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Everything posted by cels

  1. cels

    Who did we just wipe at NEAF?

    Dont shit the bed.
  2. cels

    Sneaky server update! (confirmed)

    I agree considering it was quite easy gearing before all the loot areas was fixed. If this jump in gear being available makes everyone decked out in gear much faster and easier than before.. That doesnt sound like the hardcore survival Dean was hoping for.. Yeah, I see a wipe coming soon as well as certain items spawns being made rare again.
  3. I dont know.. It almost seems a deterrent to play on the official hive servers... Servers that are created not tied to the official hive, you will know that specific server holds all the items you need. To put simply, why play on a hive thats connected to 20+ different servers in which the one you are on may not hold the item you want compared to a single server by itself thats not on the hive? Even that, the people who create the 3 server hives and such would be more likely a better choice than being on official hive servers.. This in a way might inadvertently drop the number of players who choose to play on servers connected to the official hives.. Personally because of this, I agree that any item should be left to a percentage or a fraction of a percentage of spawning on each server instead of just how many the centralized hive will allow to spawn between all the servers(if im understanding this correctly)..
  4. cels

    Sneaky server update! (confirmed)

    Ah cool, thank you!
  5. cels

    Sneaky server update! (confirmed)

    So from what I understand, items are now being back in the buildings, tents, cars, and such. Are they respawning as well? Or its just items are now actually showing up on server reset that didnt before? It would be nicer once items are respawning as well if they are not... Seems theres a quite amount of people who jump to the server whos time looks as if the server just reseted, loot the fresh server, and then they are gone.
  6. Now I enjoy both views, but dont see why would you be in 3rd person for close quarters combat(if thats what you meant by CQC)? More so when they are removing the dot/crosshair.. The only way you will be able to aim properly is in first person with the gun up.. If anything, this fix would improve CQC in servers with both views by not allowing the guy down the hall to know you are sticking your head out of the room unless he does so as well.. Now, you could stick your head out in 3rd person but you would be at a disadvantage cause you will need to go into 1st person to aim properly still once the dot is removed... Desyncing or lag.. Considering how the mod works, if youre in first person that wouldnt be any different of a issue that it would be without this fix...
  7. cels

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    If I saw a camera I would just shoot it...
  8. Its going to come down to what the devs feel is best for official hives.. I doubt the hives we have now wont be subject to change or improvement come beta and full release. Modding has been confirmed so if the devs dont pick this up, im sure some servers will that wants both views but no view advantage.
  9. You should play in any view you want to play in.. I do think people should try both to see what they like depending on what aspect of gameplay they are involved in, but whats fun is a matter of opinion. I have yet to see a compelling reason to only have 1pp besides for combat.. How I play on normal servers, that could end up being only 30 minutes if not less in 4 hours of playing.. And thats if the person I run into actually wants to kill me :P Yeah it sucks If in the small chance it was someone who used 3rd person in a shafty way to kill me, but its rare... Should it still be fixed though? I think so.. To note, I enjoy both hardcore and normal servers.. Very little time on hardcore though since im pretty much there only to run around cities looking for others, which is rare to find anyone it seems nowadays...Airfields just seems like mosins are all along the treelines waiting for someone across the airfield to move..
  10. March 28th 2014 interview.. Comments on: -Ragdoll effects -Throwing -Persistant Objects: All items potentially being able to be saved that are on the ground might be possible.(No need for tents?) -New islands, additional worlds(missions, maps): possibly around the time modding tools will be available. -Banditry/Kos: Notices alot of complaints. It is a important part of the game as well as a important area to look at. They dont want to over-control what players choose to do but they want to create a environment with more tools and playstyles for players to choose from. The idea is when theres more to the game, there will still be people who choose to be a bandit and kos, but it will be much less than what it is right now since there will be more to do. Right now the only endgame is Kosing. They want to add additional "endgames" as well as more reasons to group. -Trains: Not on the radar at the moment. *They want DayZ to move into a much more hardcore survival element.* Correct me on if Im wrong on anything and I will edit, bored at work and was listening to it..
  11. cels

    Dean Hall On PvE

    There would be too many issues with pve only servers.. I could come up with many ways to grief someone if I really wanted thats on a pve server. Since you wouldnt be able to do anything to me, you would just have to deal with it.. Trying to build a base? How about I just drive my vehicle right into it.. Could build a wall around your wall so even you cant get into it.. Have a bunch of gear in your tent? Not anymore... Could just as well lead packs of zombies at you constantly... I can think of quite a few things that could be done on a pve only server which would leave the person unable to do anything but sit and watch, also in some case, would probably get them killed as well..
  12. If you look at comments the dev team made when the first implementation of "hardcore" servers.. They want more to hardcore than just first person view, they want other aspects of the game to be very difficult for a hardcore setting.. Its a "work in progress" ...So what are people expecting? 4 separate official hives? A 1st person only normal hive and a 1st person only hardcore hive? Also as well the same for 1st/3rd person hives.. A normal and a hardcore version? Granted it might be doable but your most likely scenario would probably end up being the 3rd person fixed with something like this that removes your advantage which removes the need for 1st person only.. Maybe what you will end up seeing (considering they want more aspects to be a part of "hardcore" than just view preference) is 1st/3rd normal with the game how it is and this kinda fix not in.. Also as well a 1st/3rd hardcore with this fix in place, also as well with other hardcore aspects added into it.. One that they already said sounds interesting is headshots only killing infested... Being it still is alpha.. They could likely just go with 4 hives for the time being to see what version of the game people play the most(1st normal, 1st hardcore, 1st/3rd normal, 1st/3rd hardcore).. It is afterall the testing and development time for the game.
  13. cels

    Time spent alive and more stats

    Nevermind... recent news shows they are opening the database so people can start up their own websites for statistics
  14. I dont think its a question of should this kind of fix be implemented but more so when will this be implemented... Eventually it is going to be part of SA.. If not by the devs, it will as soon as they allow modding and private servers. Should this still be something the devs should consider fixing? I think so... Granted this kind of fix would probably drop the numbers who play on 1pp only servers. When you can go onto almost every thread that the subject relates to 1st and 3rd person view. And just skimming, you can see the amount who say they play 1pp to get away from those who exploit 3rd person view.. That says clearly theres a issue.. Im sure if its left to modding it will also drop the amount who play on the current normal hive servers. And the fix isnt "just go play hardcore servers"... The game isnt just based on dealing with other players in a combat setting. If thats all you care about well then yeah, 1pp only servers are great. I actually enjoy hardcore servers myself if I just feel like running through towns in hopes of a gunfight.. Theres is alot more to the game though, things that take up way more of my time in DayZ. With those other aspects of the game, the ability to change view is great. Ill deal with the crackheads who want to use the 3rd person view for a advantage because of this...
  15. cels

    Time spent alive and more stats

    Hmm that could be true...It could also be a deterrent to KoS though... If someone wants to have a clean record it would bring more into the decision on what you would do when coming up to another player. Do you chance confrontation? Follow them for awhile to watch how they play before making a decision on your actions? A nonbandit with alot of bandit kills and few or no nonbandit kills would be impressive.. Obviously those who want to play as a bandit wouldnt care and will still KoS, but these stats would also define what kind of bandit you are. Will you be just a murderer? Or one who tries to take someone hostage? What would you want showing on your stats in the long run? Every stat available would pretty much show what kind of player you are.. It can go from someone who plays just to hunt and camp to someone who plays like a medic as well as the good guy or bad guy.. also could have Time spent in cities: in the forests: Players helped:(for multiple different reasons that can be placed as a stat)
  16. cels

    Time spent alive and more stats

    I think stats are a good idea.. I would also add more stats to it Instead of Just people/zombies killed, I would go more indepth into it all...Something more like...for example Time spent alive: Distance travelled: Distance travelled on foot: Current time spent alive: Average time spent alive: Total times knocked unconscious: Broken bones: Total amount of times vomiting: Deaths: Suicides: Total times sick: Amount of time sick: ---- Stats for different kinds of way being sick-- time spent being sick: Time spent healthy: Food eaten: Favorite food: Drinks consumed: Favorite drink: Melee kills: Favorite melee weapon: Favorite firearm: Bullets fired total: Headshots: ---Stats for all the weapons--- Weapon accuracy: Bullets fired: Animals killed: Infested killed: Bandits killed: Deaths from bandits: Non-Bandits killed: Deaths from non-bandits: Time spent solo: Time spent grouped: Total amount of players handcuffed: Time spent handcuffed: Total amount of players force fed resulting in better health: Total amount of players force fed resulting in health deteriorating: Total amount of players given medical assistance that resulted in better health: " " health deteriorating: Fires started: Food cooked: Tents placed: Weapons repaired: Clothes repaired: Backpacks created: These all could probably be sorted better into different sections... Also could add a bunch more stats that involve the game... Would also say that there should be maybe 2 separate sections as well.. One for a total through all deaths(maybe that can be reset every month or more). Also a separate tab for your current life stats.. Considering this, maybe also a stat to show how many times you reset your total stats...
  17. cels

    What is "Fully Geared" to you?

    Having a can opener and a axe... And when hunting comes out you can add matches to the list. Unless I can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together that I cut down with my axe
  18. Ill have to agree with what Weedz was saying in response to my comment earlier... With this kind of fix you would probably see 1st person only servers removed if this was implemented.. Well, if not removed though, you would see alot less people on them at least..You have to wonder how many specifically play 1st person because they dont like that some people abuse the 3rd person view for a advantage. I see it alot here and in reddit as reason why they play 1pp servers...Sure theres other reasons as well, but not as much. If 3rd person was fixed with something like this, 1pp only servers would probably lose a nice chunk of people who play on them considering... This still goes into question of what will the devs add to more define a hardcore setting since its a wip.
  19. Actually this brings a interesting side to it.... Off topic a little.. They are looking to add more to what hardcore servers should be besides just throwing it to being 1st person only. They said that its a work in progress... So eventually "hardcore" servers will be increased in its difficulty besides just how you are allowed to see.. This brings a couple questions... Should there be 1pp normal and 1pp hardcore servers? Giving the people who like the rest of the game how it is normally with 1st person only, while also allowing the devs to add more difficult aspects for a more defined hardcore setting... That also brings to question of should there be 1rd/3rd normal and 1st/3rd hardcore? People who enjoy playing in both views will no doubtingly want to play the other hardcore aspects the devs put in without having to be in 1st person.. Also as well those who enjoy 1st person only, might not want other aspects of the game to be increased in difficulty.. Some of us enjoy both views, simple as that. Still, not a fan of people being able to see over walls and around corners though. I hope it gets fixed... If it doesnt and my only choice to get away from this is to play first person only servers... Id rather just deal with the people who use 3rd person specifically for the advantage against another player.. Theres more to the game than just worrying about the other person or infested imo. With alot of those things, I like the change in view..
  20. cels

    Melee swing hit area

    I havent dont too much testing so im not sure if its definite or not. With any melee weapon, is it if you dont have the dot on the target, it wont hit them? Tried a little purposely not hitting a infested with the little dot on them and seemed to be counted as a complete miss.. My suggestion would be that the full swing area of the animation(or maybe just on a x axis) be counted as the hit area. Sorta a cone area in front of the player more so than just the dot. Maybe if you do hit with the little dot on the target it would just be hitting harder.. Just yeah, would seem alot more realistic.
  21. cels

    It has happened...

    Infested needs to be very difficult.. If they are just a nuisance, that sucks.. Imo they should be bad enough that you can unload with a m4a1 and still have infested be a issue. Large groups too! Someone running solo should have a huge problem.. In a group it should at least be somewhat of a issue.
  22. Gear or not, Nothing will keep someone from killing on sight if thats what they want to do. You can start tracking stats which.. maybe those who likes looking at stats wont want to see their stats showing friendly kills or what not.. But outside of that, you can have gear handed to you and you will still shoot the guy in the back if you wanted to.
  23. cels

    More survival features?

    Off topic sorta... Im pretty sure it was said that foot prints would be noticeable on some terrain.. I think
  24. pretty much.. and that would probably be the least of the things derogatory.. Now if they want to put a set of markings that you can spraypaint.. Then I agree that would be nice....... Although im sure someone would still end up drawing a penis in a field with them... So yeah, probably not.