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Everything posted by chekovp

  1. chekovp

    B95, Mosin question | Sawn of Blaser K95

    Nothing is a one shot kill in the game and I'm pretty sure its going to stay that way. The only one shot kills out there are headshots from any ballistics weapon. Edit: Personally I prefer to use a sawn off shotgun as a sidearm, I think it would be cool to try a sawn off B95. I also wish you could saw off a shotgun as much as they did in the beginning of the movie Killing Them Softly.
  2. Last I knew Dean Hall wasn't actually doing much work on the game. Just reviewing any major changes and working on things here and there. Plus a lot can happen in 1-2 years, Dean could even end up staying or the game could be complete.
  3. chekovp

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    Restarting a server to farm loot is against the rules for servers, so restarting a server for loot after respawning loot is put in could cause the server owner to lose the server.
  4. chekovp

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    I really do believe that weekly restarts/downtime for server maint. is what the Dev team will be going for in the end. This is just my opinion, my hopes and dreams... But in the end, there will always be servers that are day time. Even with no restarts.
  5. chekovp

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    The item update is being worked on and there is already a possible fix to it in 37. As for restarts, its not entirely up to the admins.
  6. chekovp

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    Zombies respawn on experimental only, but no loot yet. It has already been said that the restarts will stop once loot and zombie respawning is finished.
  7. chekovp

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    I think it might become more popular once new players start getting a feel for the game. Most people new to a game want every advantage they can get. Also this. ^ I play on the experimental hardcore servers when I play solo, because I enjoy it the most. When I am playing with friends though, we play on regular servers because they are new to the game and I'm trying to teach them the basics of the game and help them learn the map. Hopefully soon I will be playing on HC exp servers with my friends.
  8. chekovp

    Night- Heat Vision goggles/Scope

    NVGs actually do give off a green light where you look through. The visibility of this light depends on what the brightness of the NVG and if you use the rubber attachment that goes over your eye(s). From my experience, the rubber attachments are very annoying and i have never used them, and the light is barely visible to the naked eye, but can be seen pretty easily if you are using NVGs. I really wish that it was actually hard to see at night. Right now you can change three graphics settings and see clear as day at night, but in grayscale.
  9. chekovp

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    These are the only "rules" if you ask me.
  10. chekovp

    Bell 206 Jet Ranger

    I personally don't think their should be helicopters in game at all. They are not easy to learn to fly and its not like everyone in the game spawns as a former heli pilot.
  11. chekovp

    Better compass inclination / visibility.

    Have you ever actually used a compass? Honestly I feel lucky that we are able to keep moving while looking at it and keep an accurate reading. Edit: Plus I also don't really see an issue with being able to see which direction a compass is facing ingame, even if it is badly damaged.
  12. chekovp

    No more than 5

    Hasn't it been said already that the current zombies are placeholders and the AI is being completely reworked?
  13. Last I heard, the beta isn't planned to start till the end of this year or the beginning of 2015. I do suggest keeping up-to-date with what is being added to the game in the near and distant future if you plan on making suggestions.
  14. chekovp

    How many hives are there?

    If this happens, you can log out and then back in and you should have all your stuff back.
  15. I honestly don't think anything can happen right now, I was prone in the ocean for a good 30 minutes the other night(seeing if you can drown, which you can't). My character made sounds like it was painful, but nothing actually happened.
  16. Why not look around and shoot at people running that can actually shoot back? might be a bit more of a challenge...
  17. chekovp

    Slow run glitch, DayZ !

    What are your graphic settings at? my friend had this issue, but fixed it by lowering all his graphics settings and using the guide linked below. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154330-possible-fps-enhancer/
  18. chekovp


    It's also a Wiki page that anyone can edit. I would stick to reading the patch notes here to see what is currently ingame and what is coming up.
  19. chekovp

    Loot respawning?

    Just so you know, servers won't restart in the future. So if there is no respawning loot, there won't be any loot on any of the serves an hour after they put an end to server restarting.
  20. chekovp

    I Suddenly understand just doing PVP/KOS

    I'm guessing that they aren't focused on fixing bugs/glitches and such right now unless they are major, because adding a new feature could break something else in the game. So why spend time during the development fixing bugs that might just pop back up again and again when they add new features. Just my opinion.
  21. That probably (most certainly does) has a steel or ceramic plate in it. Steel can take plenty of shots, but ceramic will shatter after 1-3 rounds and then be useless. The people in this video are pretty stupid and they certainly act it, but it shows what will happen if you get shot (edit: with a low caliber weapon) wearing a vest without plates. I also think it would be pretty cool if you could use books to stop or reduce the damage of ballistics.
  22. You didn't though, I sense the sarcasm, but you didn't...
  23. chekovp

    Are these bugs or not?

    Post something about an already known issue? And since when is not being able to walk/run with a broken leg a bug? Yes, reading comprehension ftw...
  24. Thanks a bunch! I watched some of the video, but I couldn't deal with the audio. Much appreciated!
  25. This could be because he set it to be darker. I have no experience with SweetFX, but I think it is safe to assume that if it can make things darker, it can also make things lighter. I think it might be one of those times...