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Everything posted by Ganjastar

  1. Ganjastar

    Snipers ........its kinda like this.

    crawling in the open, without taking into consideration that the grass you are crawling through isn't drawn on the screen of anyone outside the 100ish feet of your location= priceless.
  2. Ganjastar

    PVE Servers

    dead island, killing floor, left for dead, and potential future mainstream cash-ins on dayz formula by large studios like EA, are your best bet. PvP is an integral part of the dayz experience, and it's here to stay.
  3. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    if you double click it and nothing happens, then yes, its installed properly. to run arma OA as admin, right click on ArmA2OA.exe, click properties, go to the compatibility tab. its near the bottom. I doubt your problem is with battleeye though. you probably messed something else up. if you still can't play i suggest you do a clean install following my steps. thats the best help i can offer.
  4. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    if you want a battleye installer, download the beta patch from step 7. unzip it. then right click the file you get, and unzip it again. you should then have 3 files, 2 of which are battleye installers. run them and you should be all good.
  5. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    my battle eye is in C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\BEsetup file is called Setup_BattlEyeARMA2OA.exe
  6. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    i prefer doing stuff manually, can't help ya if you don't follow the steps that work for me. not sure how you even know its a battleye error. if you mean that nothing happens when you click the batleye installer within the arma OA folder, thats normal, it means its already installed. battleye is installed by default when you download the game from steam and run it., and when you install arma 2 beta patches its installed again.
  7. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    1. download arma 2+operation arrowhead from steam. 2.go to http://us2.dayz.nu/latest/ and download all the rar files. 3.create a folder named @dayz in Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead 4.create a folder named addons inside the @dayz folder. 5. extract all the files from step 2 into the addons folder. (14 files all together) 6.download http://dayzmod.com/b...Build_94876.zip and install it. 7. go to Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta 8. copy all the files and folders and paste them into Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead 9.right click on arma : operation arrowhead in steam client, go to properties, click on set launch options and add: -nosplash -mod=@dayz -world=empty 10. right click on arma operation arrowhead and click launch arma 2 combined operations. ---------------------------------------------------------------- when new updates come, repeat steps 2 and 5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- when installing arma 2 beta patch updates: get them from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ always delete the beta folder mentioned in step 7, then do step 8 and 10. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Ganjastar

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    any news on this?
  9. Ganjastar

    Camo Clothing Location?

    since theyre not working properly, it makes sense that theyre removed atm.
  10. often they will be dead, they just do it out of habit. if they didn't die, then they spawn knocked out on the next server, and basically have to hope that they dont bleed out before regaining consciounsess, or they beg a firend to bandage them. the benefit to dcing is for them to get out before being shot. some poeple dc soo fast, that if you dont hit them with the first bullet, its too late. they make a macro key for alt+f4.
  11. Ganjastar

    Can'T run anymore

    its a known bug. you basically pressed zoom and the game glitched out. when this happens, pull out your flashlight, unzoom, and then you will be able to run again.
  12. Ganjastar

    Self-Administered Blood Transfusions

    self transfusion would make hunting obsolete. why would you waste ammo and risk geting killed while collecting meat, if you can heal any time with bloodbags that are easily atainable for freshly spawned characters. firefights would be ridiculous. wound someone, they hide for one second and get full health with a few mouse clicks. if you are getting hit by zeds and dropping to low blood levels, you deserve it, you made the mistake. be more careful next time, and you won't need self applicable insta health packs.
  13. Ganjastar

    What's the point?

    no. any server.
  14. Ganjastar

    What's the point?

    looks like you didn't do enough research before buying the game. looting, surviving, killing zombies and players. thats the bare bones of dayz. the game is saved everytime you disconect from the server with a live character. and you can do a lot without people. you just got the game yesterday. this isn't your regular video game. it will take you 20+ hours of playtime to get comfy with the basics, up to 100 hours to be an efficient player who can build a well equiped, self sustainable character in an hour or less, depending on the server. give it time, keep playing. or don't. its up to you. but don't expect instant gratification or traditional game goals from dayz.
  15. Ganjastar


    end game: build a tower out of windshield glass, then defend it from bandits.
  16. Ganjastar

    tiny question, friendly fire?

    tiny answer, this exploit/issue has been posted gazillion times.
  17. Ganjastar

    I hit the mother load...then bam

    yep. its super interesting to join a server, walk 3 hours to the airfield, only to find it looted by some dude who logged out on the airfield on some other server, and then proceeded to loot the server you are on, generously leaving you makarov ammo. its also great to shoot someone, have them disconect, server hop and kill you from behind. so immersive.
  18. Ganjastar

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    geez you noob. delete the beta folder found in operation arrowhead/expansion folder, install beta patch you want to use. profit.
  19. Ganjastar


    I've played the game for 300 hours, and I don't see surviving for 27 days in populated servers being very likely unless you: combat log, play on very low pop servers or count actual days, when having just a few hours of actual playtime. I could be wrong of course, but It just seems very unlikely from my experience. I mean, no matter how good you are, you are bound to get shot once. also, heli crashes are really good places to camp for easy kills, I don't see that as a risk free tactic at all.
  20. Ganjastar

    Question for the "Just play Left 4 Dead" crowd

    you don't understand the game. you are complaining about pvp, and stating that PvE or survival is challenging on its own. when in fact, the art of being good at this game is spending the least amount of time and effort on survival and PvE, and always being rdy for inevitable PvP encounters. other people are hell. learning how to deal with them in some way is what makes you a good DayZ player. not killing zombies and looting gear. those are beginer mechanics. this thread belongs in the new player section, imo.
  21. Ganjastar

    Cheaters that need to be put down.

    holy fuck will you dig that hole even more? rocket has stated that server hopping is an exploit. you are in the same league as scripters/hackers. just stop posting. the guys killed you with an exploit. they used older versions of the mod files to respawn on their dead bodies with full gear. its as easy to do as server hoping to flank people. owned by your own kind.
  22. Ganjastar


    cough* combat logger cough*
  23. Ganjastar


    no thx to any structured end game. its a sandbox. it needs to stay a sandbox.
  24. Ganjastar

    The first character

    play more, explore and don't get angry when you die. you will get better and better and the game will reward you for perservering :) thats the most satisfying way to play. don't read tips, don't take advice, just play as much as you can.
  25. Ganjastar

    People are assholes

    welcome to DayZ, you want some fries with those tears?