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Mrs. Zealous

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About Mrs. Zealous

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  1. Mrs. Zealous

    Can't create male characters anymore

    I dont know why your character would change, but I do know thatif you change your default character you have to die for any changes you make to take place. So if you spawned in as a female character and then change your default to a male you will still be a female until you die. After you die you should spawn in as a male.
  2. Mrs. Zealous

    Women Clothes

    I agree that it would be nice to see women's clothes. In real life I can buy hiking clothes that are very practical and still look feminine. However in the game the women somehow don't look all that attractive or feminine to me. In my opinion the men look much better than the women. Maybe part of that is because of how they move and not just the clothes. In the game I have no desire to dress in a skirt or in heels or have my stomach hang out.but I would like a more feminine look. Its probably a difficult balance to achieve a feminine look without it looking completely impractical or too sexy/slutty though. Also at first I was completely against heels being in the game but ever since I happened across the "leather shoes" which description reads "Fancy leather shoes suited for office work or social events. The leather sole provides good slide for dancing." and which look like typical men's dress shoes it sort of seems like there should also be some impractical women's shoes as well. Its only fair right?
  3. Mrs. Zealous

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    You are probably right. But I dont want to deny someone the chance of finding there first LRS.
  4. Mrs. Zealous

    Best place to find an ACOG ?

    I think that it is partly just luck whether you find the more rare items. I have seen several ACOG's but until last night I had never seen a long range scope. Then last night I saw three of them at NWAF. I had seriously gone over 100hrs without seeing a single one. It took everything I had not to be a greedy bastard and take all of them for myself! I really shouldnt have even taken the one I did since I dont actually plan on using it. I was just so excited :blush:
  5. Mrs. Zealous

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    http://www.medbio.info/horn/PDF%20files/muscle_metabolism.pdf This explains why a person can run at top speeds for only 30-40 seconds.
  6. Dont give up yet! I alos had a lot of trouble finding things to start with but with a little bit of exploring you can figure it out in just a couple of hours. I would recommend finding an empty server and going all the way to the west. If people have been on the server already the west will be less likely to have been looted before you got there. Then run up through all the towns (Pavlovo,Zelengorsk, Sosnovka,Pustoshka, Vybor etc) checking all the buildings to see what you can find. The doors should be closed if they are open go to a different server. I recommend being very thorough going in every single building. It will take a couple of hours. But If you start at the coast then by the time you get up too the top of the map you should have a good idea what sort of things spawn in what sort of building, and what sort of buildings dont spawn anything. You wont hit quite all the building types but you will hit most of them and you will certainly find at least one if not several weapons that are not in military buildings.
  7. Mrs. Zealous

    Having babies

    Sooke, it sounds like you agree with me that the reality of pregnancy wouldnt be even remotely fun to play. So instead of something resembling reality you are suggesting the pregnant person is going to spend a unspecified amount of time needing to eat extra and not being able to sprint. Then they are going to gain an inventory item that requires extra food for an additional period of time and does -literally- nothing. And the end result of all of this is that a teenager slot opens up for someone on the server. In that case what is the point of pregnancy at all? If you want teenager slots why not just add teenager slots without the bother of pregnancy? Why would someone want to spend the time to find and consume/feed all that extra food for the "benefit" of a teenager slot opening on the server? This seems like a really poorly conceived idea.
  8. Mrs. Zealous

    Having babies

    As a mother I can not fathom why anyone would want pregnancy and babies in this sort of game. Pregnancy lasts around 9 months with nausea and vomiting the first 3rd followed by mobility becoming increasingly limited. Even if you shortened the pregnancy down to say 5-6 hours who wants to be stuck being sick and vomiting for 2 hours followed by 4 hours of not being able to run. If you ended up not eating and drinking enough or accidentally getting hit by a zombie you would miscarry or even die. Not to mention the huge problem of infection after giving birth. Then on top of that newborns and small children are a huge drain on energy and resources. In real life you have several years before children can contribute much to their own care. Even if you shortened this down to another 5-6 hours thats another 5-6 hours where your character cant do much. First you are going to have 1 or 2 hours where you are stuck nursing the baby every 5 minutes because where else do you get milk for it in a post apocalyptic world. So that is going to make you completely useless for doing anything at all. You would just have to sit there while someone else fetched you food. And then you are going to spend another several hours feeding it beans. You even wont be able to leave it alone to go find those beans because it will wander off and get lost. You would get all the negatives of having a baby without any of the positives. And if you shortened the time a pregnancy takes more than that it starts to become completely unrealistic in a way that wouldnt fit into the setting at all. The reality is that in this sort of world getting pregnant would be a death sentence. And it wouldnt make for a rewarding gaming experience.
  9. Mrs. Zealous

    I think I'm going to cry.

    I had a really hard time to start with, too. I read some guides which were helpful, but I was still having trouble. I finally decided to join a low population server so that I could explore more. Once I learned where to find things, everything became a lot easier. I would recommend putting a couple of hours in running around and searching locations on a low-population server, then you will probably have a little more equipment. Finding a map online can also help though I've found exploring for myself to be most useful. It will also get you used to some of the survival tactics/mechanics that are relatively unique to DayZ. Then once you find it's pretty easy in the low-population servers, go back to playing on a higher population server. You should last at least five minutes then. :D Just kidding, of course, but I you will still die every once in a while. Learning where to find stuff will help give you a fighting chance, though.
  10. Mrs. Zealous

    I'm sick

    I think you can find all the answers to your questions here; Merino's In-depth Guide on Health.
  11. I don't know what you are talking about. I have logged 134 hours in Dayz, at least 40 of which have been at the kitchen table. Inception, I hope you will forgive me this brief indiscretion. You can have my beans if it will make it ok.
  12. Mrs. Zealous

    Next time I will kill every girls

    Oh man that really sucks! One time something similar happened to me only it was a man who shot me. I thought to myself I guess I should probably be more careful in the future but maybe instead I should just start shooting all the men.
  13. It kind of cracks me up how it appears to be mostly men answering this question. I would answer but to me there is a much more important question that needs answering. And that question is how many men play this game and what do they think about it? I will use the answers to convince my husband to play.
  14. Mrs. Zealous

    Eating Food Repairs Hard Hats

    My hard hat improved itself too. It was damaged. I got hit by a zombie, drank a can of soda, and ate some beans then noticed it was pristine. I wasnt sure which thing had caused it to though.
  15. Mrs. Zealous

    I died being forcefed M4A1 magazine rounds...

    LOL It seems pretty reasonable to me that eating bullets would make a person sick or even cause death.