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Everything posted by chekovp

  1. chekovp

    Starting weapon

    Really? Last I checked this game does exist in real life... And you already start with your fists, which are better than the weapons the OP suggested in the post.
  2. chekovp

    Manual operating of the charging handle.

    No. Simply because it is more of a natural reaction once you do it enough, and its not something you have to think about. Especially if you are using a magazine fed weapon, the bolt would be locked back if you are loading a new magazine, and all you need to do is release the bolt. Furthermore, if you have not fired all the rounds in the mag, then one will still be chambered, and there is no need for any bolt movement(best way to reload imo).
  3. chekovp

    [Suggestion] Ringing in ears

    Bleeding from the ears is pretty extreme. The only time I've had this happen to me was when I was between a 240B and a 249 on a support by fire position. They each let off well over 200 rounds. Both my ears bled a little and I couldn't hear out of the side the 249 was on for a few days and I couldn't hear out of the other side with the 240B for two weeks. When I use ear pro, I use a pair similar to this. They do work very well from an open field to inside a room. http://www.rangerjoes.com/SUREFIRE-Ear-Plugs-EP3-Sonic-Defender-P2707.aspx I really would like to see this be put in game, but no long lasting effects. The constant ringing I already have in both my ears is enough...
  4. Honestly, this isn't something people should have to worry about. So like I said before, if this is happening to you, make a bug report or add to one if there already is one.
  5. You should make or add to a Bug Report about this.
  6. chekovp

    Surviving the Apocalypse!

    That FOV in the bottom left picture, reminds me of CS or TFC...
  7. Only problem I have with this, is that canned food is very common and pretty much every house in the world has some.
  8. With the seemingly endless amount of clothes currently ingame(and I'm sure tons more in the future), you can't figure out a way to tell who is your friend?
  9. I just want to point out that your argument is what? Balance? There is no balance for what you are saying. You are suggesting something that will ALWAYS give the person that is already in the game an advantage over the person that is logging in. How is that balanced? You talk like everyone that logs in in or near a building is trying to ghost or server hop. As for everyone that is suggesting not being able to log out in a building, this is not an option. It would make barricading a building pointless and I'm pretty sure barricading will be the only base building DayZ SA will have for a while.
  10. I agree with this and think it would be a nice addition to the game. I don't think they need to actively change colors though, if that what you are suggesting. I do think that every painted building should have different colors, especially if they are in the same town.
  11. chekovp

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    Two hits to the head will knock a zombie down, a few more hits and it is dead.
  12. And putting in a sound to let people know when someone else just logged in is balanced?
  13. chekovp

    Weapon accuracies

    The M4's for the US Army will eventually be full auto, have a free floating rail system and the bottoms of the barrels will be thicker. The key word being will. And by will, I mean that it is projected to happen at the end of 2017, so it might never happen. Just like all the replacements for the M4 that we were supposed to get and never did. As of now, M4s that are full auto are used by some SOCOM units and a very few FORSCOM units. Semi/burst M4s are much more common in the US military.
  14. chekovp

    is it me, or is zeroing bugged

    FOV shouldn't affect zeroing, the middle of the screen is the middle of the screen. Now if you're talking about mil dots, then that is another story.
  15. chekovp

    Weapon accuracies

    So that is why the M16 went from semi-auto and full-auto in the 60's to its now semi-auto and burst?
  16. I honestly don't care what sound people want to be put in when people log on, what I am against is a sound period. People should be aware of their surroundings. There is no difference between someone logging into a room next to you, running out guns blazing and someone running into the building you are in guns blazing or even someone with their gun on the door of the building you are entering ready to shoot the second the door opens. Their are many things in this game that can and will catch you off guard. But people logging in shouldn't be unfairly caught off guard by someone killing them or pointing a gun at them without being able to even act, unless the person that is logging in is in view of another player. Oh yeah, and for server hopping, it does ruin the game. I enjoy gearing up and exploring more than anything in this game.
  17. chekovp

    Weapon accuracies

    Having the AKM and SKS more accurate than the M4 is very inaccurate. Both shoot a larger and heavier round at a lower muzzle velocity than the M4. And for people saying that the dispersion helps represent an inexperienced shooter, I and many other people have their first shooting experience with an M4 or M16. I shot targets at 300m the first time I shot it, and targets at 500m the second time I shot it. The M4 is a very easy weapon to shoot. How does random dispersion work against poor shots and bad players? Its random, meaning no matter what you do, you can't control it. This is put into games to help with balance so bad players as you put it, actually have a chance. Also, the M4 really shouldn't have a full auto option, since most M4s don't have full auto. But even with full auto, the dispersion still affects single fire and single shots fired on full auto.
  18. The only GLITCH with the reloading sound, was the damn sound itself. It was never meant to be in the game. And ill just let what has been FIXED with the game and your poll results speak the rest...
  19. As weak as my "comeback" might be, it doesn't change the fact that it is true. And for logging off in a secluded area. What about the people that don't have all day to play like you do. The people that only have an hour or two to play at a time. why should they have to waste time running to and from an area every time they want to play? And what about when the server you're on goes down without any warning? Why not go to sleep in a military base? Why not go to sleep in a house or an apartment? Also, why do you want this changed so bad when it never negatively affected you? The only experience you shared was one that would have most likely gotten you killed if the sound was still there.
  20. So the people that wanted and got a glitch removed from the game are "glitch abusers"? The only times this glitch was abused was when people heard someone logging on around them and they instantly knew that someone was very near to them. While the person logging in has no knowledge of their surroundings.
  21. How can they be incorrect if they have never happened?
  22. chekovp

    No update?

    l2research please. And if you know even the smallest bit about game development, you would know that fixing bugs while many thing are still being added and will continue to be added for a while is pointless. What is the point of fixing something that might just break again with the next patch?
  23. The infection spread to everyone(and possibly everything), what's left are those who are immune to it.
  24. If there was still a sound your opinion would probably be the opposite. Since in the situation you explained, you probably would have been shot before your screen even loaded. Is this not also a "cheap death"? The sound may have been a glitch, but it was removed for a reason, and if the majority of people actually wanted the sound I'm sure it would have been fixed as a glitch and actually put in the game as a feature...
  25. chekovp

    Weapon accuracies

    Place holder values that have already been changed? And if these values are supposed to mimic bad shooting habits, then why is the M4 the worst out of all of them? The only reason that the M4 is the best at anything 150m or less is because it has the fastest fire rate and an awesome double 30 round mag that doesn't actually need to be reloaded between each 30 rounds.