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Everything posted by chekovp

  1. chekovp

    Are these bugs or not?

    Really? Reactions like this are a plague in this forum, they are pointless and don't provide anything to anyone. This guy is just asking a question, the least you could do is give a respectful response and maybe some info on the question...
  2. A nice video of someone shooting a German flak vest with 10 different rounds. The kevlar insert that he is shooting is the same that is in Press vests and the same that is in US military vests. I've personally shot Kevlar inserts with 5.56 and .44, the 5.56 goes right through and the .44 pushes the kevlar so much that it will burst out the back.
  3. chekovp

    Died without a reason..

    I have yet to have something like this happen to me, but a friend of mine has. My friend also dies a lot while using stairs, which I have also yet to have happen to me.
  4. chekovp

    Where to go now?

    I'm always running around looking for other players in game and i mostly play on full servers. Except when a friend of mine buys the game, then we join a low pop server to help said friend start to learn the map and gameplay. Anyways, I look for people and if I find someone that is alone, Ill attempt to stalk them for as long as I remain unnoticed. If I run into two or more players, I will find a nice place to shoot from that has a nice exit route and start to take shots. I'm not one to care if I die and I've died a lot, from everything you could think of. I also still enjoy running around on a high pop server that doesn't reset often and see if i can actually go without starving to death. There are so many other things you can do in this game too. I really think I enjoy this game so much is because I don't care about loot very much and I don't care if I die. You can also play on the experimental branch and do everything you can think of, find bugs/glitches/exploits, check to see if they are known issues and report them if they are not.
  5. chekovp

    Did you really put in heart attacks?

    Not to mention that at 11:00 Dean says, at the moment you only get the heart attack while you're unconscious.
  6. chekovp

    Anyway to play Singleplayer with cheats?

    I have a feeling that this whole thread is a troll...
  7. chekovp

    Been killed twice by hackers in the last 48 hours

    http://bit.ly/Nf9FjQ - Youtube video, go to 9:15 to see...
  8. chekovp

    why are people doing this ?

    Thats weird, mine is T to switch firing modes and F is use by default.
  9. chekovp

    ETA Update

    Yeah i hear ya, I'm the same way. Patience is a virtue though and I want this game to be done right and I want Rocket and his team to take all the time they need.
  10. chekovp

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    A friend and I did some sound distance testing last night with the M4, SKS, Magnum, and FNX. Surprisingly the M4 with the lowest sound could be heard the furthest, followed by the SKS, then Magnum, then the FNX. I don't imagine it would be different for anyone else, but who knows. The one thing that really annoys me, is that there doesn't seem to be much change in the volume of the shots. The only differences in volume is right next to me, any distance from me, or no sound at all. I know all(or most) of the sounds are going to be changed, but at this point is it pretty hard for me to use shots to judge distance and i have a pretty good amount of experience with it.
  11. chekovp

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    ^^All this, the crack of shots going by me gives me such a rush. I fell inlove with it since my first experience. It still does scare the shit out of me though, but i love the feeling and the sound.
  12. chekovp

    ETA Update

    I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but the updates will come out when they come out.
  13. chekovp

    Finally dead

    I don't know if i would say that this is any sort of unwritten rule, but its pretty much how it is. I ran into someone at the NE airfield, they put there hand up right away as I was pointing my loaded Mosin at his head. He typed "Friendly?" in direct, so I tried to talk to him and he couldn't hear my mic. Me not wanting to take the time to type in direct and risk someone coming up behind me or him pulling his weapon and shooting at me as I type. I shot him in the head while he was on his knees with his hands on his head. I would have just restrained him if I was able to, but I did not have the means to. I felt kind of bad for doing it, but got over it fairly quickly. I don't like to kill people like this, but i also don't like putting myself at risk.
  14. chekovp

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    lol, wat? You really think what you said is true? The G36, which shoots the same exact round as the M4 will hit targets 500m+ further than the M4? I can see the G36V, MG36, and MG36E getting up to 800m because they have a similar barrel length to the M249, but they aren't going to hit anything with accuracy at anything over that. As for the G36C, i can't see that hitting anything even close to 800m with its 9.5in barrel. The M4 definitely needs some work in game, but it is by no means "a crappy american gun". The fact that you called it a gun shows me how inexperienced you are with it. I can and have made smiley faces at 400-500m+ with an M4 on the torso of a average person sized target.
  15. chekovp

    600 bullets of 5.56 ammo in ammo box

    Yes this is an exploit and I'm sure it will be fixed in time.
  16. Also, any of the arteries going through your body. This will cause you to die very fast.
  17. chekovp

    Girl 'abuse' in this game

    I use the female model so some people might be less likely to shoot at me for no reason. I also hope that someone like you come around so i can get corner and assaulted. I wouldn't say anything at first, just play along and then in the middle of it, or when they happen to take my pants off, I would just say with my deep manly voice, "Is it tucked back far enough so you can't tell? Is it noticeable in the back? Would you fuck me? I'D FUCK ME! And then probably end up dead, because I would kill someone if they did that to me.
  18. chekovp

    Feeling remorseful...

    Because what you do in a video game reflects what type of person you are?
  19. chekovp

    Feeling remorseful...

    So much hate for this guy... I on the other hand applaud you for killing that guy and there is no need for remorse. Things like this are what helps make DayZ the awesome game that it is.
  20. chekovp

    I cannot win this week

    I would suggest trying to talk to people before they see you. If I know someone has seen me and they haven't said anything, they are probably going to try to kill me. Also, don't trust anyone. You can be friendly with people, but don't let your guard down, always be looking for other people in the area, and always be ready to shoot at anyone in your immediate area.
  21. chekovp

    my thots

    The building system was in Epoch, a mod of Dayz mod and probably wont be in the SA. I'm also pretty sure there won't be anything in the game that will warn people of things that they actually wouldn't know. There are also no specific areas that are safe and you should presume that everywhere is dangerous and unsafe.
  22. chekovp

    Survivor "Backgrounds"

    CLASSES and SPECIALIZATIONShttp://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/167340-classes-and-specializations/?hl=specialization Character Specializationshttp://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/171505-character-specializations/?hl=specialization Search harder...
  23. chekovp

    Render distance system

    I agree, there should be an option to adjust this. Along with every other option that you can change in the .cfg file.
  24. chekovp

    Rain water collection

    Rainwater is hardly pure and can contain harmful chemicals. Also, you can boil water to purify it, I'm not sure if this is in game yet, but I'm sure it will be.
  25. chekovp

    2 Things that should be implemented ASAP

    No and no. I find maps all over the place, but I just leave them because I find them useless. I am new to the game, I didn't play the mod and I have around 100 hours on SA. I know most of the map already and I just use the sun to get my direction.