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Everything posted by cels

  1. The one down side is that it can give away who might be in the area or what kind of player. Say you just ran into some random player. They were cool, you got there name, you parted ways in different directions along the road. Not more than a minute later you see his name pops up that he was killed. You now know someone is in that direction not far from you.
  2. cels

    The new guns kinda suck

    Yeah I do sometimes. Mostly when new areas are put in to see what LoS is like in different spots and vantage points and what not. Havent messed as much with looking for gear but I did notices the zombies being upped some. Havent let them take a crack at me yet :P But they still planning the ones that will knock you down?
  3. cels

    The new guns kinda suck

    Wonder how that thought that this is a "pvp game" will be when guns and ammo become really hard to acquire and every other aspect of the games difficulty is increased. Theres a reason it seems that they constantly use the term "player interaction" when describing this game. When this game becomes difficult enough that shooting someone isnt the best option, possibly not even a option at all or one that would put you at a much bigger disadvantage since ammo wont be in surpluses like it is now. That it will likely lead you to quite a bit of infested chasing you. (I hope you dont miss your shot..) Having to interact with other players supposedly will become much more a need to actually survive in this game because of environment changes and the infested. Its in that time you have to come to deciding if that random person you will either trust or stab in the back, and hope they dont do it to you as well. Im sure you will have clans and groups who go out specifically just to hunt people down still and will make survival easier.. It just wont be as easy as it is now. They also seem to be bad at hiding their stash most of the time :) Personally im going to make a prediction here on future posts you will see when this game gets closer to full release from those who look just to pvp. You will see alot of post coming up along the lines of "why make so many guns in this game if its impossible to find them?" Im a KoSer/bandit myself and im looking forward to when it actually becomes challenging to play that way.
  4. cels

    First Balancing pass on firearms

    That as well.. Straight out running around just to pvp is going to be much more harder to do once they balance the central loot economy(outside of making the environment and zombies more dangerous).. Its not going to be die, run around for a hour and be almost geared back up to just look for other people to take out. Surviving is going to be much more difficult. Alot of items are going to be made alot more rare that dealing with zombies and the environment is going naturally become alot more difficult. More so even when they do increase the difficulty of them both outside of this. This is where Hicks even suggests player interaction will become its most dangerous, "as the zombies, and other environmental hazards of surviving in Chernarus evolve to become even deadlier, they will push players to interact with each other. Be it friendly, or otherwise - thats when the real magic of DayZ happens." Will people still go after other players? I dont doubt it.. But its probably either going to be the guy trying to punch you out that just respawned or its going to require players to interact more than just firing shots from the treeline. Im sure it will still happen, just not as much as now. Imo, I believe the changes in the future will make the bandit or KoSer to be much more challenging which is good. Kinda easy right now just waiting for someone to run by.. Youll have to get close and gain peoples trust and after you get what you need... well then, will have to see :)
  5. Sorry yeah my fault, i was thinking it was probably going to be misread because how I had it... The first line "To put it another way, if they made it so you couldnt kill other people, the infamous pve servers that for some weird reason a few wants. Than players will no longer be your biggest threat." Was the only part I meant as far as on the topic of pve servers The second line "They can make zombies extremely difficult, way more than now.. Would you still hand your extra gun to some random person if they said they will help you kill the zombies?" was meant as in the servers types we have now.
  6. They could also just take it and pop you in the back a few times while you are shooting zombies =p
  7. To put it another way. If they made it so you couldnt kill other people, the infamous pve servers that for some weird reason a few wants. Than players will no longer be your biggest threat. They can make zombies extremely difficult, way more than now.. Would you still hand your extra gun to some random person if they said they will help you kill the zombies?(not meaning on a pve server)
  8. "can we go back to the DayZ when zombies where the problem?" When were zombies the problem? The player has always been the problem more so. Or as Hicks puts it, "the real threat". Thats just how im looking at it.. Maybe I am wrong.. They can implement and make zombies hordes impossible to kill unless you have at least 5 people... But whos to say 2 of those 5 doesnt decide to kill the rest and take all the gear for themselves afterwards.. The biggest threat to me will always be the player I dont know. edit: not sure how i highlighted that....
  9. Look at the question hes replying to .. The guy thinks zombies were what was difficult in this game... If you really believe that, let me borrow your handgun a second :) Zombies will most likely be made very very difficult.. But trusting another person? Something that seems is going to possibly be much more necessary when they add more difficult survival elements to the game. I can run from zombies. I cant always keep my eyes on the guy next to me.
  10. All Hicks seems to be saying to the guy is the zombies were never the real threat. Which is true.. At least imo.. I dont recall anytime back in the mod when zombies were the problem as the guy asking the question seems to be saying.. Its always been the player. Im sure zombies are still being made to be a pain in the ass.. Just yeah.. Other players, you never know what they will do to you or if you should even trust them because they can turn around any second and shoot you in the back.
  11. cels

    First Balancing pass on firearms

    Vague enough that when I first read the tweet I thought they meant balancing the amount of firearms on the hive..
  12. One thing I would like to be brought into the game is items that you carry effecting the amount of noise coming from you. I just dont find it very realistic that I can have multiple cans of food, bullets, canteens, tools, etc., in my bag making it almost completely full. At the same time making the same amount of noise of someone with just a banana on them. Someone with every slot filled should be making way more noise than someone who has nothing on them. Maybe what they should do is assign sound characteristics for materials like plastics and metals hitting against each other. The more of these items you carry in the same pocket or in your backpack, its adds a +1 to the sound your character makes while moving. For example.. Say you have a can opener, 2 cans of food, and a canteen in your backpack. That would be a +3 to metal sounds and +1 to plastic sounds hitting together coming from you.. The larger the number gets the more noise you make from those sounds. If your running at full sprint. It should add much more noise to the items you have. Same with being stealthy should reduce it.
  13. All I know is, if someone is running at full speed with a cooking pot in their backpack, cans of food, and loose ammo in a ammo box. You shouldnt be sounding very stealthy..
  14. Yeah, maybe not exactly how I say, but you guys get the idea. Running around with different amounts of items in your pockets and backpack should make some amount of noise depending on what it is, how much youre carrying and how you are moving be it normal pace, fast, or slowly. I would hope this is planned in someway.
  15. I think headshots required to kill infected would be a good defining characteristic for a "hardcore" mode. Thats only if it wouldnt pass for being on every kind of server which is what I would want to really happen... What it comes down to is this.. The infected is easy to deal with, they are pretty much just a nuisance... This would put them into being a much harder challenge which is what this game needs. My only worry shouldnt just be the other player.. It should be the environment and infested as well. You should be able to be completely geared to the teeth and still have alot of trouble with the infected.. I would go as far as saying a group of 3 to 5(maybe more) people geared to the teeth should have alot trouble if attracting quite a few. Going into places like Cherno or Elektro alone should be a definite death trap if youre not stealthy. Going with a few people should be extremely challenging as well. Last I checked, this game was sold as hardcore survival. I want it to be that way... That doesnt mean gearing up is easy and infested are a piece of cake. One thing they could also add is shooting or meleeing them in the leg slows them down a little? Hit to the torso sorta just stops them for a second as well would be nice.
  16. cels

    Threats and Challenges

    So i was thinking about this and the only real threat in this game currently is other players. Understandable that they are going to add more things later to make the game more difficult, but as it stands, the player will always most like be your biggest challenge. Actually, I would go as far as saying players only moreso just when ammo and weapons are at a abundance, something that supposedly will not be the case when this game goes live(as well with other items). Whenever this change happens, it might possibly create a need for the the players to become a smarter Bandit or KoSer. Ones that actually try to interact with you to get close and gain your trust since you wont be able to just fire a weapon from a distance in most cases. You could just try to chase down a guy but then you are a threat just the same as the infested that we already do circles around, maybe just a lil more dangerous. Granted, I do think a change like this is needed. Its just really easy right now to play the KoS/Bandit waiting game for the unsuspected victim to search a town unknowing to the fact that someone is watching their every move. Its going to bring a much needed challenge to KoSing and being a Bandit. I would still consider the player to be the biggest threat though, even with the reduction of weapons and ammo available because you just never know what that random guy who joined the group will do. It brings the trust game more into play. With this change going more towards player interaction and the threat of straight out pvp lessening some. Probably becoming a bit more psychological with how you decide to interact. I think a new threat would be nice to add a bit more to the difficulty of the game. Why not have roaming groups of npc bandits? Have them armed and moving around moreso near the inside of the treelines and forest areas. Maybe designed in a way that if they see a player is armed. The AI bandits will fire on them. If they see a player has no weapon in hand. They would moreso try and chase them down. If the player tries to run, maybe they could shoot for the legs. If the player doesnt run, they could just handcuff the player and put a bag over their head. While this is happening, they will take a random item or 2 from you and be on their way. This would up the challenge no matter if youre in a popular area or off in the corner town. This would also add more of a challenge to any server no matter how many real players are already on it. You could be the only person on the server and still have the threat of bandits. Just a idea, something that I think would bring more to the game.
  17. Also as well, servers cost money.. It might be years from now that it could happen(who knows when really) but the offical hives wont be around forever.
  18. I feel the same.. Theres been a few comments ive seen so far.. Weapons, ammo, canned foods. Those are on the list for items to become much more rarer. Seeing as crafted backpacks and such is starting to become a thing more, I would imagine alot of the noncrafted items will make it on that list as well. Its all suppose to start I believe when they begin balancing the hive and such. Im guessing this will probably be the earliest time we see a character reset as well.
  19. cels

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    I think some people look at "stable" as the benchmark of what will make it to full release. Have to understand even everything in the stable build isnt going to be how it is come beta. And once we are in beta, everything that happens in beta isnt going to be how it is come full release. As far as faith in the game goes? I still enjoying it while taking a break every now and then til more is released. Im in no rush. I already played more and enjoyed it more than enough for the amount that I paid for the game.
  20. Once it gets closer to beta you will have this.. Gearing up will become much much more difficult as this game gets closer to full release.
  21. I think alot of people are going to be annoyed once alot of items becomes alot more rarer than they are now.. Server hopping wont matter much because it will still be a pain in the ass, which to me, is good. Its way too easy to gear up even sticking to one server.. At first I would imagine server hopping is what some people will do when they cant find a weapon or item in the usual spots. Soon after im sure the complaining will come with not finding the items people were so easily to get now. The reduction of items and making alot of items alot more rare is going to make this game alot better, alot more hardcore survivalish, and alot more challenging.. Whenever items get back to respawning, I imagine it will be like the mod that you would do a triangle in searching areas to get gear instead of server hopping. Will some people be annoyed because they cant gear up quickly as they can now? Yes, but too bad.. It wont matter if youre on a full or empty server. This game isnt suppose to easy, that includes gearing up. Tbh, the most I ever found gear worth anything is also not at the their spawns. Its in the tents that people think they hid well because they didnt want to run around with the items or had too much on them already.
  22. I think its going to be much more interesting to "hunt" if they ever come through with blood trails and footprints like they spoke of before. As far as why as the OP stated? You just never know. I will let them be the first to show they dont plan to do me any harm if they see me first and make their intentions known. Outside of that, it will always be 50/50 on what could happen... What I have, whos nearby, what they have, whats been happening in the area, so on and so on... Theres alot of factors... All I know is... if i get a can opener... no one lives... =p
  23. I dont find it very hardcore survivalish that I can find 300+ rounds of ammo and multiple weapons pretty easily. Im happy if the change reduces this immensely. If it means it might be a possibility of a month or more of playing before I come across another m4a1(or any other), so be it. Will be even better if I only ever found 2 bullets for it.
  24. cels

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    All helis were in the mod and what they will be in the standalone is a easily followed trail to your camp for me to pillage. The same goes for any vehicle...
  25. cels

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    I think some are forgetting that its going to be extremely rare to have a helicopter engine to spawn. I mean extremely rare, less than a .005% chance from what it seems they were implying.. Word gets outthat a helicopter is up on a server, whoever has it is going to have lots of fun trying to hide it so someone doesnt come and steal their engine. Every server is definitely not going to be having a helicopter flying around because of the difficulty it will be to get the parts. That and i dont know where the OP got the idea that they will be armed helicopters but I didnt see anything said about them being "armed". Thats one thing alot of people need to remember... People need to remember that just because things are easy to find now, thats not how its always going to be... Finding weapons easily, running around with 300 rounds of every kind of ammo, tons of cans of food, helicopter engines(when they are implemented). Once they balance the hive sometime around beta, all these things are going to become very very rare. The items I mentioned so far has been confirmed to be made very rare, im sure theres tons more items that will be as well.