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^_- LONGSHOT -_^

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About ^_- LONGSHOT -_^

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ^_- LONGSHOT -_^

    Suddenly In Windowed Mode

    Problem solved: for some reason after attempting alt + enter to resize the window several times prior it has finally worked... Sorry for any inconvenience.
  2. ^_- LONGSHOT -_^

    Suddenly In Windowed Mode

    In the middle of about an hour long session the game went from full screen to windowed mode - and my resolution dropped from 1920x1080 to something lower. I have attempted to alt + enter to re-size the window back to full screen without any success. Also there is no longer an option in resolutions to make it 1920x1080 again (but this may have something to do with resolutions being limited to windowed mode only). Does anyone have a solution to make the game full screen again? I have tried looking at launch parameters but there is nothing entered and I have not edited any files. Thanks! :thumbsup: edit: OS is windows 7.