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About Defau1t

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    On the Coast
  1. No more side chat or global chat! Bring in radios scattered around cherno (stores,houses,fire station). Use in game mic to talk to whoever is on the same channel as you. Hope they are friendly :D Also I'm still a big fan of items not being transferred server to server. I think it would make communities bigger and stop bugging and other issues. Please whatever you do dont do what WarZ did and make a exit timer..... Ive died so many times quiting and not being able to stop and defend myself.
  2. I being the one who blew up the GAZ will second that if we cant have the Heli no one will. :D You were our first group we attacked with the helicopter we slaved over. I know for us it was a great experience. I hope that we get the chance to be on the opposite end of the fight next. You can have the :beans: for now but we are coming for them! Kudos to the guy on the hill he managed to hit the gunners in the chopper. Luckily we were able to bandage and support from the ground before anything became fatal. Just a warning the guns do run out of ammo on the chopper and you cant reload them, if you didnt know already. We want round 2 so stay on 630!
  3. Defau1t

    Mass killing

    Mass killing on US64 (NY6) server. Killed 10 people instantly (not everyone) Then I aborted and the server was locked. Dont know if hacks or admin abuse.
  4. This is the first suggestion that i really like. I feel like a bear trap fits this game very well. Not only using to for maybe some added defense but even for what its made for, hunting. Being able to set a trap in the woods and coming back to find a prize waiting to be gutted would be very satisfying. On the other side having someone step into it and breaking a leg, possibly bleeding out would be equally as awesome to come back too. I also like the idea of requiring someone to get you out of it. BUT I can also understand why some wouldn't like it, trying to make your way through a town only to be stopped by a minefield someone took the time to formulate. Maybe just limiting the amount of traps a person can set? Also i don't think im quite sold on a claymore/bomb trap... not something id see fit for a zombie survival game. Personally i wouldn't be that upset getting trapped even if i was soloing around. Adds more the the thrill and insecurity this game offers.