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Everything posted by chekovp

  1. chekovp

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    Pointless post is pointless... The guy was just explaining that, even though there is only one other person on the server and you think "there is no way that they are near me", you're probably server hopping in a military loot area. Tons of other people do this and it is very likely that you will run into someone and being killed while there is only one other person on is not a sign of hacks.
  2. chekovp

    Server time = 17:46 but its pitch black?

    I live in Vermont, US, which is around the same latitude that Chernarus is suspected to be and during the winter months it can be completely dark outside before its even 5pm.
  3. chekovp

    Clips For The New Handguns

    I think you can also find Sporter mags in the civilian weapon spawn areas.
  4. chekovp

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    Moving your eyes is not the same as moving your whole body. I'm glad your "training" with your cousin gave you such great knowledge of how movement with gear actually works. My info is coming from years of experience moving with gear and weapons. Mouse acceleration is infinitely more realistic than a 1:1 mouse to movement ratio.
  5. chekovp

    Clips For The New Handguns

    I'm not a Nazi about it, but having been in the Infantry in the Army... it annoys me, and they are very different. But for on topic, I have found magazines for all the new weapons, mostly in Police Stations and Military areas.
  6. chekovp

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    For everyone against mouse acceleration. Go find yourself a backpack, put roughly 35 pounds worth of items in it, find something that weights 5-10 pounds to hold in your hand. With your arm holding the item extend it out in front of you, turn 90, 180, and 360 degrees as fast as you can, while trying to stop at a specific point tell me how it works out for you... I'm going to guess that there was a gradual acceleration and deceleration to your movement and you were unable to stop exactly where you wanted to. And for everyone bitching "the devs don't listen to the community", this is not your game, and you do not have a say in what is or is not in the game.
  7. It seems like they are both up and down to be honest.. some people see them and some don't.
  8. All the exp servers that come up are 0/0 players and the map is unknown.
  9. I do this every time I go to play DayZ, I prefer to play on the Exp branch. But when I can't find any servers I switch back to the stable branch. I've also been able to see the exp servers with the stable branch loaded in the past, but now I can't find a single one.
  10. I would say yes since I haven't seen an experimental server for five days, but it does seem like some people have been playing on them recently. I have no ping limit on my server filter, but I can't find a single one... this is really annoying.
  11. They want it in because it is a more realistic movement, it definitely need some work though. Maybe you'll be able to turn it off some day, but not any day soon.
  12. Characters are saved on the Hive Servers, not on Steam or your PC.
  13. chekovp

    Is it just me?

    This is correct, but you are meant to be able swing with your melee weapon lowered and it is a known issue that you can't.
  14. chekovp

    Voice Chat. Which? Why?

    Im just wondering what people use to communicate with their friends while playing DayZ together and why you chose to use it. Personally, my friends and I use Steam Voice chat for this, but it seems like most others use TS3, Vent or Skype. I like using Steam because it is already running and is accessible without having to alt-tab.
  15. chekovp

    Voice Chat. Which? Why?

    Thank you for the replies and the info, much appreciated.
  16. chekovp

    Broken arm.. now what?

    Not for the exp branch.
  17. chekovp

    I can't believe I just now realized this

    Fixed* You might be running faster than others just because you do. I've ran faster than some of my friends fists up or down, I've also ran slower at times. My friend has a theory that this difference in run speed is based on hunger/thirst levels, which honestly would make sense. We have not tested this and most probably won't (maybe someone else has or will...), as I always just try to stay maxed energized, hydrated and healthy. But more on topic, I've always put my fists down while equipping/unequipping something just because it felt like the right thing to do and I had no idea that having your fists up would make you stop. Which honestly it really shouldn't and hopefully won't in the future. I have a feeling this has been the death of many people.
  18. chekovp

    Building a gaming pc for Dayz

    As others have said, get an ASUS or AMD motherboard and I would also spending a little money on at least a 60gig SSD for Windows and DayZ.
  19. chekovp

    The UI

    I don't see how needing to open a menu to check these things helps with "immersion". If you ask me, this would just take away from it. I feel people want to get rid of the text because they find it annoying. When in fact, if you are hungry, thirsty, etc your body is constantly telling you that you are and there isn't much you can do about it. Sure you can ignore it, but those messages are still there.
  20. chekovp

    Broken arm.. now what?

    Sadly you can't, hopefully you will be able to in the future, especially with bows being added.
  21. chekovp

    The UI

    Since when do people have to pull up a menu to see if they are hungry, thirsty, hurt, wet, etc... This makes no sense and there is nothing "hardcore" about it. I don't think audio cues would be the best way to go. If everyone can hear them that is just stupid and if only you can hear them, then they might prevent you from hearing something that might be going on around you. Which I don't know about everyone else, but my thoughts don't prevent me from hearing anything. I personally think that the text is the best method, as it most accurately represents a thought.
  22. chekovp

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    Easy, I'd much rather look at a females ass while I play than a dudes ass. I've been playing female characters in every game I can solely based on this.
  23. chekovp

    New sounds, anyone?

    I agree with this completely, right now there doesn't seem to be any dynamics to the sounds(not sure if I'm using the right term). But anyways, right now when you hear a sound it will not hold the direction it comes from if you turn. This is mostly noticeable with thunder.
  24. Nice maps, almost as good as the one I made for the thread below. ;) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/177768-the-map-for-newbs/#entry1833064
  25. chekovp

    New sounds, anyone?

    My guess is that they are waiting till most, if not all the new sounds are done to put them in. I may be wrong though since the exp branch has a new sound for opening soda can, and it sounds horrible if you ask me.