23. RagedDrew

    Why did you buy this game?

    I didn't buy it *wink wink*
  24. RagedDrew

    Status Report - 14 May 15

    Bye, don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out. :thumbsup:
  25. RagedDrew

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yes, I've had that also, I'm assuming that it's a bug. re-logging will fix it for you.