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Everything posted by bigfrak

  1. Welcome to another story time with BigFrak, in this video i run back into MR.Sniper, and this is our story, hope you like thanks for stopping by.
  2. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (Crap Play)

    Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we meet a nice guy named BigD.......lets this be a lesson to you never role play late at night never a good thing, hope you like thanks for stopping by.
  3. Welcome to a bigfrak solo video, in this video i run into a bad ass who is flipping the bird on body's......... MR.Sniper the name. This is just the start to our time together in dayz, hope you like thanks for stopping by.
  4. Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we come under fire and bum rush by newbies.....well there is only room for one rooster in this chicken coop, but not all where out to kill we do run into a nice guy and help him out, thanks for stopping by hope you like.
  5. Welcome to another last of the rangers video,in this video we run into a crime scene.......where Beyoncee and Rihanna where shot down. This is how it played out, thanks for stopping by hope you like.
  6. Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we rin into a guy who has one hell of a story....and that is why he wants us to kill him,hope you like thanks for stopping by.
  7. Welcome to another last of the rangers video, this video is part two to the give me my dam book back, hope you like thanks for stopping by
  8. Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we where having story time when someone shot me....well this is my adventurer trying to get my book back... you can have the gear but by god not my fucking book. Hope you like thanks for stopping by.
  9. bigfrak

    I met the Rangers

    well by god
  10. Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we stop for food.....when out of no where here comes others in our house... they got one ranger...but not the last, hope you like thanks for stopping by.
  11. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (3way gone wrong)

    lol ya i get it
  12. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (3way gone wrong)

    lol sry bot that they get happy when im playing, or fight one of the two, thanks for stopping by
  13. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (some people)

    Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we try to help a guy, we give him a axe and this is how he thanks us... thanks for stopping by.
  14. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (some people)

    or after we give you an axe don't flip us the bird, thanks for stopping by
  15. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (Hot Zone #2)

    Welcome to part two of the Hot Zone hope you like.
  16. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (Hot Zone #2)

    Thanks for stopping by, and commenting on the videos, the reason the guy who did not kneel down got shot, is to many times we have had newbies act cool than knock us out, by having them stay still and on there knees gives us more time to react if need be, and if there not willing to do that... well they must have a reason so we kill before they can do something. In the two hot zone videos we are locking down the town, that's the reason we would not leave the guy alone in the video, we wanted to see if he needed anything, then send him on his way, but did not want to turn our backs on him and he shoot use when trying to help others. All in all its just how we do things now after trying to help so many and get killed by them in the end, so now we ask one time not two... than you die. When we get better as a unit things will be defrent, but for now this is how we have to do it, again thanks for stopping by and giving feed back.
  17. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (Manbearpig)

    Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we find a dead man in the hangers.....so the hunt is on to find the killer. Well we find him and this is how it went down.
  18. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (Hot Zone #1)

    Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we are helping newbies when the town just turns into a hot Zone, hope you like.
  19. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (Bad newbies)

    Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we run into two guys who shoot and act nice. Than the newbies show up, we try to help them out and send them on there way before they get shot.... but us being nice bites us in the ass, hope you like the video thanks for stopping by.
  20. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (sack battle)

    Welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we run into a man with a sack on his head, as we try to help shots rang out and this is how it went down.
  21. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (sack battle)

    lol ya that's was the same thing i was thinking, but we have not been playing together long, in this video was some of the newest members to last of the rangers.
  22. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (im sick)

    welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we run into a nice man and do some role play. We sing some songs and have a dance party...and that's when i lost my beans, hope you like it thanks for stopping by.
  23. bigfrak

    Last Of The Rangers (duck cry)

    welcome to another last of the rangers video, in this video we run into a man and tell him a story about our axe...some role play. We have a good time and at the end like most party's do it ended bad, hope you like thanks for stopping by.
  24. ran good for me all night was on a hardcore server not sure if thats why.
  25. bigfrak

    Harvesting woodlands bounties

    dont forget about the sunflowers should be able to eat those as well