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About GiggleStick

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  1. GiggleStick

    A DayZ song? Yep.

    Funny and accurate. +1 to you good sir
  2. GiggleStick

    Some simple schemes for crafting

    +1 from me, especially on the can and line alarm, and the ability to stop bleeding with a hot knife from the camp fire.
  3. GiggleStick

    That thing you can't find

    I can't find a tent to save my life. I've seen one pickup truck, but I only saw it because he ran me over.
  4. GiggleStick

    Changing fire rate and flashlight!

    So... As OP said, I have the same issue with the flashlight. For instance, I walk into a building with my flashlight on, to loot a pile of tin cans. When I exit the gear menu, my flashlight is turned off. I hit "L" repeatedly, but the light won't turn back on. Standup/crouch thinking it may be like the weapon not appearing, but no dice. Eventually, it does seem to work itself out, and let me turn it back on. Long story short, you are not alone!
  5. GiggleStick

    Digging wells

    +1 from me. Can't see any exploits coming from it, and it could be an excellent addition to the idea of creating a camp (Which by the way, in 50+ hours of gameplay, I've still never found a F&$*ing tent).
  6. I play on a mid grade laptop with no issues. The biggest problems I had were with post processing, Vsync, and antialiasing. Turned all 3 off, and Bam, its playable. As for the other settings, I usually run mid-high settings. Hope this helps!
  7. GiggleStick

    Body Armor

    I think its a great idea. As Imperator said, have varying degrees of armor. The armor would not help against zombie attacks, but it may give a survivor a chance to defend himself if he's shot in the back with a shotgun. I don't know about anybody else, but I've never gotten into a firefight with a bandit. I always get shot in the back without even knowing they were there.
  8. After reading about the update, I was very very excited to get home and try it out. I knew that I already had a pack full of ammo, and food, so I didn't think the more sensitive zombies would be an issue, in fact I thought it would be more fun. Lets just say I was wrong. I started on the new patch with a .45 Revolver with probably about 75 rounds, and a lee infield, also with about 75 rounds. I managed to crouch walk about 40 feet before zombies began spawning right infront of me, and began chasing me. At this point, my frame rate took a dump. I swear, it was like I was trying to play a comic book. Its really REALLY difficult to fight or run away 1 frame at a time. Anyway, I ran to a store, figuring I had more than enough ammo to fight off the horde near me and continue on my way. I have never been so wrong in my life. 100+ zombies stacked up at the door before I nearly ran out of ammo, and just logged out. They never stopped coming. I was backed into a corner, but they kept spawning near the store, and immediately seeing me through the walls. Long story short, I effing love this game. I've put over 48 hours into it within the last week or so. But this update has made it completely unplayable for me. Rocket, I love your work, and I do understand this is an alpha and changes will be made, good and bad... Unfortunately, this one is too bad for me to deal with. So, to the guys I've met and begun traveling with, I'll see you on the next patch. Hopefully the next one will regain my interest.
  9. GiggleStick

    New spawn system suggestion

    I've talked this over with quite a few of my friends, who all play, and all loved the idea. I figured I would post it on here to get everyones opinion (Including Rocket). I do feel like the no gun spawn is a great idea, as it is much more realistic than everyone on an island all owning a small pistol. One of my biggest complaints about the scenario set by the random spawn is the idea that I don't know anyone around me? IRL, I know all of my neighbors, and I would have to think that if this situation arose, I would atleast start the surviving experience with friendlies, and slowly run into more and more hostiles as I moved to towns I was unfamiliar with. It also doesn't make sense that every survivor has the same equipment to start out with. Humanity tends to live longer when there is something you can still connect with from your past. This random spawn along the coast also seems to bring forth alot of PVP in the only 2 cities within quick reach, and alot of spawn camping, because its relatively easy to guess where new players will spawn. My suggestion... Let us use the entire map to spawn. This will play to the scenario of a real life zombie outbreak. Allow us to choose a town to spawn in, and spawn us in a low yeild house with no supplies in our inventory. This will completely randomize the starting equipment, as we will be forced to start with what is in the house we spawn in (Sometimes a shotgun, sometimes an AR, somtimes nothing at all). This will also eliminate the painful 2 hours of walking to link up with friends, just to get shot as soon as we see each other. This will fit the scenario of neighbors, and migrating to towns where we know no-one. I feel like this is a much more believable scenario, and it could make things alot more fun for us. Please feel free to discuss, and add your own suggestions, or completely rule mine out if the community thinks it sucks. Either way, Thanks for reading! :D
  10. I've talked this over with quite a few of my friends, who all play, and all loved the idea. I figured I would post it on here to get everyones opinion (Including Rocket). I do feel like the no gun spawn is a great idea, as it is much more realistic than everyone on an island all owning a small pistol. One of my biggest complaints about the scenario set by the random spawn is the idea that I don't know anyone around me? IRL, I know all of my neighbors, and I would have to think that if this situation arose, I would atleast start the surviving experience with friendlies, and slowly run into more and more hostiles as I moved to towns I was unfamiliar with. It also doesn't make sense that every survivor has the same equipment to start out with. Humanity tends to live longer when there is something you can still connect with from your past. This random spawn along the coast also seems to bring forth alot of PVP in the only 2 cities within quick reach, and alot of spawn camping, because its relatively easy to guess where new players will spawn. My suggestion... Let us use the entire map to spawn. This will play to the scenario of a real life zombie outbreak. Allow us to choose a town to spawn in, and spawn us in a low yeild house with no supplies in our inventory. This will completely randomize the starting equipment, as we will be forced to start with what is in the house we spawn in (Sometimes a shotgun, sometimes an AR, somtimes nothing at all). This will also eliminate the painful 2 hours of walking to link up with friends, just to get shot as soon as we see each other. This will fit the scenario of neighbors, and migrating to towns where we know no-one. I feel like this is a much more believable scenario, and it could make things alot more fun for us. Please feel free to discuss, and add your own suggestions, or completely rule mine out if the community thinks it sucks. Either way, Thanks for reading! :D I meant to post this in the suggestions forum. Please feel free to move it, as I cannot figure out how! :blush: