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Everything posted by RickJones

  1. RickJones

    Zombie Horses

    Ah, a bad idea turned to a good idea; all 'cuz of what people call "bad english"... xD
  2. RickJones

    Zombie Horses

    Wolves can be quite a problem... They often attack humans, whether they're starving or not. Specially when they're in packs... Lots of cases regarding wolf attacks where the wolf (or wolves) left the dead human bodies untouched ;)
  3. RickJones

    Zombie Horses

    Big cities already cause a drop on FPS (sometimes a big drop); putting mor zombies in those cities would.... well.... drop FPS even more :P Good point. Have some beans ;)
  4. RickJones

    Zombie Horses

    Guys, ColByKid already said he didn't meant zombie horses, but hordes :P
  5. RickJones

    Zombie Horses

    OOOHHHH; you mean zed HORDES. Yeah, that makes alot more sense now ;) Still, that would require one of 2 things: either the devs create more zeds (which would affect the central server's performance); or the devs re-locate current zeds, which would mean that some areas would have 0 zeds...
  6. RickJones

    Zombie Horses

    Agreed with dangerous wildlife; As for zombie horses, or any other animals, it all comes down to what exactly turned humans/dead humans into zeds... Is it something like TWD virus? Or the Resident Evil one? Or maybe the "28 Days Later" one.... All of these have specific parametres on how they affect their victims. This would require a lot of coding; adjusting animal running speed, behaviour, sounds... Not to mention, as Ghostflux said, all the different animal models...
  7. Hi guys, this is Rick (Maybe no one knows me, as it's my 1st post in this forums :P) So, I've searched the forums for this, but didn't seem to find any topic related to this (didn't spend much time looking, tbh xD; if someone made a topic on this, then pardon me, my bad); so here goes: I suggest allowing zeds to hear players' direct comms chatting... Or be atracted to the source of the chatting. If you think about it, zeds are mostly atracted by sounds/noises; so it's only natural that, if the zeds are within the chatting radius, they would move towards the source of the sound. Any feedback is welcome B)
  8. RickJones

    Zombies Allowed To Hear Direct Comms

    Yep; unless the devs find a way to somehow link all 3rd party chatting to Direct comms... Would be interesting....
  9. RickJones

    Destroying Weapons/loot

    Agreed with meat pie. Plus, there's the reverse side on your idea... You could, let's say, get cuffed, and have all your gear ruined... ;)
  10. RickJones

    Zombies Allowed To Hear Direct Comms

    That would be amazing indeed; although using 3rd party VoIP's would completely void this... :P
  11. RickJones

    Zombies Allowed To Hear Direct Comms

    Well, there's not much we can do about that Enforcer... I guess we just have to do the same :P
  12. RickJones

    Zombies Allowed To Hear Direct Comms

    Thanks mate :P Have some beens for the sportsmanship ;)