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Everything posted by Ganjastar

  1. Ganjastar

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    cool. thx for the report. ill be back to dayz once i finish risen 2. too far into the game now, and If i start playing dayz, ill never finish it :)
  2. Ganjastar

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    :) good that you found a place where to use the delicious tears meme. i hope it brought you joy as it does to me everytime I use it.
  3. Auge, send a private msg with as much evedence as you can gather to one of the forum mods. they will pass it on to the dev team and lets hope this server gets blacklisted. its the best you can do.
  4. Ganjastar

    People are horrible.

    welcome to dayz OP.
  5. Ganjastar

    What Happens if you dont save Vehicles

    it goes back to the last save spot after server restart i think.
  6. Ganjastar

    How do you get to the NW Airfield?

    yes people walk there all the time unless they have vehicles. which are rare, hoarded by clanies and cheaters. if you don't like walking, you won't be playing dayz for very long. its not called a walking simulator for no reason.
  7. google is your friend nubs :D http://files.dao.nu/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_95054.zip
  8. yawn. there's a sticky thread for this topic for a reason.
  9. what kind of reply are you expecting? i don't see any questions in your post. if you are worried about getting banned for picking up a hacked weapon, don't be. you only get banned for actual hacking. not looting hacked corpses or stuff that cheaters spawned.
  10. Ganjastar

    I hit the mother load...then bam

    you're calling me a carebear for being against exploits? lol i'm a bandit PK'er. i couldn't be further from a carebear. server hopping for loot and kills, and combat logging are publicly recognized exploits by the comunity and the dev team. the fact that the abuse of these exploits became a part of gameplay for the majority atm, doesn't change that its still an exploit.
  11. Ganjastar

    Can I run Day-Z?

    2ghz cpu and a low end old generation gpu with shared ram. imo, don't bother with dayz on that rig. also, wahts up with buying the game then asking will it run? lol
  12. Ganjastar

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    im catching up on other games till its fixed then. i just found the l85 aws the day before the update that broke it...
  13. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    right click on operation arrowhead and then click delete local content. after that go to the steamapps folder and delete operation arrowhead folder to be safe.
  14. Ganjastar

    Go Prone .. Break a leg?

    dont go prone on steep hills, near walls, near doorways, near rocks, near anytihng that isnt a flat surface with enough space around you to move freely.
  15. Ganjastar

    Global Ban Due To Item Chest Bug

    its been confirmed multiple times by devs, using hacked weapons doens't get you banned, spawning them does. if you find a hacked box and loot it, you won't get banned. OP=fail that we have seen many times here. buy the game again and this time don't hack.
  16. Ganjastar

    Need help please read!!!!

    all that rig needs is 4gb ram. it will run dayz fine at med to high settings. i have a gtx 260, which is a bit older gpu then 5770, but they are are very close in dx9 performance, and i can run the game fine at a mix of medium and high settings at 1680x1050.
  17. PM this to mods, don't post links. you are giving free advertisment to hackers
  18. Ganjastar

    PVE Servers

    ye we all liked PvE for the first few hours. until we got better at the game. then you realize that the end game is PvP interaction. be it attempting to gain friends and hunting bandits/doing social interaction with PvE, or going full PK style, and everything grey in between. you really haven't spent enough time with the game and familiarized yourself with the game mechanics enough if you are propagating PvE servers.
  19. Ganjastar

    Very Hostile Playerbase

    few days and you had the gear that i and many can get in 1h on average? no wonder you are feeling attached to your character. play more, and losing a guy like that won't even phase you.
  20. you should know by now that poeple love complaining in the forums. don't let that get you down. a lot of us will help and test and never complain. ;)
  21. you didnt log out. thats a giant step towards manhood. congrats.
  22. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    arma 2 is fine since nothing dayz related ever goes into the arma 2 folder. so just unistall operation arrowhead from steam, make sure to delete the whole folder from steam afterwards just to be safe. then redownload it. try running it without dayz, if it works, then go through the steps i posted. if you are still out of luck, send me a private msg and ill try to help you out.
  23. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    you could uninstall dayz files, clear the lauch options tab. if you have installed a beta patch over the main game folder (steps 7 and 8), then just verify cache integrity on operation arrownead: right click, properties, local files tab, verify cache. steam will then redownload the default game files, should be only a few megabytes. then you should be on a clean install. the crucial word being should, cause i have no idea what you could have messed up in between. if that won't work you really will need a clean install.
  24. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    well then, just unistall the game, and follow all the steps in my post. i updated it with the steps i forgot. However, before you go about installing dayz, try just running arma combined ops right after installation. it could be that your pc has an issue with the game all together. this will save you some time.
  25. Ganjastar

    im sure this is getting old.....

    okay, I think i missed a couple of instructions. you have the steam version of arma combined operations, which is arma 2+operation arrowhead? right click on arma : operation arrowhead in steam client, go to properties, click on set launch options. add this there: -nosplash -mod=@dayz -world=empty. then to actually play the game you need to right click on arma operation arrowhead and click launch arma 2 combined operations.