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About American_Mongrel

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    Saying you're friendly makes me want to shoot you more.
  1. American_Mongrel

    [NEWB]Other food sources?

    They're working on it buddy.
  2. Cool story bro. Your story kinda reminded me of a scene in "The Last of Us". While this game is still clunky, I like that I can play the game stealthily. Everyone else runs around with their dingle dangling in the breeze. I hope they put in a one-hit-stealth-kill animation for the combat or kitchen knife, with which you would have to be crouched and behind them for it to work. The silenced pistol will have to do for now.
  3. American_Mongrel

    fisher price my first psyco moment

    Were you drunk when writing this too? Your lack of capitalization, poor punctuation and use of grammar leads me to that conclusion. If it was one or two misspelled words, or maybe even if you used the wrong your/you're, I wouldn't have felt it necessary to chastise you on your own post. I know people will say that this is a forum and using abhorrent grammar doesn't matter, but I can't abide by laziness. If you want people to read your words, make sure that they are intelligible. Good day.
  4. American_Mongrel

    No Surrender types

    This is my mentality as well. In the game, a bandit can just run back to his gear that his wanker friends are holding for him. In real life, that person is dead forever. If I am going to potentially die anyway, I am going to send one more evil prick to perdition before his friends lay me to rest.
  5. I was going to say learning to snipe with a Mosin, but observation, awareness and being able to spot others before they see you is probably the most important trait to master. I can hardly count the people I have killed by spawning into my favorite sniping spot, only to find someone there. People apparently have a hard time listening, since they don't hear my guns lock n' load (even though the weapons aren't in my hands). People also have a hard time checking their immediate surrounding in 3rd person. When you get shot point blank by a Mosin, don't blame me, blame your astounding lack of awareness!
  6. American_Mongrel

    SKS and Mosin Stripper clips.

    That is what I have determined as well. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  7. American_Mongrel

    SKS and Mosin Stripper clips.

    I've noticed this also. The devs strive so hard to be realistic in almost everything else, except the weapons in the game. My 3.57 is deadly accurate within 50 meters.. Not so in the game. Speedloaders don't attatch to the weapon itself! I'm still not sure if this is a lazy design decision, that will exist until they decide to revisit it, or if the developers are just totally ignorant in regards to real-life gun mechanics and handling.
  8. American_Mongrel

    Dayz Standalone - Maniac On The Road

    I want to know that Maniac. We could start a convoy.
  9. He might be the Ripper from Last Action Hero. Lulz.
  10. American_Mongrel

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    There is no end-game and to wander aimlessly is not fun, exciting, nor why I (and many others) play games. I am the nicest person in real life; Yet sometimes... I like to bring misery to peoples lives in videogame form. Hearing a child yelling, "Friendly, friendly, friendly!" as I pump round after round of 5.56 NATO into their backs brings me to Nirvana. To liberate a person from their lives and loot, is to live my friend.
  11. I love watching people. When I'm feeling friendly and/or not feeling confident in determining my kentucky windage I'll just be a little voyeur. I think guns and ammo should be so rare only a few people on the server would have them, and even less should have enough ammo to fill a clip or magazine.
  12. I hope the 7.62 bullet that lodged itself in your buttocks felt wonderful. You spawned a foot in front of me, and never switched to Third Person Perspective to check your immediate surroundings. I even had time to switch to my Magnum and then rethink it and pull my Mosin back out, with which I shot you square in the gluteus. On the upside, you can now use two toilets at once! In addition, I played Protector Case Inception with all 6 of your cases. I had a great time and I hope you did too.... I need a cigarette.