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Wolfe R12

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About Wolfe R12

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I've tried all the solutions that are pinned to the start of the troubleshooting page, reinstalled dayz, deleted my launch parameters but nothing seems to work My game is still stuck looking like a potato: http://imgur.com/a/9AQ9p It dosen't seem to be my computer because I can run any arma 3 or arma 3 mod very smoothly at over 45fps wherever i go. but Dayz seems to be broken with frames at what seem to be under 10 and my interface is squashed on my 1920 x 1080p monitor where as just over a week or two ago it was working great, now i can't play it :(
  2. Hey, I recently was shot by a group of people and usually ive been spawning on the coast near solnichniy factory. But when i spawned in, i was in a town. I think its Cherno or Elektro but im honestly not too sure. :/ Here's a photo of where i am: http://imgur.com/rTIwR7O Thanks
  3. Wolfe R12

    How to type talk in Dayz

    ahh ok thanks everyone :)
  4. Hey, I've been playing dayz standalone and ive noticed that people have been typing to me if they dont have a mic. Ive tried to figure it out but i just cant figure out how to type talk. Thanks,
  5. In-game name: Wolfe R12 Age: 14 Location and Time Zone: Perth / UTC/GMT +8 hours How long have you played ArmA?: Played for a couple hours at a friends house but i now own the game myself How long have you played DayZ?: nearing 20hrs What skills do you possess that may help the group?: Good team player, friendly, good at following and giving orders Do you have the time to spend with the group (minimum 2 days a week): Yes Is there anything interesting about you?: I like to play more tactical and with strategy in smaller groups, however i also really like playing in big masses Anything you want us to know?: i will be able to play for at least 3hrs each day on weekends and at least 4-5hrs during the week
  6. Wolfe R12

    Where am i?

    Ahh kk thanks for the help :)
  7. Wolfe R12

    Where am i?

    thank you very much :P
  8. Wolfe R12

    Where am i?

    Hey, I've been playing dayz for a couple hours now and i got killed and then i spawned somewhere ive never seen before and i have seem to of gotten lost... i was trying to find water and food then go to the airfield. Any help would be appreciated This is a pic of where i am: http://imgur.com/MByqM66