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Everything posted by RagedDrew

  1. RagedDrew

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Arma3 breaking point is a mod on top of another game, DayZ is a game in it's own and can not/should not/will not be compared as the foundations are already pre-made, this game is being built from the ground up.
  2. I was just playing on experimental where I found a sporter chambered with 1 round. Did it spawn with 1 in the chamber or did someone drop? I don't know.
  3. RagedDrew

    Are they wiping?

    Yeah I've heard rumours of a big wipe coming this Tuesday, I've not seen any solid proof of this, so take it as it is.
  4. RagedDrew

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    It never fails to amaze me the comments some people come out with, when so clearly this game isn't anywhere near finished (and I hate to say it but I will) it's alpha, most game developments don't show the end user this type of build, do you think all the games before this never lacked content during the alpha stages? Do you think other games never fell behind? Or they never took the wrong direction just to figure out that what they want the game to do isn't possible and have take a few steps back and change some things? Like I said it's alpha and I'd bet this is rather normal for a game in this particular stage of it's development and then to blame the mistakes on 1 person is utterly dumb.
  5. RagedDrew

    People's thoughts on hip firing?

    I wouldn't recommend shooting in 3rd person view, it's horrible, I've done it twice, lucky for me I managed to bring down my target each time. First time was way back when Elektro was the PVP area, I ran into the school/office building to the top floor room where the guns usually spawn. There's a new spawn in there, he starts swinging an axe, I have no time to go into ADS so I just light the room up, 1 clan mate runs in behind me, then high tails it right back out as bullets are bouncing off of everything other than the target, I empty an entire mag at this guy and miss every shot, I run out of the room to reload and get into first person before finishing the job. The last time was about a week ago (when they implemented persistent storage on official servers) I was running south into Elektro on the road, just got to the outskirts of the town, had the fire station in my sights, when I hit a cress in the road and someone with their mosin out and looking at me, took a round the chest while trying to pull my M4, took another round to chest as I get the M4 out and just light the fucker up again, let out about 26 rounds in 3rd person and dropped them. So my opinion on shooting from the hip in 3rd person, just don't and even if you know how much your dot is off set from 1st person it's still horrid.
  6. Of course people won't up vote it, they'll be at a disadvantage with less inventory space if/when they fix it. I know a few people who do this and one in particular could bring an entire server to a grinding halt if he took anything out of his backpack, we called him the lag bomb.
  7. RagedDrew

    Random Deaths

    Yeah sounds like a glitch, stay away from stairs or walls on upper floors.
  8. RagedDrew

    Andy's Bookstore

    This video has the making of a bad joke, Scottish guy, English guy and a Irish guy, I'll leave the rest for someone else.
  9. RagedDrew

    3 random survivor is MAKE A TEM

    The music makes it sound like it's one of them silent films from the 30's other than that it was a nice video. Edit: I'm not hating on you for your English or lack of, but try using the English Dictionary to get the proper spelling of the words, I mean you've got some skills there using the English language just some spelling problems, like frend, you're missing the letter I, it's spelt friend and ned, you're missing another E, it's need. Now as I just said I'm not hating on you, I know how hard it is to spoke in another language, let alone typing it, just trying to help you out.
  10. RagedDrew

    Player is Sick

    This, I got sick due to eating some burnt meat (test purposes) I was healthy, light green hydrated and light green energised, I just kept eating and drinking and the sickness finally went.
  11. RagedDrew

    About last night (and the zombie horde)

    As far as I can work out and watched it happen with my own eyes. When you kill 1 zombie it'll respawn pretty close to you with aggro from before it had died. I've watched it happen, kill a zombie watch it spawn a few feet away and immediately aggro and run back. 3 friends and I were in Elektro, it was a low pop servers and we're just dicking around. We head to the building over looking the fire station (west side of the town) and we chop a couple of zombies on the way there, we get inside start eating and drinking, swapping some gear when one of the zombies we had killed spawned in the east field next to the fire station it aggros instantly on us (with his back towards us) rans at us as I said before it was a low pop and I'd just picked up a Ak101 and wanted to test fire it with the optics on it, so I send 1 round at it, see the blood splatter, it keeps coming, I put another round into it, more splatter but it's still coming so I open up on it, doing about 3 round bursts before it finally drops, about 2 seconds later the same zombie spawn in the same place, facing the same way (North with his back to us) and running at us. Not to go wasting rounds and to avoid attracting more zombies as we've already had to deal with a few that managed to ignore the new NavMesh and come up stairs, killing them in the wall way they we're respawn and running back to the house we're in, in the end we had to just leave. I know I shot and that got more zombies around but the fact that zombie had died by an axe like the others, it would respawn with aggro and head back. Now I'm not hating on the zombies, I mean it's a zombie survival, the more zombies the better but for them to retain aggro after dying isn't right.
  12. RagedDrew

    Second time TODAY my items disappear

    I assume while the DEV team work with server providers on fixing this problem right? I mean the amount of servers that aren't able to connect to the hive or servers that just won't work at all is bad and it's been like this since I started playing in January.
  13. RagedDrew

    Too Much Work For One Man

    Puff what ever you like but the fact your video shows no actual proof of hacking/duping still remains.
  14. RagedDrew

    Too Much Work For One Man

    No I didn't see you go into every bag or container, because you didn't show that, therefore I can only go on what you have shown us, anything else is irrelevant. Since we're doing this play ground "I'm bigger than you" bullshit, in my 1100 + hours of game time I think I know a little bit about how things work around here.
  15. RagedDrew

    Light fire to clothes.

    Dumb idea.
  16. RagedDrew

    Too Much Work For One Man

    I don't see any indication of cheating, I mean a few frags and flash bangs, some clothing and food? Nah if there's like fully kitted m4a1s loads of 60 mags with a shed load of ammo then yeah possible hacked/duped items. The items you show in your video can easily be looted in a few hours game play, tents have been in effect for a week now, more than ample time to collect these items.
  17. RagedDrew

    "Vehicle component design"

    Not really, Rocket has spoke about even car doors, which will need to be collected. Filters will probably added as one of the parts needed.
  18. RagedDrew

    Hell of a DayZ (fan film) - Live Action

    Do you even Media Section bro?
  19. RagedDrew

    Trouble loading up server list

    I'm not having any problems with server shown up in the browser, I'm also in the UK. The only time I've ever waited is if I've changed the filter, I'd recommend you check your filter settings, make sure all boxes are empty and set your ping to zero (0) this will ignore the ping of servers. The reason behind this is I've notice when I first load the game up and open the server browser servers that are close to me have over 500ms. Refreshing the list and pinging the servers again shows the right ping.
  20. RagedDrew

    Reporting status loot on military base

    They've just started with the loot respawn system and you expect it to be perfect?
  21. RagedDrew

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    Blatant lies? Okay sure, I guess you've been following me around watching all the zombies.
  22. RagedDrew

    DayZ Bug.

    Yeah it's common to spawn under floor, or in a room that has no exit. There's a few methods that work for some but not for others, here's a few. 1: Full sprint at a wall and hit V to vault (repeat at many different parts of the wall) 2: Full sprint into a wall and while still sprinting into the wall log out. 3: Go prone and try crawling underneath the wall (repeat at different parts of the wall) 4: Go prone and try rolling sideways through the wall (as above) If you feel like you've tried these all many times over then you can make a bug report and explaining your stuck and someone will get around to helping you.
  23. RagedDrew

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    I call it how I see it. When 95% of the zombies who rush the building I'm in and successfully make it to the same floor I'm on without any way to gain access isn't nonsense. This is not including the 100% of crawler zombies who manage to gain access when the doors are closed. Nevmesh is not working.
  24. RagedDrew

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    In a nutshell no, but it has got a little better, well maybe not a little better, maybe a tiny bit better, okay not a tiny bit better, it's just as bad even with the new navmesh.
  25. RagedDrew

    Character Reset

    You should try a different server, I've seen this before with my friends, for what ever reason the server fails to connect to the hive to get your character, usually logging out and back in fixes it but you've done that already. If you've moved, spent time looting or what ever then the chances are the server finally connected to the hive and your new spawn was saved over your old character