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About RagedDrew

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    Bean King

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  1. Just found my first suppressor but noticed infected still aggro when firing, is this intended? I don't think they do on PC but not sure.
  2. RagedDrew

    How can I find a daytime server?

    Yeah I agree, there's no way a moon the size I've seen can't cast some sort of light.
  3. RagedDrew

    Recruiting founding members for new clan/group.

    Age - 30+ Mic - Yes Experience - 1k+ Hours on PC (stopped playing PC around version 0.60) About 2 - 3 weeks on Console. During my PC dayz (I was apart of a 20+ man clan where I was second in command) Activity - Can't guarantee active most days during a week (I have a 20+ month baby to care for but I try to be active at least 2 hours a day) Location - Scotland (UK) Langue - English + Scottish slang when I get annoyed lol Job - I can do pretty much anything apart from building, I've not done that yet.
  4. RagedDrew

    Main things that need to change.

    I have to admit I'm not that keen on the inventory system myself but you do get used to it rather quickly. Again, the rendering is something I hate, as some have already said, it takes too long for you to be able to see through a zoomed optic, I've found myself just looking at a grey circle while waiting for it to render. Lucky I've never been in a fire fight or had to take aim and fire quickly, as this would be impossible. All in all, I can live with the inventory system but when I look down my optics, I want to be able to see immediately.
  5. RagedDrew

    What server region should i use?

    The closest servers to the UK are the UK servers. They have been there since I started playing on PS4 about 2 or 3 weeks ago.
  6. RagedDrew

    dayZ need to be fix end update asap ps4

    The game is advertised as perma-death survival. This means when you die you start from scratch. Don't like how that works, don't play it.
  7. RagedDrew

    dayZ need to be fix end update asap ps4

    My head hurts after trying to read that, but I think I get the gist of it, he died and got mad, cool.
  8. RagedDrew

    Strange lighting (daytime)

    I don't think it can hurt to test it out, if it is then you can play in 1080p with out the issue, if it's not then you're back where you started. Edit: You should be able to go into the display settings via your PS4 and change it to 1080p
  9. RagedDrew

    Your story so far....

    My first day... I spawn somewhere between Kami and Electro I make my way West to the city, I get there and notice how different it was (Last played on PC on version .60) I loot up get some food, and a splitting axe. I enter a two story building, start looking for food when I hear a shotgun being loaded. I hit the ground, and don't move a inch, I hear slow moving footsteps, I get into a position to see the stairs. Must have been 2 minutes had passed when I finally see someone creeping around the stairs, shotgun in hand, pointing at me. My heart skips and beat, I think to myself well, it's been a good hour of looting but beach, here I come. I open up comms and say "Hey there, I don't have a gun, don't shoot" A few seconds pass then I hear, "Hi, it's cool, I'm friendly, I'm coming up" I let out a sight of relief. I spend a few minutes chatting with the guy, offered a trade but we didn't have anything that interested each other, he says "Okay I'm going to head off, don't try and kill me lol" I thanked him for being friendly and not killing me, I assured him I'd wait a few minutes before leaving the building. As I continued my looting around Electro I thought to myself, "wow is Dayz changed that much that people are actually willing to talk before shooting?" As the dark started to set in, it was becoming harder to see, I wish I kept that flare. I could hardly see 2 feet in front of me when I heard a moan, followed by another, before I knew it, I was being mauled by two infected and woke up on the beach again.
  10. RagedDrew

    Strange lighting (daytime)

    Just wondering are you using the PS4 Pro or Standard? You mention a 4k TV are playing in 4k? I'm using a standard PS4 playing in 1080p and don't have this issue, a friend who also started playing on PS4 doesn't have this problem, I'm sure he's running 1080p on a standard Playstation as well. Edit: Sorry it was someone else who mentioned the 4k TV not the OP, question still stands I guess.
  11. RagedDrew

    What server region should i use?

    There is UK servers.
  12. RagedDrew

    FPS on PS4 and PS4 Pro

    I play on a standard PS4 on a 1080p TV and feel like it's more that 30 fps for me.
  13. RagedDrew

    How can I find a daytime server?

    The quickest way to find a day time server is joining a high / full pop server, seems no one likes playing in the dark. I really like it, adds to the fear factor.
  14. RagedDrew

    Why am I Always a Female when I spawn.

    It should have been there from the start, I was shocked when I launched the game for the first time and I couldn't edit my character. For me, I don't feel like playing as a female being male, it sort of makes me feel like some weird Internet guy pretending to be a female.
  15. RagedDrew

    First person servers?

    Clearly states (first person only) in the server name. From what I can tell there's only about 3 or 4 per region, for example 3 for the UK, 3 for NL, 3 for RU and so on. However I do have my filter set to hide full servers so there might be more.